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KV Jun 2022
Death proposed to me last night

We met
In a field of branwen
Not a soul in sight
Just them
Silhouetted in shadows and sorrows
Within the murky black night

Death proposed to me last night

they kissed my hand
And asked if I
Would like to be
their lovely bride

Death proposed to me last night

I intertwined
their hand in mine
As I rapturously whispered
I will be your wife

Death proposed to me last night

they pulled me close
And wrapped their cloak
Of sadness and sorrows
Around us both

And while the cloak
Fought the chill from my bones
We walked
Hand and hand
Soul and soul

Over the threshold
Into the unknown
jaden Nov 2021
i keep watching my head get blown off in living color
sitting on a bench in 42 degree weather and across the platform there’s me
head firmly attached to neck
neck firmly attached to shoulders
and a resounding boom.
the train rushes by and i’m gone and back on this side of the platform there’s me
head firmly attached to neck
neck fully attached to shoulders
and a ring building in my ears.
i keep watching my head get blown off in black white
in the middle of the night and under the covers
i am shaking
head attached to neck
and neck to shoulder but i am shaking because
i keep watching my head get blown off
i am doing better it was just a rough time
Sharon Talbot Oct 2021
When we were children
My sister and I rejected
The role of princess.
They were pretty but weak--
Always needing to be rescued!
And we preferred the chiseled faces
The greater command of queens.
We stood on our beds at night,
Wool blankets turned to velvet capes.
And we declared our power
In broad, silly proclamations
Such as “Queen of the Dolls”!
Or Rulers of the Woods
That stretched off to the east
Of our little house,
That became a castle
Guarded by hooting owls
and Baskerville hounds.
Arms outstretched, our capes
Made leaping sparks
And we shouted in our glory.
After tiring of commands
We launched ourselves into the air
And for a moment, ruled the earth,
Suspended above our queendom
Until we fell onto our beds
And laughed with joy,
For were we not landing
On stacks of feathers,
Piled high to avoid a pea,
Laid there just for us?
Memories of fond, brief moments, when my sister and I were transcendent.
McKenzie I Sep 2021
An orchard in the sky,
Of clementines,
fruit abounding,

little brothers,
All stir
In the direction of
Laying down,

Every family,
picks fruit from the orchard,
One by one,
until there’s
but a blueberry
with stars filling in

All heads
Hit pillows
Fold over shoulders
Eyes close to
loved ones,
stuffed creatures,
and favorite toys

They all
give in
to the steady
of nights
in Suburbia
JT Jul 2021
It may be true
that songs of ancient lovers
are stranger than pulp.
A sanctuary in the far fences of mind.
Tessa Savanna Jul 2021
Your eyes tell,
Your smile shows,
That you wished to give us time,
To start again,
To love again,
Under different circumstances,
With no limits,
With no hindrance,
But with the same person,
With the same feelings,
A chance to live
A chance to love,
alura Apr 2021
how could we be under the same stars
when you made entire worlds without me?

how could we be under the same stars
when my tears flooded whole galaxies?

how could we be under the same stars
whilst you watch them from your room

yet im laying on a bench in the bitter cold
waiting for a taste of poisonous fumes?
inspired by a late night smoke watching the stars, i suppose it was easy to feel so small under a sky so ******* beautiful.
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