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Mel Gadd Mar 2021
10 years ago you left this earth
10 years ago you died
you quit breathing
and I continued
you no longer smile
or cry
10 years ago you stopped living
yet I continued
and now
I gained eternal life
a life that was meant for you
and now
in everything I do
I can only think of you
and when I remember that you are dead
sometimes I wish
that I was you
this is a poem i wrote two years ago while I was in the hospital. at that time i felt like there was no hope for ever feeling joy. I just wanted to die. However, i am still here and am doing so much better. i have found happiness. even if there are still moments i cant see the light, i can always know that I'll find it again. so if you ever feel like giving up, keep fighting. work hard and you'll make it. there is always hope.
Bolaji Temilola Sep 2020
Whenever I see your picture, I felt a butterfly humming in my belly
Reminding me of your touch that always melt me
I'm so in love with you.

Wish I could hear your voice once again
Because I can't stop thinking about you
I find myself whispering
I Love You.... Most times

And with every soft touch I could remember
My heart beats faster
Because I'm in love with you
And I will always do

For you my twinflame,my soulmate of life
I love you so much every day and night
So please can we make this work?
Take my hands and promise me you'll come back to stay.

I've never feel more beautiful as a woman than when you are with me
Even though I try to close my eyes to it then.
But now your silence
Have made me realized that
I'm seriously in love with you

I know it was true love from the start
I feel our heart's beating together
Every minute of the day
I remember you can't do without seen me then

Every day I feel you,
Every day I love you more and more
Everyday I need you more than you can imagine
But I know our hearts will never stop beating for each other
That's my consolation
Even now that we are apart
Because I feel it here

How you are agonizing about my absence
And now I promise I'll love you forever.
And I am waiting for you no matter the time.
Because I only love you
Keeping in faith
Yamini Jul 2020
Hey love
I really missed uhh
I missed the chats
The desperation and
the never ending laughs
You got something magnificent
And I can't help myself
Attracting towards uh

I am just a small piece of iron
Which is craving for
That magnet

Do uh feel the same
Do uh put the same amount
Of efforts
Cuz I do
And all I have to say is
I am struggling

It's only your time
that I need
It's your love
That my heart begged for
It's only uhh
That make me complete

But in the end I know
I am just a
Small piece of iron
which could detach anytime
Anytime I can experience a fall
Anytime I can be broken
But still I wanna enjoy
The little moments of
Attachment with uhh.......
Elle Dhani Dec 2019
If a lie lies within flies,
where would it hide and why?

If a man is stan of tan,
why would he not mend?

In a life full of berries,
sometimes we take more of cherries

We chose silence between resilience,
that even nobles defeats from their own science

Here, we stand on our feet,
we carry our belongings,
we cry even if no one wants to listen,
we smile in the belief of life is beauty,
we sleep because life is both strength and health

We think of laughter and sorrow,
the vows,
the future of future generations,
even nature’s life

We have come to an end,
whether we resume to feel love and give love

This all remains,
all the beauty of life,
is in the map of God’s hand,
where we choose to plot good and bad
This poem was part of my final project.
Ashita Mar 2019
You know that I like u,
But u try to get away from me.

U find another girl to play with,
To spark on my jealousy.

Dear Ex,
U know I love u,
But I need to move on;

And I keep thinking about it,
And I wonder why...

And I keep thinking to myself,
That maybe, just maybe,
I was not your type.........❤
For the one who broke my heart over and over again
And the one who helped me pick the pieces only to throw them farther away
XvA Jul 2015
While Life learnt to drive-through and not fall for a secondth
the posture of faith grew to Re-Enact just so it may never repeat.
To attempt a magnonimus intercept's priceless to the sailor of lightz
So ,if the call rodes off ; Sights face insights in the darkest nights.
When light is immense, darkness
ride through that Rainbow
and moments began to withdraw some cynical glow of snow.
As the wizard of life photos togetherness in within
the Cycle of Evolvement; an special bond of soul and mind!

Thank you for reading. :)
Ivy Mukherjee Nov 2014
'Going away' is always bit difficult, isn't it?
Be it from your mother or your face licking pet or your beloved...
'Going away' is always a heart wrenching pain.

It's a sub-conscious state where you both don't know
When will you again see each other's face and feel their pale skin and the intimacy written on it.
Thinking of being apart from that eternal bond isn't so casual as your surroundings think....
....... It is not at all easy , it is not what you always see or evaluate without knowing.

'Going away' is all about those undropped tears and silent bawling,
You know nothing will be like earlier as it used to be...
You will be somewhere and "they" somewhere else too....
..... Things will again fall in places with growing and emerging time.

It's a drastic change for everyone of you,
Who have faced "going away" moment.

'Going away' will make you much stronger and motivated to see D-R-E-A-M-S.
D-R-E-A-M-S which are for you and them,
D-R-E-A-M-S of being together someday again forever ... As you all used to be,
D-R-E-A-M-S which will let you to float through life.

'Going away' is not what you think apparently;
It is how you recreate yourself after that phrase.

So, don't be heart-broken darling,
If this 'going away' decision is mutual it will create magic someday and
You know I will be there in glowing tears with your magical retreat.

Because 'going away' from you can't ever make us apart.
We will D-R-E-A-M together, forever..... Again and again .

For those undropped tears and uncried fears: we will D-R-E-A-M on and "going away" will move on very soon.
Improvised from my mother's letter to me, when I was leaving home for my job.
Sharath Ram Jul 2014
Why had'nt we talked in months??
little is what is left to count and thereby we farewell,
far through grain,thorn sometimes,
tomorrow's not promised so why not now?
why not get over it between us?,maybe then promised!

Why had'nt we talked in months??
you loved me back to life,rain or snow let the whole world know- you m alive alike!,
you feel insecure 'i can guarantee "no"!
your picture,too insanely beautiful to hold my hands to me! got you nothing but ignorance.

Why had'nt we talked in months??
all the time we kept looking back at each other with so much to say and nothing much to end.
you never love me like you did, i starting to forget the way you look at me and
when you do, douse the burning fuel to my heart.

Why had'nt we talked in months??
saw you peeping through all the spaces with your gleaming eyes to me,
that moment the earth stood still, overcame shyness and then flew as though tomorrow's only existed!

Why had'nt we talked in months??
trying to remember you through all the sorrow i've had through an array of invisible light co inciding with my thoughts,
i had to keep smiling ,erasing pain as though never felt!
suffocating myself with a belief that everything was going to be back to square 1!
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is ******, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
Mandela often recited this poem to his fellow prisoners to inspire them

A film of the same name was directed by the incomparable Clint Eastwood, and it was a huge hit. Morgan Freeman acted as Mandela, and costarred was Matt Damon

— The End —