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Francie Lynch Mar 2023
Her shield, displayed,
Shunned errant knights.
The force field, impenetrable!
She was armadilo-like, but
No soft underbelly.
No teddy bear arms.
She endured a hard day.
Me, a soft night.
I strayed on my mini pad
Till her light turned out.
I lay on my side,
Beside her,
In another Romantic tale,
In a galaxy,
Far, far away.
anotherdream May 2023
i don't live in black and white
i only see through faded gray lenses
a clouded picture of what is reality

a forgettable moment here, a wasted opportunity there
i am surrounded by moments of dulled memories

my emotions are at rest
but they live in my head
dragging me down day by day
eventually i will stumble and fall
and i do not know if i will get up again

i see the world through a polaroid camera
where everything present is also the past
things that are often memorable
just slip through my purple hands

no one understands
why i never had a chance
to feel something, anything

i am treated like a nobody
cause nobody wants to get to know me

do i come off as vile,
hiding my pain and faking my smile?
i'm giving it everything i got
to be what people want
it has led me nowhere except deserted roads
where i'm greeted by that cold familiar friend
the demon that lives within

there is a void from within my chest
cause sacrificial love is dead

i have tried so many times but to no avail
i cannot fill it up with friends
no one cares enough to even give a flying f--k

this emptiness inside, it might just consume me whole
the longer i go deprived, with no one at my side
the stronger it gets, the harder it gets
it feels like i'm merely trying to survive
this hell we call earth
sort of a freewrite i guess?
Ivy Chakma Aug 2022
I feel like the faded part of love;
it feels like the end even before it had a chance to begin.

I feel like the faded part of love;
An invisible longing from a lover,
unsettling and echoing in the dark.
A conastantaneous pain that slowly crawls into my body and engulfs the soul that seeks freedom from all the humanly attachments.

I feel like the faded part of love!
I feel like the faded part of love!
Expressing the feeling of what it's like to be in love with a man already taken and the longing and the understanding and the fight within oneself of never really having him completely to yourself. The feeling of knowing that he was never to be yours to begin with.
himangshu Jun 2022
this wave of sadness hit me now,
no-where seemes a happy place to be now

it hurts to breathe,
it hurts to listen,
it hurts to speak,
it hurts...
it just hurts to exist

its not an even experience
it neither is overwhelming

i feel all these emotions bubbling
but nothing seems to leave me

no drab
no tear

no grab
no fear

i'm free and lonely
i'm free and hurt
i'm free and non-existent

i'm happy to be free and
unhappy when i'm here

i'm free and many things,
many things but happy.
lucidwaking May 2022
Oh, to revisit that familiar, suffocating feeling
Of burrowing under the covers.
A night of one's own company,
Left to make small talk with your mind.
What do you call an introvert who
Hates being alone?

Solitude is a solemn lover,
Creating a mix of solace and uncertainty.
Every dance is a slow dance in Solitude's arms,
Circling round and round the same, stale despair.
Somehow, it feels both right and wrong
Your head buzzes violently
When lost in a sea of people,
But does it buzz less in your empty home?
Surely you're happier this way,
With you, yourself, and Solitude.
Bowedbranches Dec 2021
The craving had been
More of a need
As of late

Energy taken
Energy generated
Or one could also say
One cultivated
One gave away
Every little thought
That you think

from the rest of you
With steel walls
And the tallest gates
Barricade myself
In a little
Me sized

Wouldn't be surprised
If I never
                Came Out!
Lately I've been wandering the streets

Catching glimpses of a place that I used to belong to

Lately I've been taking mental pictures

Storing them in files that no one else can access

Lately I've spent more time on my own

Discovering the true meaning of lonely

Now I'm standing in the middle of your street

Asking if you still know how to love me
lately i've been wandering the streets
Evey Emery May 2021
That's a expression I'm conflicted with
It's a word to describe, a feeling or state of mind
in which a person feels they have-
nobody to confide in,
nobody to stand beside,
nobody to tell what's on their mind,
and what am I?
Am I really lonely
When I have all these people around me, when I
Open and close my eyes?
Am I really lonely,
When I have somebody to confide in,
somebody to stand beside,
somebody to tell what's on my mind?
Even around the people I love
I feel like I'm sinking; suffocating
There is an emptiness in my chest
With the pains of all the rest
I feel I cannot rid myself of this pest
Is this the feeling?
I wrote this poem to try my best to express how I feel almost daily. I can be around my best friends, and yet, I still feel so empty. I've heard people say that you can't really be lonely when you have people to talk to, people to trust, or people to hang out with. But here I am, still feeling lonely no matter who I'm around. The feeling is suffocating almost, as if it is slowly submerging me in it like its a pool of water.
Grey Rose Apr 2021
Strange Skeleton Knight
Why do you fight?

You're so fragile
Yet you take on my burdens without being asked
Why must you be so eager to die on my behalf?

Don't you deserve to live too?

Mr Skeleton Knight
Why don’t you cry?

You never make a sound
Yet your sadness echoes deafeningly
Do your bones not feel cold out in the dark?
Does not being able to shed tears make you unable to release your sadness?

Can I cry on your behalf?

Sir Skeleton Knight
What did you do with your heart?

Did you tear it out to stop yourself from feeling?
Did you give it away along with the rest of yourself?
Even someone without flesh and organs shouldn't look so empty inside
Why can't you get your heart back?

Can I give you mine instead?

Noble Skeleton Knight
Do you like the grave I've dug you?

I'm glad that you haven't buried yourself yet
But I'm sure you don't feel the same way
Then why don’t you let your soul rest?
Wouldn't the warm dirt hug you more than anyone else has?

I don’t think I can help you anymore.

Beloved Skeleton Knight
I’ve killed myself

I hope you don't think that your existence was a tragedy
Though in the end I never managed to make you feel alive even once
I’ve told them to bury me next to your grave
Promise me that you'll stay at my side
Atleast now we can be cold and empty together.

Why do you still look so sad?
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
Loneliness-seeking shock flares up daily in the trenches of my deserving face! In my brain, harsh thoughts strike a pinch: what a horrible joke every single charm-smile, art-liver-like mimicry stray look! When the immortal Universe sins with glittering stars - the happy destruction of fearful momentary moments may be the most important thing! Your budding vortex, my pathetic attachment to Being turns you into another world and your watchful gaze is crushed into millions of shards by the bitter loneliness of uniqueness!
The unconditional, gloomy nightmare of the Night is ingrained among my sighing bones; tearful and weary tears of my eyes are embodied in unshakable figures! "You wake up so many blind dark, many sparkling pills, in the shadow of a wounded Spirit, because there can be little vi kiss medicine for my wounds!" Between the flames of my hidden demons and my digestive Hyena hells, I still live persistently! I am a punching, drooping wanderer, I can hardly want to find my place many times, and my mood - which will one day click out - started to suddenly turn rancid!
I would call on my immortal Beloved, only to be able to listen forever to the courage-pouring, lily-loving voice of the south company, the chirping of his silky ***** as a tannin — and I still couldn't solve the big riddle: Who is the goddess on earth?! Until the bleeding twilight bleeds on the web of embezzled minutes: What else can I have to do with the Savior Light at all?
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