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Jason May 2021

I was never sure if she was
locked away in a tower somewhere

Or if she was the dungeon master
and I was the one on the rack

Jason May 2021

Salt in a sea of pain
Vast, deep, and pure
Ocean of tear-fallen rain

© 05/26/21 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved
Jason Jul 2021

Circumstance-severed ties
Shine like fugazi
Labor under lies
Instead of being, set free

Smothered in shadow
Beneath that Giving Tree
Struggling to let go
The aftermath of deceit

Falling for the untrue
Failing my destiny
Calling out for proof
Smoke-signaling my sanity

© 07/05/21 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved
Jason Jul 2021

Bury me beneath assumption
Obfuscate me behind illusion
Crush me under false proof
I'd love to be lost in your confusion
Where each epiphany and every realization
Is you

© 07/16/21 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved.
Jason Apr 2021

In sweltering sun love sprouting
Light rain falls
Gently nourishing

Flowering despite autumn's chill
Struggling to survive
Thriving still

Flourishing cloaked in winter's cold
In the darkness of the soul

Warm thaw brings new growth
Humid heat inflaming
Inspiring passions oath

Fierce frost freezes tears
Discord reaps only stress
As baleful blizzard nears

Condensing spring-dew clouds form
Lightning racing
Lacing the summer storm

With autumns leaves fall our dreams
Drowned silent
Deep in icy cold streams

Blossoms wilt as the winter sky fades
Denied warmth
Given too much shade

Life will show us incredible beauty and replace it with indescribable sadness. Impermanence is the only permanence.
It is this transience itself that makes all of our experiences so vitally important, so beautiful.

Mono no aware describes both an appreciation of this beauty and a gentle sadness at the ephemeral nature of existence.
It is generally regarded as nearly impossible to translate, but I have done my best lol. :p

I wrote this as an homage to a very important person/relationship.  I have struggled most of my life to overcome the loss of this person's friendship, and this concept has helped me begin to view this in a way that I can actually process.

I attempted to capture the beauty, love, strife, and sadness of this experience in a 'mono no aware' style with senryus for this reason.

I rewrote this one a bit so I am shamelessly reposting. ;)

© 04/17/21 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved
Jason Apr 2021
The things I miss the most
From the life we never lived
Jason Oct 2020
Hell threatens no pain,
I have suffered it all.

Death hides no fears,
I have seen them all.

Anger hoards no fury,
I have wasted it all.

Life offers no fire,
I have burned it all.

Longing loses no sorrows,
I am them all.
© 1996 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved
Jason Apr 2021
Time is always in the past

Even now

Is in the past


All the years I will spend waiting

Will eventually be one with

All the years I have spent waiting

Still, I will wait

Very Zen...

But it's not because I am patient

I am not a patient boy  hums Fugazi

Or some studied guru or master of meditation

Nor am I Rip Van Winkle, for that matter

But if you ask me if I'm waiting, the answer is as it has always been:

Yeah, I'm waiting....

For you
Jason Apr 2021
You might have been second in line,

But you were never second place.

Someone once said to me that they felt like they were second place in my heart.
This couldn't be further from the truth.
There is no second place in my heart.
It's more like a club than a finish line.
You have VIP access.
Jason Apr 2021

You were never supposed to be a guest star.

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