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Keyana Brown Aug 2016
She was the girl that wanted to be
loved so badly and risk it all.

She was the girl that lost herself
to lust as her fragile heart falls.

She was the girl, that was trapped inside
the darkness and couldn't see the light.

She was that girl, who saw herself as a villain:
isolated, depressed,possessed, and pure hatred.

Something wasn't right...

She was also the girl, who caused the storm
to look after her when nobody was around.

She was the girl, who was such a fool
to invite temptation into this town.

The hurricane is coming...

She was then struct by lightning
and the darkness began moving.

She then found her inner peace
and she's finally set free.

She first started out as Ella;
bounded, afflicted, and loss.

Her name is now...
Another superhero that I came up with.
I think this might be better than the "Pather" poem.
Let me know what you guys think. ;)
Beinghonest Feb 2016
Nothing makes my day,
The way a yellow lightning bolt
On the top right of this page does.
I love it!

-just being honest
ryn Nov 2015
  •  they say light-
ning never stri-  
kes •  twice in       
the very same          
place•not as              
if it chooses                  
the  person                      
it likes•nor                          
has it targ-                              
   eted a familiar face • growing  
accustomed to these repeated  
                    jolts•i stay fro-
               zen in anticip-
           tion•for subs-
       equent influx
     of volts•is th-
 is love or me-
re petty infa-    
       n't believe my luck • be-
       cause  time...  and again,  
               stand here,
   very  ti-
me you
cast a...    
a gla-        

ME•                            ­  
Concrete Poem 7 of 30

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— The End —