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Faizel Farzee Dec 2020
How dark the world as night still approaches, I look at graves
our morals we ghosted.
Left infested infesting our spirits, digesting our light in decay its invested.
Are we wicked? Or Bested?
By the trickery of the world molested. A feathered pillow lie our heads we rested.
Standing on the precipice of breeding pessimists born into a age of information yet still ignorant.
Oppressively with kids needing therapist.
To cope in a world of divided ugliness
This where the drug reaches, grabs hold until you defeated beaten broken to pieces, Leaves
Alone, lonesome no one knows loneliness as it knows you.
This a lying truth obscured by the lies in truth with the untruth that it brings. Lies without wings, a melody of deceit.
Thoughts butcherer till our ends we meet.
This the sad reality, life our chauffeur while we strapped to the passenger seat.
All we truly have, are  our own beliefs and that beating vessel in our chest. A pulsating heartbeat
We just passangers on a journey
A wicked ride
We chase rollercoasters
When we on one all the time
That's for you to decide.
The apple of my eye
The sun in my sky
Even though it feels like needles in my nerves
I keep those memories close by
On my toast I’m smearing strawberry preserves
The day that I’ve gotten justice is the day he’ll get what he deserves
I’m manifesting my own death
Fantasizing taking my last breath
I can’t melt my favorite wax cubes because all they do is remind me of you
I can’t listen to my favorite song because all I hear when I listen is your sweet little voice singing along
His heart was in my wallet
I’m crying cause I called it
I wrap an arm around myself in attempts to find some solace but I’m missing my other half
I tell myself I know where I’m going but I’m scared to continue down this dark and narrow path
But I know I’ve got to be strong
I don’t want to be where I don’t belong
I swear these days are getting real long
I don’t like to admit when I’m wrong
Bhill Oct 2020
man, without wisdom, is uncivilized
understanding how to decide and teach
are we headed backward or forwards
the future, currently exists, only in our minds
do, or will we, have the vision to move
to move past the present, into the future?
((ouch)), (my brain exploded)....))

Brian Hill - 2020 # 295
Joaquin Armijo Oct 2020
My silly little days
Passing by
Bit by bit smaller
Bit by bit more sad

Sometimes I wonder
If I can go on
No, not even that...
Is it worth going on?

Honestly now, I do not know
My silly little tasks
Keep me moving on
Like a puppet, not by choice
But to keep the charade up
Just a little more

But sometimes
Just sometimes
Days come by
Days I can’t stand
And I cry, and cry
But I’m not sad

Move on

I just need those days
And my strings, for a moment
They loosen up
And let me breath
A little more
a poem about the everyday
Wondering in lucids;flowing on Goosebumps!
This is just not about lucids.It's all on what matters for us.anything that makes us get up out of our bed & embark getting a change in daily routine & keep everything restrained.What makes you intense to feel something deeply that leads your brain to send energy to the universe?
I woke up;
Thinking back on last night in abrupt
Wondering if time is so sharp
Sounds like you need to kick your mind to Say:
Stand up;
Find your clue,
Nothing could make you stop!
Hope note 4!
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