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Vladimir Lionter May 2020
Memory of the great has been for ages.
Antonio Neto was of the great.
The Angolians adore both him and his
Being a chief, a patriot, a poet.
He build hope for peaceful tomorrow
On his southern country’s ruins.
He realized Marx’ policy without war
Diluting it by afro’s nuisance.
He died as a hero and far off his
Family and his people dear
Having left ideas to all his scions
Having fulfilled dream. Freedom’s here.

Великих вождей вспоминают в веках –
Таким был Антонио Нето!
Ангольцы носили его на руках –
Вождя, патриота, поэта!
Он строил в развалинах южной страны
Надежду на мирное завтра!
Политику Маркса вводил без войны
С своими оттенками афро.
Он умер героем вдали от семьи,
Вдали от родного народа.
Оставив потомкам идеи свои,
Мечты воплотил. Свобода!

Translator - I. Toporov

— The End —