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Wherds          Wirds

Arrgh                our

At                     ­   Rat

My                     Mye

Mer, sea            mercy

Words               Whords

Ah                             are

Rat                        rhat

Meye                     Mie

Merci                  mer see

Whirds              Wurds

R                                ­ar

Hat                           hgat

Mye                         mai

Myrhh c            murse sí
Having fun with pun intended....hahaha
eF Jan 2018
You want me to leave,
But you tell me to stay.
Tell me to pack my things,
But don't want me to runaway.
Tell me the things I do you hate,
But appreciate them
When it's too* *late.
Sebastian Jun 2015
Du sa mer i tystnad än i orden
Du gav ett namn åt längtan
Inget håller dig bunden

Det var mer än vad jag nånsin gjorde

Tog det första steget, jag förstår det
Man kunde visst ändå,
I rädsla finna modet

Det var mer än vad jag nånsin gjorde
swedish poem by me
CE Thompson Mar 2015
Si le sable tombait de sous mes pieds
comme j'etais courait vers tes bras,
je voudrais nage à travers la vaste mer
vagues me tirant vers le bas en l'obscurité.
j'etais dehors de toi
et pour tu, je chanterais
jusqu'à ce que ma gorge ne plus pourrait parler
et ma voix deviendrait le vent lamentations.
i am currently learning french.  i apologize if this is terrible french, i'm trying really i am.  i just thought poetry in another language would be really cool

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