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Vale Luna Dec 2017
Mommy! Mommy! I'm crying!
Jumping in the rocking chair
Baby, sit down, stop your whining.
Tearing a stranger’s underwear

Mommy! Mommy! I feel sick!
Sharp words spoken through *****
Sweetie, would you stop your joking?
A freshly rolled joint made for smoking

Mommy! Mommy! I can't breathe!
Hysteria from the panic
Dearest, just take some pills, please.
On the drugs from the attic

Mommy! Mommy! My chest hurts!
Rapid pounding through the shirt
Honey, shut up, drink your bottle.
Alcohol straight from the nozzle

Mommy! Mommy! I'm choking!
Falling into a seizure
Darling, would you quit your moaning?
A midnight *****, all too eager

Mommy! Mommy! I'm bleeding!
The sound of terrified weeping
Sweetheart, all you need is some sleep.
Gone too high on amphetamines

Mommy! Mommy! I'm dying!
Skin starting to change color
Baby, lay down, stop your whining.
Forgetting to be a mother.
Eleanor Webster Nov 2017
Take me back
Where all is muffled
Lights filtered through meshed pink
Harsh sounds of existence slurred
Safe from harm

Ophelia, drowning in flowers
Escape a world I don't understand
Mottle my fingers I cannot see
Where I begin and the air ends

I wish to be this close to you again
Connected by a cord
That can never really be cut
Feed knowledge and experience
Into a pre-natal brain
Etch your wisdom into whorls
Thicken the pads on my fingers
Envelop me
The beginning and the end of my universe
My Dôn
Is it any wonder I cried when I left?

Take me back to a time before language
The only foetal words I know
Are the drum bass of my universe
I am, I am, I am,
And soon I will echo your confident staccato
I am, I am, I am
I wrote this for my mother when I was going through a really rough time. She's the one person who always knows what to say, and always stands by me. I'm eternally grateful for her.
Emma Haze May 2017
I feebly linger around different wards;
cardiac care,
   Then endocrinology,
        Psychology and counselling-
Maternity; I stop. Finally feeling less like an  extra on the set of a dreary movie and suddenly i feel present.

I know this hospital like the back of my hand but never had i truly acknowledged how much brighter it was on this side of the hospita- Too bright; i cant concentrate.

Everything seems otherworldly ; the sun casts a brightness over the ward making the harsh fluorescent lights less noticeable , the rain trickling on the tin-like roof, the sound of newborns crying desperately as they are forcefully removed from the comfort of their mothers' womb.

Without noticing i find myself standing by a young mothers hospital bed, probably no older than 19, her wavy hair drenched in sweat and her face flushed but peaceful. She holds her baby so close her iv must be on the verge of falling out but she is so overwhelming calm.

Tears sting my face. Only now the warm tears reminded how cold my skin was. She looks up, looking confused. "Promise me-t-that-you'll love your ch-child no matter what mistake-mistakes they make?"
S Smoothie Dec 2016
unmotherly love envelops you in all your childish ways
snickers and jealousy
emotional vampira
vacuous hole holding love at ransom
unmotherly mother
narcissim reigns over your sadistic ire
never satisfied
manipulation and cunning
pander them to exact perfect cuts of pain from me
but this is the last heart bleed
this the last compassionate faulter
I am no longer your prisoner
my babes are safe in bough of my loving arms
a million miles away from your strategic abandonment of me
your Radom spates of visitational cruelties
it spread a generation too far
you went too far
It will no longer reign
My humility is gone I am the best version of every dream you ever had
and I did it on my own
despite the cruelty of your cold
a lesson must be learned
now I'll show you a mother with a fierce love
the mother you choose not to be
a lioness crouched over her cubs guarded by claws
though capable as my other siblings seem to attest
you only have interests for their best
no more last
no more future
no more past
you don't hurt me anymore
my progeny will rise to all they aspire
challenged and sheltered  
all equally loved
a child can not be her own mother's mother
you are nothing I need, now nothing I want
my only regret is, that I didn't leave your black hole sooner.
My baby, my burden,
Tomorrow the morn
I shall go lighter
And you will be born.
I shall go lighter
And heavier too
For seeing the burden
That falls up on you
The burden of love
The burden of pain
I'll see you bear both
Among men once again.
Tomorrow you'll bear it
Your burden alone,
Tonight you have no burden
That is not my own.
My baby my burden
Tomorrow the morn
I shall go lighter
And you will be born.//

የሜሪ ሸክም

ልጄ የኔ ሸክም የኔዳ
ነገ በማለዳ
እፎይ እላለሁ
አንተን እገላገላለሁ፣
ግና አንተን ብገላገልም
ሸክሜ አይቀልም
ምክኒያቱም ሳስበው
ያንን ሁሉ ጭንቅ
አንተን የሚጠብቅ
እላለሁኝ ሥቅቅ!
የፍቅርን ሸክም
የስቃይን ሸክም
በፅናት ሁለቱንም
አያለሁ ከሰውልጆች ጎራ
ዳግም ስትጋራ!
ነገ ብቻህን
ትጋፈታጣለህ ሸክምህን
ግና ማምሻውን
የኔ የማይሆን ምንም
ሸክም የለህም!
(ኢሌኖር ፍራጂዮን)
Mother to child love.Read her poem called Books
Colette May 2015
You may not know but how she had to bear the pain for 9 months with no complains; carrying us in her womb.

You may not know but how she watched us grow old, making sure we are well fed and healthy.

You may not know but behind closed doors, she bears tired eyes and sore bones, yet she never complains.

You may not know but she is proud even when we aren't at our best; she knows we've tried hard.

You may not know but she is always looking after us, even when we no longer live in the same household.

You may not know but she loves us, even when she is at a better place.

Happy Mother's Day.
I don't really celebrate Mother's Day ever since my 'mother' walked out on me but here's to all the other mothers in the world.
JLB Apr 2014
I  find myself diving inside of you where the weird dream shamans draw sketches of naked humans.
And you’re a human, and we're both naked. You’re purple, you’re just the perfect shade. I place my flag inside, to abscond us away inside of a womb where our world will open to portals to all of our favorite places. A floating haven, of cashmere. Gestating where the climate is warm and damp, and coloring me dark with wine—sweet wine of lovers, penal, forgotten, and fermented anew in maternal rite, because…
This swarming melodic nectar that swims through my nostrils and rolls in my eyes cannot be drank casually. It’s the elixir of love. I love you,
And in you, I find that I love myself.

What’s more, the shamanists exclaim, “She wants to give you all of herself.” Yes, they’re right. Even what I do not love so much, I want you to have, if you’ll take it, because I have to live with it, and if you live with me, you’ll have to live with it too. And then, when you crack open your sternum to let the things in, the scribes of my life’s doing, of ancient passion proclaim! They burn their papyrus scrolls soaked in the blood that I drew from my veins to pass unto yours— and you swallow them whole like divine burritos. And then we are ready for the world to fall suddenly, if it felt so inclined. Now that our chests are pressed together, and our tongues are fused tight.  We are the daughters of the prima mother. We are the goddesses of our dreams.

— The End —