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SøułSurvivør Dec 2019
Esoteric Eleanor...
Is a woman set apart
She has an obscure interest
In a certain type of art.

She collects her little fairies
Has an interest in old tomes
Has few, if any, closer friends
Has tons of garden gnomes.

She owns a run-down mansion
With lots of dusty rooms
Her letters closed with sealing wax
She speaks in garbled runes.

She met her fate one cloudy day
Oh yes, she is quite dead.
Her foot slipped on the marbles
That spilled out of her head!

Yes, she lost her footing
Alas, she is no more
Lies within her antique coffin
Esoteric Eleanor.

Catherine Jarvis
(C) 12/15/2019
This poem kind of evolved... I really don't know how! NOT about anyone specific. Just alliteration of words for the title.
IncholPoem Jan 2019

Marvel incidents
were  on  marble.

Marbles  were not
due  to   it's  old type.

Yesterday  night
the marble  mines
became   full
by rain  water.

Yesterday  also
brought 20  dead  bodies.


This  was   done
by the marble  factory

Because  they  were
  ready  to
draw   their        6  months

  Marbles  were
really  marvel.
Poetic T May 2017
My bag had a tiny hole in it,
are they neither here or there.
rolling in directions not seen
but I know I had a handful
less than a moment ago?
ever thought your losing your marbles.
Ezra Nov 2014
When I lost my marbles,
My dad would always say:
"Don't worry, you'll find them
When you just stop searching."

And it sounded stupid,
But every time I stopped,
Yeah, I found my marbles.

I grew up; my dad died,
Seasons changed, so did I,
But the rule stayed as true.

One day, I'd given up
On that romantic stuff,
Resigned to die alone,
I walked into a big
Ol' Shakespeare conference,
To watch Othello die.

Well there, they were taking
"Volunteers" for Juliet,
"Lucky men" Romeos,
And I was one of them.
Anastasia Webb Aug 2014
ate out my sickness
almost turned green.

took too much chlorophyll
(for my health –
i’ve seen the ads)
drank cups and cups
each night and each swallow
chirping pleasantly
made me feel stronger, but
almost turned green.

frustration peaked
almost at snow
but not quite,
couldn’t stand the dangling
piece of peanut butter anymore
had to grab for it
sick of the lack of meaningful
(methought now meknows)
0s and 1s and all
these mouse games,
had to grab for it,
had to scream.
almost turned green.
Marlo Jul 2014
oh my god
We are getting tattoos of marbles
We have lost our marbles my dear love
And why no other
Than random
Because they match our
About no particular thing in no certain universe;
The marbles
Only he'd understand
. *** .
Ben Ditmars Jun 2014
defragment your performance
and collect the past
like marbles
in the backseat
of a mini-van.

your hands becoming
chaos as we grasped
at straws and questioned
nothing but

our silent breathing
and the stars we left
behind a crease in
the old bench seat
where I learned
your name.

like marbles in the mini-van
our chaos will roll on.

©Ben Ditmars 2014
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