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Evan Stephens Jan 2021
Some yellow has gone,
bleeding in the valley.

Night lisps forward,
soft as ether,

as blossoms of bay laurel.
The moon stains the east,

& errant glimmers
founder in the cloud ditches.

The trees gather ice,
pages of silence,

smeared with identity.
Let this winter end

with an escape -
let this blood gallop

from black lots filled
with daggers of self.

Move me to
the necklace of river -

away from this inheritance
that stirs the dark.
Tina RSH Dec 2020
Like the footprint of rain in the gaze of sun
The ghost of a torrent, now has come undone
Woman of beauty, barely 22
This woman could be me or could be you
Feels the depth of earth like it is her womb
This nasty world of men diggin' her tomb
What a waste it is brimming with bliss
When your noose's disguised inside a kiss
Love comes and it goes, just like the wind blows
She falls in love but here come its woes
Woman of beauty, barely 22
This woman could be me or could be you
Sells her heart to strangers and thieves
Numb in the chest, She's no breath to breathe
Like the footprint of rain by the edge of shore
One moment she was and then was no more.

Tina RSH
Big Virge Sep 2020
Ya Know... Yesterday...
A Young Lady said...

"Big Virge, you really
have a way with words !"

It Was A Web Comment...
That She Had Left...
About A Couple of Lines...
In A Poem of Mine...

Called... " The Test of Stress "...

A Compliment PRIMED...
By THESE Big Virge Rhymes...

"We need to feed our minds,
with more than talk of war,
and, crossing swords !"

A Cool Comment Fa' SURE... !!!
But The Poem Was MORE...
About A **** Whose Jaws...
Made My Anger SOAR... !!!!!!!!!

To The Point Where WAR...
Became The Thing I SAW... !!!

But Moving ON.....................
I Think Her Comment Was WRONG...

I Have A Way With VERSE...
That Deals In... TRUTH... !!!

Like Those Who Use HERBS...
To... CALM Their Mood...

So I Guess She Was RIGHT... !?!
Cos' The Lines That She LIKED...
Were Written To RELEASE............................ ..
What Was... SWELLING IN ME... !!!!!

A Wish To SEE...
That *** WIPE... Bleed... !!!!!
Just Like Ladies Do... " Periodically ".........

Okay... Here We GO...
Cos' It's Time To SHOW...

The Ways My Words Flow...
Just Like The GOOD TIMES ROLL... !!!!!

But BEFORE I Impart...
Wordplay That Is SHARP... !!!

Let Me SAY THIS...
From... MY HEART... !!!

I Have A Way With TRUTH...

Because Words I Use...
Are NOT ALWAYS Cool... !!!!!!

SOME Have Called Them CRUDE... !!!
and QUITE A Few Take The View...
That I'm An... ANGRY BRUTE... !!!!!

Whose Words BURST Balloons...
And... BUBBLES TOO... !!!

And As For The Girls...
Well I Speak TOO MUCH Truth...
To Suggest That I'm... " A Dude "...

Who Has... " A Way With Words "... ?!?

NOT With **** Ladies...
Who Wanna Have Some Babies...
But Maybe YES... Just MAYBE... ???

That's Because Big Virge Plays SAFELY...
Cos' Ladies... REAL Slim Shady...
Can Border On Being CRAZY... !!!!!!!!!

See I'm A... CRAZY Lyricist...
When It Comes To FLIPPING Scripts... !!!

I FLIP Em' Like... A CRIP...
Whose BLOOD Is DIFFERENT Kids... !!!!!!!!

My Words Are Used To Sometimes SHOOT...
Who Have The HEART To Hunt In The DARK... !!!

See My Words Shed LIGHT...
On... POINTLESS Fights...
A GREEN Light Sabre... !!!!!

Because My Flavour...
When I PEPPER Vaders'...
... INHALER With LABOUR "...
of That of... A SLAYER...
Who BREAKS Terminators... !!!!!

... " I'll Be BACK ! "...
For YOU... HATERS... !!!

Cos I'm An Empire BREAKER...
As Well As GOOD NEIGHBOUR... !!!!!

DON'T Cross Me Like FADERS...
Cos' Your Name AIN'T... " Roc' Raida' "... !!!!!!

R. I. P.... To THAT Man... !!!

Now You See I'm ADVANCED...
Lyrically... I ENHANCE...

The Usage of Verse...
Through Wordplay That WORKS... !!!

NOT... " Kendrick Lamar "...
Big Virge AIN'T That HARD... !!!

Wait A Minute That's FARCE... !!!

NO DISS To The Yute'...
He's Doing His DO... !!!

But DON'T Be FOOLED... !!!
My Age And My STATUS...
Is WAY ABOVE... " Playas' "...

When They LACK The Game...
To Use Words... THIS WAY... !!!

Poems To Raps...
That Make Campers MAD... !!!

YUP... I AM THAT Man... !!!

Whose Words OVERSTAND...
Humanity's... FALL... !!!

So My Words Make The CALL...
For Us To... STAND TALL...

And USE Words Like Debaters...
Whose Values Are GREATER...
Than Using.... " N-Words "...
Just To... STACK Paper... ?!?

Is THIS What Our Words...
Have Now Become WORTH... ?!?

Because Your Music CHARTS... !!!

You CAN'T Be... " A STAR "...
When EARTH's Where You're PARKED... !!!!!

To THINK That You ARE...

Fame Fortune and GREED...
Has Made Currency FIENDS...
Who NOW FORSAKE Truth...

Just To... " Look COOL "... ?!?

Our Words ARE A TOOL...
That When SUITABLY Used...
To... MIS-INFORMED Children... !!!!!

I DEFEND To The END... !!!
These Things Through Poems...
That Speak On The World...
How People Now Work...
And How People HURT... !!!

And Things Well Observed... !!!
That SHOW Why This Girl...
Was Quite... UNRESERVED...

In Suggesting That I... Have...

... " A Way With Words "...
It's always nice to be complimented, and it sometimes proves to be inspiring, as it was in this case, so thanks again, to the young lady who was so complimentary !
Big Virge Aug 2020
Ya Know I've Heard It Said By Older Heads...
COMPETITION Is Part of Human STRENGTH... !!!

That's TRUE I Guess But Now Detect...
Competitions NOW Have Got DEFECTS... !!!
And DON'T Give Wealth To Humanity's Health... !!!

I'm Older Now So See Just How...
Competitions... DROWN...
Because of CLOWNS...
Now CLAIMING Crowns... !?!

As If They're... KINGS... ?!?
When They're Just.............

Like Heads NOW Kicking Lyrics...
That LACK The Depth And Slickness...
In Verse BIG VIRGE Be Bringing... !!!

My Poems Leave Heads RINGING... !!!
Because My Words Keep STINGING... !!!
Like Cobras That Be... SPITTING... !!!

In The Faces of FAKES Who Just Can't Take...
STRONG BRANDS of SHARP Wordplay... !!!!!!

They QUICKLY Run For Cover...
When They DISCOVER The Rocks I'm Under... !!!

Cos' My Venom EXTENDS...
... PROBLEMS For Them... !!!!!

Because My Chem'... HITS Ventricles...
And Blends To FEND Like Tentacles... !!!!!

That STING These Kids Like JELLYFISH... !!!!!
A... " Man o War "... For SURE... !!!!
When I HIT Shores Competitors ROAR...

"Okay Big Virge, No More, NO MORE !"......

Or Like DURAN... "No Mas No Mas !"

When I Start To PEPPER...
Their Head Like... LEONARD...
Cos' I'm The... Sugar Ray...
Wordplay... HEAVYWEIGHT... !!!!!!!!

TOO HEAVY To Be Found...
On... ANY Dub Plate... !!!!!!!

My Competition Dissipates......................... ..............
And Disintegrates Because They're AFRAID...
of The Kind of Wordplay I Choose To DISPLAY...
... That DESTROYS These FAKES... !!!!!

Competition They CLAIM...
To Want... ALL DAY... !!!

Til' I STAKE My Claim...
To Enter... CENTRE STAGE... !!!
With My... MIND SPRAY... !!!!!

Just Like... " JERU "...

Compete With... WHO... ?!?
I'm The Doctor... WHOSE...
Competitive Words Have BIGGER BOOTS...
Whose Verse... Lacks Worth... !!!

Who Were Born To LOSE... !!!!!!

I Compete With... ME...
NOT GLORY Hunting Freaks... !!!


EVERY TIME I Rhyme Alphabet Letters...
I'm Trying To BETTER My Form of VENDETTA...
To STAND For... MORE...
Than THESE WHORISH Trend Setters... !!!

NEVER Late But... FOREVER... !!!

A Man Whose VIEWS...
VOLUMES In Rooms...

I'm A Bit... " CONFUSED "... ???

When It Seems They CHOOSE...
To BELIEVE It's... COOL...
When These FOOLS Exude...
About... " How They DEFEAT ! "...

EVERYBODY They Meet...
When It Comes To... FREESTIES'...
That They KICK Over Beats... !!!!!?!!!!!

These... Lyrical FRAUDS... ?!?
When They're... Treading The Boards... !!!

COMPETITIVE... Actors... !!!
Kind of Like An X Factor...
For... Wannabee Rappers...
Who … LACK The Bite...
of..... VELOCIRAPTORS...... !!!!!!!!

As For The... Gun Clappers...
They Take JOOK' Like SLAPPERS... !!!!!!

When... Like A SLACK Gangster...
They Get SHOT In The CRAPPER...
Cos' Their **** LOST It's HAMMER... !!!!!!

I Make These FOOLS... " S T T T TAMMER "... !!!!!
When I Utilise... GRAMMAR...
That HAMMERS Like BANNER... !!!

OKAY I Mean... THOR... !!!
COMPETING... Fa' SURE... !!!
When It Comes To A Cause...
WORTH... FIGHTING For... !!!!!

I COMPETE On... Spirit Levels...
That DISHEVEL These DEVILS... !!!
Who... CLEARLY Seem To REVEL...
In Being Given... MEDALS...
For NONSENSE That They PEDAL... !!!

Is How I... BURN And SETTLE...

Scores With... BROADS...
I Mean... GIRLS Of Course... !!!

Who... CLEARLY LIKE To See...
THESE Gangster Wannabes'...
COMPETING For Their *****... !!!!

To PANDER To Their Schemes... !!!

My Competition FEEDS...
OFF MORE Than They Could Be... !!!!!!!!

My Competition NEEDS...
To Make A... BETTER ME... !!!!!

NOT To PROVE To... " Peeps' "...
That I'm BETTER Than Jay-Z... !?!?!

I'd RATHER Be... " The V "...
AGAINST The... Powers That Be... !!!!

And FIND A... HIGHER Mission...
Than Being... SOLELY DRIVEN...
To Fighting For... A PITTANCE... ?!?

In PETTY.............

……. " COMPETITION " …….
I was never one to believe that an artists' work should be something to be placed in competitions. People either like what you do or they don't ....

Voting on art is Hardly Ever, Objective .....
AuEcologica Aug 2020
Work the bread and the butter to the bone,
Let it penetrate your pores,
Become your very blood,
A part of your soul,
Emerge a hero of your own.

Because if you’re not then who?
Who, who will be your own?

A true part of your heart.

Work the bread and butter to the bone,
Be the magic you speak of so,
Have it become your flesh and core,
The vital part of your all,
Emerge victorious on your own.

Because if you’re not then who?
Who, who will be your own but you,
Who will be the fuel but you,
Who will have the power but you?

Don’t lie to the single being who is a must for you to have a life,
for you to have it all,
Emerge a…
Emerge vic..
Emerge a…
Emerge vic…

You know thyself too well to lie.
GRAVE27 Aug 2020
30 past midnight
Still awake for you
Lights burning bright
Just making sure

Those talks about the future
Sounds worse than the music
Don't know whats's true
It makes me sick

Words never change
People does
If there's a chance
Don't talk too fast

I'll hang in here
But not for long
Bring me those strings
Strum it, turns into a song

Play the piano
Just not too loud
Go back to who I was before
So I'll know what it's all about
Mark Toney Aug 2020
As you're lying next to me so still
I contemplate our life
So many years ago
you said you'd be my wife

As we rise in preparation for
another fruitful day
you smile and take my hand
beside me all the way

And as we run into life's obstacles
we've proven we're unstoppable

We both know we're at the threshold of
the winter of our lives
and yet we share the fear
since we're together dear

Still the time will come some future day
when one of us must go
I pray that it be me
but there's no way to know

And so we live to love another day
so happy that our lives turned out this way

© 2020 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved.
Poetry form: Lyric - © 2020 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved.
Mark Toney Aug 2020
You say you love me but you’re not
You say you’re going to fight and give it all you got
You say you find it hard to breathe
You say you’re mad at me but I’m the one who seethes
You say you love me but you’re not (in love with me)

                    ~ Tears falling, relationship flailing, love failing… ~

You say you need a place to stay
You say you’re asking me to find another way
You say you thought about the debt
You say you’re leaving but it hasn’t happened yet
You say you need a place to stay

                    ~ The time, the hurt, the pain, the drain… ~

You say you overcame the jones
You say you’ve analyzed it to the bare bones
You say you finally found the cure
You say you’re righteous, clean, happy and secure
You say you overcame the jones

                    ~ Familiar lies, thin disguise, love’s demise … ~

You say you love me but you’re not
You say you’re going to fight and give it all you got
You say you find it hard to breathe
You say you’re mad at me but I’m the one who seethes
You say you love me but you’re not (in love with me)

                    ~ Tears fall, relationship flails, love fails…
                       Familiar lies, thin disguise, love’s demise …
                       This time, this hurt, this pain, this drain…
                       Time runs out… no more to gain. ~

© 2020 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved.
10/29/2019 - Poetry form: Lyric - © 2020 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved.
Paul Butters Jun 2020
Skeggy Lee, Skeggy Lee,
Oh what, oh, you do to me
My Skeggy
My Skeggy Lee hee-hee.
Well, I love that place
And that’s why I love you.

Skeggy Sea, Skeggy Sea
Sandy, sandy, sandy, sandy Skeggy (by the) Sea
Oh Skeggy, my Skeggy free
Oh well I love that place
So I need you Skeggy Lee.

I love you, Skeggy Lee
With a love so rare and true
Oh, Skeggy, Skeggy Lee
Well, I love you so
And I really do mean you.

Yes I love you so
And I want you Skeggy Lee.

Paul Butters

© PB 7\6\2020 (2).

(With due Credit to Buddy Holly’s “Peggy Sue”).
Love a lyric.
Mark Toney May 2020
My life was perfect from the very start
So perfect—life imitating art
Breezed through college effortlessly
Dream job gift-wrapped just for me

Perfect add-on to my fairy tale life
Matrimony with the perfect wife
Children followed, our perfect family
None of this would have longevity

Pleading with you to forgive me
But there’s no forgiveness for the perfect
A less than perfect man may fall 7 times
But no forgiveness for the perfect
On my knees begging for mercy
But there is no mercy for the perfect
They say a righteous man may fall 7 times
But no forgiveness for the perfect

Success was nearly at my finger tips
Just couldn’t stop my lying lips
Sought better living through chemistry
Rushed headlong into calamity

Took the deep dive into ***** & pills
Steeped in debauchery to get more thrills
Disregarded all the blessings in my life
Pushed away my kids and wife

Pleading with you to forgive me
But there’s no forgiveness for the perfect
A less than perfect man may fall 7 times
But no forgiveness for the perfect
On my knees begging for mercy
But there is no mercy for the perfect
They say a righteous man may fall 7 times
But no forgiveness for the perfect

I could promise you, my dear, I’d change
For you my life I’d rearrange
But I won’t waste your precious time,
Your life no longer will I begrime—

I’ll stop asking for forgiveness
For there’s no forgiveness for the perfect
I’ll just live my life the way I choose
And hope that it is worth it
I’ll stop begging you for mercy
For there is no mercy for the perfect
I’ll just live my life, await my fate
There’s no forgiveness for the perfect

Kiss the children every night for me...
No forgiveness for the perfect

© 2020 Mark Toney.  All rights reserved.
5/20/2020 - Poetry Form: Lyric - FYI- Just in case you're wondering, this isn't autobiographical.  I just had this recurring phrase that would come up in my mind this past week "no forgiveness for the perfect" that wouldn't go away until I anchored it in a poem.  Ahhh, much better! - © 2020 Mark Toney. All rights reserved.
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