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Carson Dees Mar 5
If your entire body
Is fighting to keep you alive,
How valuable art thou, little one,
In the Maker's eyes?
You are loved. Never give up.
silvervi Feb 21
We are worthy. We are capable. We are loved.

Especially when we're sick and tired or when we feel like laying in bed all day. Or when we actually do nothing the whole day. I want to remind us that this doesn't mean we're not productive, not capable or not worthy.

We're still as worthy as before, we're still as loved as before. It's just that our bodies and minds need to rest.
We actually need to rest regularly, but sometimes we forget that.

Now that I am sick I realized that and it's a relief to be there for myself although I feel so unproductive. I am loved. And you are, too. No matter what you're doing or not doing.
Love comes from within. It's always here. Reach out and hold your own hand. You are worthy, you are loved. You are important.
itsmekacey Feb 16
i am all alone
please don't lie and say
i am loved
because that's simply not true
life is pointless
why would you ever say
there's hope for me

(now read bottom up)
Mica Wood Feb 11
A knot work spell is an easy way
To breathe magic into macrame.
An anchor knot for an aid
so I don’t drop my braid.

I try to tie well,
for each knot is a spell
I don’t want to unravel.

Carefully binding
to seal in my intentions.

A mantra, repeated with each loop.

I am loved,
I am loved,
I am loved.
Ariana Emu Jan 27
I looked at the tombstone, cold and bare,
And all it spoke was love’s despair-
To love, to be loved, to hold for a while,

Behind me, the sky was bare,
A canvas stretched by emptiness
Men and women, faceless,
Feeding hunger that never knew a soul.

The sun bowed down, the hours slipped away,
But the clock kept ticking, as if to say-
That the soul, unmeasured, keeps no time,
Lost in the race,

At the hospital’s quiet edge,
Where life wavered between the inhale and the eternal,
I asked the frail what they carried into the void.
Their lips trembled, but only love spilled forth:
“To be loved, to have loved.
Do you remember

Hiding in the closet

Our voices hushed

Just to spend some a few more seconds together

Do you remember

Sitting in the back

Of your dad’s old truck

Laughing away all our fears

Do you remember

Hands linked together

As we walked down the street

Coming home from the movies

Do you remember

When i was screaming into my pillow

Shaking with violent tears

But you don’t remember

Because you weren’t there

But I remember

When you were crying on that bench

Because they said you weren’t good enough

But you were more than I could ask for

Do you remember

When I first kissed you

But you moved away

Before I could say

I loved you
My god im lonely haha
Zack Ripley Sep 2024
I'll never be the mechanic
that can show you how to fix a flat tire.
And I'll never be the eagle scout
that can start a fire.
No, I'll never be your knight in shining armor. But I'll always be the one
that can make you smile.
Cause I'll always be the one you can talk to every once in awhile
when you want to feel wanted and loved.
grimthepoet Dec 2024
What is it like?
What is it like to smell flowers in the Spring?
What is it like to feel safe and secure?
That feeling must feel like Heaven
Sweet, warm, Heaven.

What is it like to trust someone with your life;
To wakeup to someone you're loving life with?
To get one hundred percent of love from someone?
What is it like to be loved?
I have been going through a rough "relation/situation - ship" with someone. I need some advice from you guys.
Anon Nov 2024
The fog slowly slips away as I figure out what to say.
Putting pen to paper or voice to words to ensure that I. AM. HEARD.

Though this vice may be small,
I have hopes that I can reach you all.

Don’t be scared of what people think. Let your words fly not sink!

You are beautiful!
You are loved!

But most of all ….

You are ENOUGH.
I think we all need this reminder sometimes
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