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ADS Jun 2017
Every line is alive
Filled with emotion
Only if you could read
All the poems that I have wrote
For I have deleted many of mine
Some I wish I would've kept them alive
I have deleted so many of poems I have written. I even have some poems that I chose to keep hidden for they felt incomplete
ADS Jun 2017
Don't bleed for someone
If you cant show them the cuts
If they won't show theirs
Some many people nowadays fear showing their true feelings for one another. Everyone wants something thats perfect but fear rejection.
ADS Jun 2017
Both people have to be committed to a relationship for it to work

When you feel weak I'll give you strength
When you talk I'll listen
When you miss me and I'll make you feel loved
When you show me love I'll show you passion
When you cry tears of sadness I'll be there to hold you and tell you how great you are
When you are angry at life I'll show you how grateful I am to have you
When you have a problem with me I will work to make it right
When you feel insecure I'll tell you I love all your flaws because you wouldn't be you without them
When you are having a bad day I'll do whatever it takes to make you laugh

All I can hope for is she will do the same for me
I couldn't help myself I am really bored at work
ADS May 2017
Today marks the end of an amazing chapter
For I am going to step away from writing
Not forever but for a little bit of time

I have written poems about love and lost
I have written some poems while in tears and in shear glee
Sometimes I wrote in pure anger and frustration
But I would be a fool to say it wasn't worth every word I typed
I have found people that supported me
I found a passion that filled my soul with hope instead of hopelessness

Before I started this journey I didn't know a thing about poetry
Yeah this poem really doesn't show what I have learned
I have learned how to write different forms of poetry such as free verse, limericks and haikus

Now its time to step away and breathe
For me I have wrote more than I can believe
Time to step back and reread what my poetry has made me
My poetry has led me on great adventures
It has taught me a lot about what truly makes me tick
For if it wasn't for my poetry I don't know where I would be mentally
I just wanted to thank everyone that follows and supports me. Dont worry I will be back
ADS May 2017
I was jogging through a long hallway
I was so eager to see the voice that echoed through the halls
I turned the corner and realized it was my mom

What was she doing here??
I didn't invite her

Then I noticed a breathtaking ensemble sprawled out before me
Beautiful wood tables with crystal clear wine glasses which were complimented with big circular plates

I couldn't believe what I was seeing before me
I was only in the bathroom for ten minutes
Changing into a old sweatshirt and light blue shorts

I decided to scan the rest of the room quickly
I firstly saw the angel I spent the entire day with
Next to her was her dad
When I made eye contact with her dad he responded with, "Of all things you did today you did two things right. You showed my daughter an amazing time and secondly when we asked you to stay for dinner you said yes without hesitation. We coordinated this with your mom a couple of days ago, because you are the man, that my daughter deserves in her life. So this is a thank you."

I was still confused because I had no idea where my dad or her mom was

Why was I put in this position when she was talking to another guy
She seemed so set on him but did something happen? Regardless...

A feeling of fruition consumed my soul
I sat down in one of the chairs
I took a bite of some of the shrimp on my plate
Then I woke up..............
I hate when dreams feel so real. Ughhhh I want to go back to sleep.
ADS May 2017
A young girl is trapped
Trapped in a snowy dense forest
Before she started she accepted death
Each step she takes is one step further from home
But closer to something she can call home
She's already mourning out of sheer helplessness

Now shes getting cuts and bruises from the abusive forest floor
Then she finds a break in the dense forest
She can see the sun and she can finally breathe
No sooner than later the sun vanishes
She keeps moving forward looking for that next bright light

Every stop gives her comfort but scares her because she realizes she can't afford to go back to where she once was
No matter how far she travels she will always be mourning something she lost
Just something I had saved on my phone that I never published.
ADS May 2017
A young girl is trapped
Trapped in a snowy dense forest
Before she started she accepted death
Each step she takes is one step further from home
But closer to something she can call home
She's already mourning out of sheer helplessness

Now shes getting cuts and bruises from the abusive forest floor
Then she finds a break in the dense forest
She can see the sun and she can finally breathe
No sooner than later the sun vanishes
She keeps moving forward looking for that next bright light

Every stop gives her comfort but scares her because she realizes she can't afford to go back to where she once was
No matter how far she travels she will always be mourning something she lost
Just something I had saved on my phone that I never published.
ADS May 2017
They tell me give up
Give up on something I want
I told them get lost
I hate those types of people that try to bring you back down to earth when you are such an emotional high. Those types of people just want someone to be miserable with them.
ADS May 2017
I had a perfect picture of it in my mind
Then i went to work
One stroke here and then another there
Some days I painted to put my mind at ease
There were days I would paint with anger
Others I would paint so carefree
Before I knew it I was finished

I hated it
It wasn't what I pictured in my head
So I kept adding onto it
Until it became a beautiful collage
It wasn't what I pictured in my head
But now it's perfect
My life is going so great at this very moment. All my friends want my attention. I feel like wherever I go I know someone or someone recognizes me which is sort of weird. I have been invited to a wedding. I am going camping with a lot of my friends. My job is getting a lot easier. 5 months ago was the complete opposite of what my life is now.
ADS May 2017
Well this wasn't expected
How did I end up here with her
Is this a sad story or a great beginning
She has always hated me
All I ever was was nice to her

We shared a few drinks
She got drunk then started talking to me
Like I was her best friend
I was just sitting there laughing
Laughing about how she completely lost
her tough exterior

She was melting into the palm of my hand
Telling me to open up more
Talk about whatever I wanted
What a weird position I was in
I could have easily taken it to the next level
I was just enjoying the moment
We laughed for about an hour straight
Then we called it a night
Weird date where I spent $80 on our meal. We had quite a few drinks. She told me she had a amazing time. So I guess I did something right.
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