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The wind was howling,
the moon was glowing,
and me?

Trying to glimpse
the stars,
hiding from me.
trying to reach for something just beyond me.
Ankush 2d
A lovely she is..
I watch her all day.

From dawn to next day,
I wait in dismay.

Each sunset I stare,
My white window's view.

I can not find her.

Each night i spent,
And of each day's lament,
More i want to know,
The meaning of the white,
Window engraved.

This white wall ,
And the white window.

It's too shiny,
The bright coating.
Its viscous colour,
Dripping ,
drop by drop,

I can't seem to break by,
Halting and trying,
rock by rock.

I do have a chair to rest,
But I wait for her,
By window's view ,
& I wait.

I do have the other wall,
I do have another window,
But I can't seem to make myself
Break through the white wall,

While by the moonlight,
I stare her shadows engraved.

Why this white wall,
Seems a storm to the
Beautiful rainbow,
And if i all i could is wait
Then Why is this white window?

A lovely she is..
I watched her all day.
A hush upon the water’s crest,
where morning spills in golden rest,
a figure drifts in light’s embrace—
a dancer poised in fluid grace.

She bends, she sways, a feathered sigh,
her alabaster wings comply,
each ripple waltzes at her feet,
as if the lake and she compete.

No step misplaced, no hurried flight,
she moves as if she weighs but light,
a whisper in the dawn’s repose,
where every motion softly flows.

Yet in the dusk where moonlight wanes,
another shadow breaks the chains.
A glint of coal, a sharpened glide,
a phantom in the silver tide.

Her beauty sings a darker song,
a wilder pulse, both fierce and strong.
No fragile twirl, no measured bow—
she rules the water, here and now.

She cuts the lake with silent power,
the night bends low, the stars turn sour.
A haunting echo in her wake—
a ghost of grace, a breath to take.

One swan to soothe, one swan to strike,
one day, one night, both wrong, both right.
Two echoes spun from fates untold—
one draped in white, one cloaked in gold.
Sara was the designated babysitter in the neighbourhood
She was booked solid for two months, she was that good
All the parents loved her because she was a sweet girl, saving up for college
She would study and read, soaking up all knowledge
This helped with the difficult children, like the Milton’s twin sons
They were hellions who would run around shooting off their, pretend, guns
Sara was asked to babysit them Saturday night
It’s a huge mansion, with glass walls & always gives Sara a fright
But they always gave her quite a bit of extra money
That night she gave the boys a treat, two cookies with oats & honey
With the boys in bed she decided to watch a movie, when she heard a bang
When she went to check it out, the phone rang
“Have you checked on the children?” this creepy, deep voice said
She checked on the boys, they were fine sleeping in their bed
So Sara went to check all the doors and windows, making sure they were locked
Then as she sat back down, on the front door someone knocked
Sara, with caution, looked through the peephole
There was no one, not a soul
A little spooked, she decided to get a book and quietly read
The phone rang and again the deep, creepy voice asked the question, filling Sara with dread
“This isn’t funny, who are you?” she pled
But the line went dead
She checked on the boys once more, they were sound asleep
She figured it was just some immature creep
The phone went off, with the same question
She texted a friend, she wrote back to ring the police for a trace, it was a good suggestion
Sara phoned the police and asked them if they could please trace the call
The guy phoned, asking the same question with a drawl
She was waiting for the police to respond, when she heard a noise on the second floor
Sara became scared to her very core
When the phone went off, she picked it up & the officer told her with urgency
That the calls were from inside the house, Sara tried to ring the Milton’s number for an emergency
But they didn’t pick up and then all of a sudden everything went black
When the Milton’s finally came back
The boys were fine, but no sign of Sara, so they searched the entire house
In the east guest room, strangled, bruised and dead, she was found by Mr. Milton’s spouse
Behave and check the children if you dare
So ends this tragic tale

Based On An Urban Legend
Just an Urban Legend based of the story of The Babysitter
I am not alive, although I am not dead
I need to sleep in a coffin not on a normal bed
I can also sleep in my earth’s dirt & mud
I don’t eat food, i feast on warm, juicy blood
I have very sharp, pointy fangs that glisten in the light
The only problem is, I can only come out at night
I dare not go outside in the day as i burn in the sun
But surprisingly I do have all sorts of fun
I am classified with other mythical creatures
I don’t believe, I know I have beautiful features
I have decades of knowledge; so, I tend to be smart
I can be killed by a sharp stake right through to my heart
I can also die if you cut my throat or cut off my head
I can make you feel either desire or dread
And hell no, I do not sparkle, I am a the macabre & heartless
I am a vampire; and I reign the darkness
Can you guess before the end
Grey Feb 27

The commonest emotion

I've seen ,heard and felt

Pitiful if you ask me

It's beginning blinds us so

That the middle and end is a blur

Just another page we've torn of our lives

The greatest of them fall

So why bother then

It's simple

It's hope when there's non

Even the most eloquent or the majority

Do promises such pleasure

But I haven't seen one
That met such expectations

Just like our fingers

We can't be loved the same

One could be broken person

who is promised a good stitching

Other needs a sense of completion

The purpose of it is still a mystery

That its not worth holding my breath for.
Eliana Knight Feb 27
Im the daughter of a well-to-do businessman
He remarried, of my stepmother, I was not a fan
My sister & I were popular, engaged in charitable work
I taught Sunday school to children, which was a perk
I had a religious upbringing with the local church
My father felt his good name I would one day besmirch
For I went on outings unaccompanied by a male escort
I am stubborn & independent was my retort
Thursday morning my older sister & father were gone
Father came home, while I was out on the lawn
When I came inside I saw father on the lounge dead
Later the maid found his wife on the floor by their bed
Both were struck in the head with a sharp axe
She got eighteen, while father received eleven whacks
I was arrested charged with their ****** but no trial
For the men believed a woman couldn’t fit the profile
I was found not guilty and inherited the house & fund
But by society my sister, Emma & I were still shunned
Many believe & accused me of Abby and fathers death
As I walk by they mumble & snicker under their breath
Some theories were my uncle Morse or the maid
That she was my lover, that Abby and Father were dismayed
Abby apparently caught us both, in the barn at the back
And forced me to become a horrible, murdering maniac
Could I, Lizzie Borden, a woman, be so depraved?
Well only I will know & the secret I will take to my grave.
I know its dark, but i found the case very interesting so i wrote a poem about it, i hope you enjoy it.
Eliana Knight Feb 26
I smell the living and turn savage
I catch them then ravage
I think my flesh is becoming rotten
I can’t think and so much I have forgotten
I don’t understand why I am so hated
I do not rest even when sated
I am a hideous sight
I walk around day and night
I go around eating brains
I do not get sick when it rains
I actually don’t get sick at all
I have parts of my limbs that tend to rot off & fall
I was bitten and that’s how I was created
I can still be animated even when decapitated
I can be killed by a shot in the head...
I am a zombie, also known as the living dead.
I think this one is too easy lol
The streets were wider
Now they're narrow
I would go
To the place of mystery
Is gone

Truths revealed
The wide-eyed wonder
Of a child has seen
Into the eyes
Of that distant dream
I had dreamt
The visions
Of a peaceful life

I live
The remnants
Of that child's
Dreams come true

Take my hand
And take my feet
On the paths
That no one
Has tread before
No one knows the pain
That dreamer's feel

I cross these rivers
Deep and wide
I search through
Valleys deep and wide
The other side starts
Where each new day begins

Now today
I will walk the streets
Of yesterday have passed
Into a new beginning
Is in what I see

From the bridges
On the rivers
That flow from yesterday
It's clear
That I am dreaming
My reality

Dreams are real
Make them happen
As a child
Plays the games
That are reality
At any age.
©2017 Daniel Irwin Tucker

Lyrics to a song i wrote & recorded
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