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Melo Aug 2020
I emerge from underneath the ground
Dust off the dirt on my body and hair
When was the last time I came up for air?

I walk down the street and realize I’ve missed so much
My friends and family are different, grown, changed
The job I have has piled up more and more tasks, I guess I missed them

I make it home, it’s the one thing that hasn’t changed
The same rooms the same furniture the same clothes
When I look in the mirror I see a sorry face.
When was the last time I saw myself?

I keep walking in a dizzy haze
It’s all so different, I’ve missed so much of the world and the people I knew

I crave something familiar
Something comforting
So I turn my back on the world passing me by

I go back underground
Rahama Aug 2020
It's been a while
I know
I remember
It's just that time flies so fast
And somehow I lost myself
And my bearings
And my visions
These days I wake up and I forget to pray
My thoughts immediately flying to all the things that need to be done
Problems that need to be solved
But in the midst of it
It became too much
So I ran
And now I'm back

I missed you
You were my source of release
The lifter of these burdens
Did you miss me?
Did you miss hearing me whine?
About every little thing?
Did you miss the way I would twist my words until they sang a deliberate melody?
I hope you did
Cause I missed you
And hopefully I'm back for good.
Hello my HePo Fam. I have missed you❤️
S Aug 2020
I want to write you messages
on small pieces of paper
and put them in the corners
of the advertisements on the A train
in the hopes that you will see them
and recognize my handwriting
and think of me.
Paul Quinton Aug 2020
It did not happen
    it would have happened
        it could have happened
            it should have happened

It did not happen
longing for unrealized possibility
Mrs Timetable Aug 2020
The scent I miss
Not for reasons of bliss
But simply this

The scent of old paper
To read a new caper
Or of the candlestick maker

So many worlds to explore
You even had a second floor
I miss you old bookstore
Online shopping stinks when you can’t smell the paper
Hazel grey Jul 2020
I am sitting by a shore
watching the waves come by and leave
I want them to touch me
dissolve me into tiny molecules
mingling and amalgamating
with each of theirs
dancing into a whole new universe
But the waves always miss me
By an inch
reminding me of all the things
i "just missed".
Poetic T Jun 2020
His slippers still in the corner,
           I wear them sometimes
scuffing along.

I'll fill these empty shoes  
                              one day,
           making you proud.
Karijinbba Jun 2020

Poem lyrics dedicated to Karkjinbba
in memory of pjc-rkrdd interstellar
Traveler on another mission.
'm jealous of the rain
That falls upon your skin
It's closer than my hands have been
I'm jealous of the rain
worshipping in ground as you may walk on splattering all down

I'm Jealous of the waves at sea that rock your boat with her not me
spilling out on you our old wine reserved for us to spill on each others unintended wounds

I'm jealous of the wind
That ripples through
your clothes;
the exotic perfume aromas
you bought for me alone
but now she wears.
along with my diamond heart ring.

I'm Jealous of the way she combes her hair each night
looking in our ancient
mirrored vanity desk

While you looking at her
moon light to guide
may you look at me
my stary constellation
sky high glide  

I am jealous of the tennis rocket
you swing to her meant
to swing back to me
it's closer than your shadow
left behind to comfort me.

Oh, I'm jealous of the air you breathe in the same room, with her alone  dancing to songs
and tunes meant for us two alone
on your master lovely bedroom;
moving dancing rdd/bba style!

Still I wish you the best
all this world could give
Love of my life.

I wouldn't sacrifice my love and life for you again though;
instead, I would, earn your love,
right back forgive me sweet love divine elite great among great,
peace be with you

As I told you when you left
In every lifetime for another girl,
you leave me
all I wanted was an airline ticket
to fly to you in Carol Lumbard's skin

Dear runner mine
poverty was my foe I couldn't chase.
but I always thought you'd come back,
or even pick me up
on your limousine
for a joyful ecstacy filled ride!

Telling me all you found without me was heartbreak and misery!
Because darling that's all I found
without you.
It's hard for me to say,
I'm jealous of the way
You're h a p p y without meeee.

I'm jealous of the nights
That I don't spend with you
watching the billion stars from our bedroom bed with your patpapa
Aquarius and my Aries telescope.
I'm wondering
who you lay next to!
Oh, I'm jealous of those sacred nights.
I'm jealous of the love
your love that was all mine
gone for someone else to share.

I'm jealous of the love
cause I wished you too
the very best
all this world could give.
For Karijinbba
By: Kear and Natalie Hemby.
Copy Rights.
I have nothing to do with jealou malice or
Jealousy is a very distractive emotion
And if I had to be jealous of another woman
Something was really wrong with our relationship.
I was hurt still i wish you well instead but not jealous I let you go
your happiness was above and beyond my own for I loved you the.most in the whole wide world for I forgave you the most
beth haze Jun 2020
Walking into the house of someone we don’t know
you can definitely tell right away
this is not my type of crowd.
Following your friend around we made it to the backyard
sitting on a couch outside on that cold August night.
Your other friend couldn’t stop messing around, he
was really getting on my last nerve now.
You’re watching us from across the table
beer in your hand and daggers shooting from your face but
you didn’t even try to put me aside to dance.
Face to the side and you start a conversation
with someone else while one of my friends drags me to the side
of the house and asks “Which one is it? Which one do you want?”.
How I couldn’t tell right then and there that I
was putty in your hands is beyond me since
I just wanted you to take me where the music wasn’t
too loud even if it was just to talk or stare at the sky.
But I barley saw you at all, looking grumpy all alone while
I was a rushed inside the house just a few rooms down the hall
holding my friend’s hair as she threw up from mixing too much.
Came across you again when it was time to leave,
forced to sit at the front since I was the only one
on her right mind and your friend didn’t want
to be bothered after finding out that you and
his girlfriend had stolen a bowl out of the house.
It was just us four in the car.
How I wish you had been sober that night,
talked to me even just for a little while.
Maybe I would of had the guts to kiss you in the corner
of the living room or held your hand later that night when
we walked side to side down the road whilst our friends
chased each other around.

  - why did it take me this long to figure it out?
This person has been on my mind lately, mostly 'cause I've done some realizing during quarantine brought by my subconscious, things that helped see this (and many other nights) clearer but I also been listening a lot to "Wish You Were Sober" by Conan Gray which happens to bring back the memory of this particular night every-time I listen to it.
Ayn Jun 2020
Sliding through salty waters,
Spray hitting my face
Each time I dip the paddle
Into the murky creek.

it’s so serene,
No people,
No yelling,
No sirens,
Just me and the geese,
And the wind.

Even though I’m thinking
About my next move,
You’re still there,
Lying, beautiful,
In the back of my mind.
Kayak is a palindrome.
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