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Alaina Moore May 2018
Skills we don't teach:
How to articulate
to someone you love,
at their weakest state.
In an empowering way;
Negating the overwhelming
you feel inside.
BSeuss Jul 2017
(At that time in life when you know you are ready, look into the mirror and say this. Repeat as necessary, only after you know you are ready to begin. If you say it once and you do not fully know, you will never know when you are saying it purely, with your heart and soul)

I know who I am because I know who I was; who I was was not.
To know who you are is to not defend yourself against assumptions
John Stebbins Jun 2017


Gently resting on the surface of the water.

Gently falling into its depths.



Held in its gentle embrace.

Surrounded by silence, stillness, darkness.

Not drowning, never drowning.

Becoming one...
  One with the water.
    One with the silence.
      One with the stillness.

One... with the darkness.



Inspired by a song I was listening to on my Stress Relief playlist on Spotify. Ubud, Bali May 2017. Find your embrace, your softness, your stillness. Learn to float and sink at the same time. Find your peace in the darkness and the light.
Damian Murphy Sep 2016
To our fears we could easily succumb
Or try our hardest them to overcome;
Choose to let them rule us and stagnate
Or use them to ourselves motivate.
For when we overcome our fears only
Can we be all we could possibly be.
colovaria Oct 2014
There's a girl sitting on the bank.
Should she jump?

There's a bank of your mind;
The precipice, wherein lies the thoughts best unseen, rather not thought about.
The unthinkable.

There's an abyss here
adhering to the sculpture of tears I'd rather hide.

A fall of lost work unappreciated and vain.
This would be be the last you would hear of me.
But I am not a warrior, or am I?
What does my survival deign?

This municipal pool of bedraggled thoughts
It's really wearing thin.
If I lose depth, will I lose myself?
I just can't tell anymore.

All in all,
This is too obvious.
Too simple.
There's only one solution.
I think sometimes we just need to pause. To breathe. Breathe in, breathe out. Feel the air on your skin. To just take a moment and not focus on anything but that breath. Nothing else matters. Take in your surroundings. You are here, in this moment right now, so experience it. Don't waste it thinking about past or future moments. Now is all that matters.
A very short piece inspired by my mindfulness practice.
Alexandra Maule Jul 2014
Delicately, I drop onto the canvas
With the grip of a barbed cactus
The sand shifts amidst my toes
And the sweet quiver as the air arose
As the night fades into pitch black
I feel a sensation to unpack
The time has arrived to release
All that has come without great peace
Taking my first step
I enter full dept
Breathing in the warm breeze
Just for the taste of bittersweet ease.
"Open your eyes,
And look at the skies,
For the past makes you willingly wise.
There is no time to run around,
You have done enough,
It's time to be crowned.
Take this hour,
You have earned great power,
To overcome the one last growler."
This is what I have to say,
To make my world no longer gray.
I hope you too, will take the time
For their will be so much to climb.
Tyler Cobain Jun 2014
The greatest skill I've attained
Is convincing people I'm okay.
It's a peculiar feeling
I surely sense I'm beginning to fray

Life is a disease
I self-medicate with drugs and alcohol
Taunted by the constant reminder that
We are not special

Just another reason to
Retreat further into one’s self
Making a more secure asylum
For what comes back from where I delve

I was confident in my sadness
Given it's my only talent
Others saw it as Melancholy Madness
With it I felt twisted and gallant

Living in the narcissistic megalomania state
From vitriol there's no solace
A fluid everlasting berate
Every utterance drenched in malice

This is my everyday
It's not pretty but it's home
Is it truely better to burn out or fade away?
Anyway I'm used to being alone

— The End —