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Rocky Abraham Feb 28
December 7 - 10, 2024 – How can I make your wish come true?

I love you—always and forever, remember that.
I love you beyond all the greatest wishes in this world.
It’s not about three wishes, because I’m no wish-granter.
I’m just a genie who has fallen in love—with the sweetest soul that breathes and smiles every day. That’s you, Defta!

Why wish for a soulmate? Is it something you can order like food?
Why wish for a soulmate when I am here, falling for you?
Why wish for a soulmate when a simple ice cream is enough to bring you close to me?
Don’t wish for a soulmate—they don’t exist. But look at me, I do!

Our conversations stretch long, every word, every feeling between us,
Even the wind and tiny creatures at that moment paused in awe.
Yes, in awe—watching us as love takes over!
Isn’t it beautiful? Knowing you, knowing me—isn’t that wonderful?

Why should I search for happiness somewhere far away,
When just looking at your smile is already enough?

Enough—just you beside me, me beside you.
Enough—you looking at me, me looking at you.
Enough—you guiding me, me guiding you.
Enough—you being my happiness, me being your everything!

"Scandal of Grace" ♪

We are threads in a grand tapestry, woven with care.
Each one unique, yet all meant to be there.
In the fabric of existence, every soul plays a role,
Connected by love—the language of the heart.

Shall we see how far we can go?
I hope that when your hair turns gray, I’ll still be there.

I have found Deogifta—God’s Gift.

Deogifta Graciani Lailossa🌻.
with someone who loves us just as we are and chooses to stay by our side.
voracious reader, nearly a book a day,
she loves Rushdie, Ishiguro, E. Stout,
and so many, many more, a daily add
to an ever growing list of auteurs, all
venerable and venerated, my little bits
pale, don’t even qualify to compare,
so what’s a poet to say, or feel, beside
tears in his eyes, so hereby withdraws his
awarded accolade, HGF,
His Greatest Fan

now that there is a vacancy, looking for
fufillment, now that there is a hollowed
hallow plus a clogged artery, side by side,
both within,

an officialized fossilized a
doctor declaration of “chronic heart failure”

who knew docs still diagnosed love sickness?

loss of love could manifest
itself so decisively physically,
and yet I blame her not, and
thank her for the inspiration,
for all the poems birthed in
her presence, and what swill
will /may follow will never be as good,
for memories inevitable yellowing,
discoloration infestation inevitable,
earn my pallor palest poverty
and like a used car, good enough
for daily trips to the office, but not
for cross country trips,

and perhaps
that means,
only smaller,  
used up,
and  e v e n
not only,
only love poetry

open to direction
road trip to
Sweet Sorrow Land
Pax Nov 2024
I should have sent my love letters to Cupid
And ask Destiny for the right time.
Yet stubborn as I am, I remain still…

Some loves are too shallow for me to dive into
So, I remain in the shoreline,
always testing the waters…
never got to dive deep....
He is 
The Almighty
Submit all your problems. 
To him only, he will lead all.
That he
Showed me the pathway to wisdom 
He will never leave me. 
Or forsake me 
True God
Psalm 55:22
N W Oct 2024
A multitude of firsts.
Some he takes,
others I give freely.
Bansi Adroja Oct 2024
I'll never be 21 with anyone else

There will be no other voice on the other end of the phone after that time I got fired
or holding me close after I tanked that exam about the history of the European Union

No one else will be the first person I fell in love with
or the first to let me down

We had our highs
and more than lows than I can count
but it was something spectacular for the years we had

I still think of you every October and the day we first met
How much things have changed

How you're one thing I don't regret
Odd Odyssey Poet Jul 2024
These feelings are like a credit card---
sliding in and out the machine of a man’s heart

Please enter your code:
to withdraw the worth of love, but I’m really not someone
To bank on all of your love- it’s a result of nothing;
sometimes feeling so fake, with this plastic debit card

INSUFFICIENT FUNDS not all of us can afford
the worth to love; so insecure much, not one to close
the deal; don’t come too close, don’t give me a long hug
Just like my card, I might loudly decline your very love…

Hiding the pin to my very heart- four digit requirements;
four reasons you need to give me, to be revealing ****
Or did I mean to say sheet; either way, its all a cover to
cover around the fact I have a ****** mindset about love

A love I never bought, but I did buy a bunch of its dreams
-it must explain why I’m feeling so broke nowadays
Tom Lefort Jun 2024
Quiet now, close your eyes;
Take the outstretched hand of yesteryear.
Let our fingers touch, entwine and hold,
To feel the pulse of much loved pasts
Where our pain and passion remains untold.

Remember now, open your hearts;
Run toward the open arms of all those days.
Long for her embrace, press closer home,
To hear the beating heart of all we shared
When our lives and loves were all we owned.

Tom Lefort
Sharon Talbot Apr 2022
Before hearing about your death
I began a novel inspired by you
and your struggle with the truth--
The truth of who you were,
what you wanted of life and of me.
And it became a journey
into the past, into a life
that had happened before
we met, decades ago,
and after we parted for good,
I wove a new life out of remnants,
of things I knew or just supposed.
And like a good researcher,
I told of your parents' failings,
the darker side of love.
Of your grandmother and friends,
and even your cousin who
brought you to me,
Luring you out of the homogeneous crowd
and into our perfect valley--
"the land of spires and dreams".
I even spoke warmly of our artless love
and our drifting apart like ghost ships.
After our second parting,
when you left the mortal coil,
I tried not to reminisce about us,
for the story was yours, not mine,
But I fear that a mirror kept
cropping up behind me and
around corners, erasing mystery.
Narcissus caught me time and again.
Even so, I created times for you
that I had never seen or heard.
I have you swimming off La Jolla,
traipsing on mountain paths
in the wilds of British Columbia,
or arguing with your wife
in that mansion you dreamed of.
I invented a girl you would like
and two kids who loved you
in spite of everything.
Your memories of me became
less urgent, locked in a chess box,
in songs or on film, hidden away.
I analyzed your youth, your vanity,
lust, boredom, mistakes and age.
And when it came time for you
to make a decision: to stay or go
again, either west or east,
I stopped and looked over your life,
rolled out flat, like the American plain
from western crags to eastern city
and like a broken record,
the choice shuttled back and forth,
not letting me decide for you.
Glancing at a photo
of your childhood home,
I realized at last,
not that you had died too soon,
but that I really never knew you.
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