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ce-walalang Nov 2020
...theory: there is a john mayer song for every stage in your life

...on always being told to stay inside the lines
...on living on your own for the first time
...on feeling like gravity wants to bring you down
...on wishing there is an over-the-counter test for your loneliness
...on wanting nothing more in life than to be 6yo again
...on fridays and going away for the weekend
...on finding love in a sandbox or a sidewalk
...on never going to find the perfect rhyme to heavier things
...on feeling like summer is what the whole year is all about
...on feeling like waking up is the hardest part of dreaming
...on dinnertime shadowing
...on being alright even when given an expiring ‘always’
...on never being scared to walk alone, and
...on never being scared to like it
...on pain throwing your heart to the ground, and
...on love turning it all around
...on being in repair, not together but getting there
john mayer
Colm Apr 2018
Have you ever had a song repeat?
And turn you a certin way?
For in passing I see
Now that Mayer maybe
When he said
"Would you say what you need to say?"

Such is a necessity
Sometimes I don't know how to say it. Or simply how to ask. Because I put on such a truly confident mask all the time. But at the end of the day, Im just like you. Very much imperfect in all things. *nod*
I'm always playing music
Alone on my guitar
I don't think I'll be famous
I'll never get that far
I play because I love it
I go from bar to bar
I sure don't do it for the money
I'm living in my car

I'm not sure if I'll make it
The right person must hear
The music that I'm making
Must ring true within their ear
In the clubs that I am playing
They serve shots and luke warm  beer
So the ear for which I'm looking
Is not to close to here

If I wanna be famous
And give my life a lift
There's just one way to do it
And that's by datingTaylor Swift
We'll hook up and we'll break up
I won't be with her long
Then she'll put out a new album
And she'll put me in a song
The only way to make it
And to give my life a lift
Is to go out and start dating
That singer....Taylor Swift

I sit home and I practice
In the front seat not the back
Remember, I'm living in my vehicle
Beside the railroad track
I don't have much there with me
My clothes fit in a sack
Maybe one day I will make it
And I'll give fame a crack

I may not be a Kennedy
Or , a big time movie player
But, I sure as hell look better than
That pretty boy John Mayer
I can't write my own music
I just cover other songs
The streets of fame are littered
By folks like me who don't belong
But one day, I'll just make it
And I'll prove them agents wrong
One day I will be famous
I'll be the topic of a song

If I wanna be famous
And give my life a lift
There's just one way to do it
And that's by dating Taylor Swift
We'll hook up and we'll break up
I won't be with her long
Then she'll put out a new album
And she'll put me in a song
The only way to make it
And to give my life a lift
Is to go out and start dating
That singer....Taylor Swift
Tulio Farias Apr 2015
Se que las palabras no bastan
Hay que completar con acciones
Porque decir te amo no es suficiente
El amor es un verbo

¿Habrá algún momento
en el que deje de pensar en ti?
Querer verte cada vez mas
Con que me hables seria feliz

No se en que terminará esto
Pero quiero saberlo
Estar solo contigo
Aunque sea por un momento

Que me cuentes lo que haces
Que desahogues lo que quieras
Ser el motivo de tu alegría
Y que solo para ti yo escriba "buenos días"

La admiración esta desbordada
Desde mi perspectiva
A veces me asusto
Pero he sido meloso toda esta vida

Esta situación es incomoda
Porque dispongo de todo
Tu no das nada
Y crean sueños rotos

Llegas de repente
Por acto del destino
Pregunto si es una oportunidad
O una experiencia que irá al vacío

Pero como decía antes
No todo son palabras
Hacen falta más acciones
Mas sorpresas inesperadas

Quizás es lo que falta
Para armar esta pieza
O un motivo más
Para que tu digas "no me interesa"

Pero no creo que tu esperes una
Porque ellas te esperan a ti
Tu vida a mi parecer es un tesoro
Y yo lo quiero conseguir
Estoy aprendiendo como...

— The End —