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Jesus Christ's ode to the false prophet of the false church:

~No, El, not you, Robber Mammon Kneelson~

Russel M Nelson, the demons did sing,
Spread our seed wide, and be as our new King.
To the tune of Noel, whom these devils replaced to worship Satan and **** **** in Hell for Eternity
Slowly poisoned
By carpet fibers
Cross's sacrifice
The guilty pay
Not one helped
All are Cain
Murdered Abel
So unclean
Hell forever
Never forgiven
No excuses
Enjoy Justice
Dust to dust
All is repaid
Evil swine
Abused the innocent
By my suffering
Christ instantiated the Law
Fulfilling All
You chose evil
You were warned
Time and again
Begged for help
You didn't care
Hypocrites and false godly
Unkind phonies
Perdition your sentence
For eternal crimes
I could've made this into a real poem better organized but just wanted to get the facts out. I don't dance for you the ****** by your own abuses.
Magnolia May 2021
During some relationships, it is one person's fault it doesn't work out
One person isn't willing to change
One changed their mind
One lost interest
One hurt the other.
In my case… I hurt him

I didn't want to
He didn't do anything wrong
I hadn't lost interest
But sometimes God has a different plan for you
When you take time to bring your relationship to God you need to listen

I have never felt this strong love for someone before
But that doesn't matter
God said no
Who knows why
Only God himself will tell me
In his own time

Was I keeping him back
Pushing him too much
Am I digressing because of this relationship

Whatever the case, God looked right at me and said

Who am I to disobey when I asked for instruction
Marri Apr 2020
You stole my religion,
And left me faithless.
That’s what happens when you love so hard that you switch places.

I’m into *** and drugs,
Not a prayer in sight.

You’re into baptisms and bibles,
I bet you pray every night.

I used to be envious,
I used to covet thy neighbor,
But now: I don’t care.

I’m into cheating and lying,
I’ll never tell the truth.

You’re into virtue and life after dying,
You’re in the “battalion of youth”.

I’m the lost little lamb,
You’ve taken my place in the flock.

I’m lost to the wilderness,
You’re the sudden block.

I sleep with the snakes,
You can imagine the venom in me.

You sleep in the clouds,
You fly with angels so free.

I’m okay that I’m evil,
It’s alright to be bad.

I know the life you took from me,
I remember the life that I had.

I’m leaving the nest soon,
Mama bird will never know.

But soon my dark heart will consume me,
And eventually it’ll start to show.
Peter Tanner Nov 2019
He walks though rivers and streams
Through distant meadows and traveler's dreams
As he does this he always ponders deeply
about wondrous sights and mountains angled steeply
Why does he do it? Only I know.
He sits back and wonders why the rivers flow
He climbs to find where the greener grass might grow
He wishes to know as do we all.
On this earth what is our purpose?
Is hoping for something after this life hopeless?
What and where was I before this?
Thus we wander and ponder as we dump our thoughts into a seemingly endless abyss.
Most of us wonder why we are here, where we were, and where we are going. The answer is out there. Maybe as we wander it will find us.
Christina Cox Dec 2015
At two weeks old I was blessed to be healthy, happy, and strong.
Which is actually really sweet.

At eight years old I was baptized fully underwater in a giant tub.
It sounds stranger than it was.

At eight years old I was confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and given the gift of the Holy Ghost.
But why would the counsel of the Holy Ghost be a gift only given to those in this church?
And why is the name so **** long?

At twelve years old I was moved to different classes separated by gender then brought back together an hour later.
The concept and schedule of a three hour church day is quite strange.

At sixteen years old I could have followed the rule my parents and higher-ups had made to not date until sixteen but only in groups.
At fifteen years old I broke the rule and found a boy to call my own.

At eighteen years old I graduated from seminary, even though I lied.
It helps when we graded ourselves.

At eighteen years old I could have followed the rule my parents and higher-ups had made to be allowed to date without being in a group.
But I broke this rule three years prior.

At twenty-one years old I could have chosen to spend two years away from school, family, friends and serve the church through a mission.
A scary thought to me but a great experience to those who are faithful.

At twenty-one years old I told my parents, “I don’t think I believe.”
**And crazily, they still love me.
I was born into the church and have just put a few experiences here. Just like any church, there are people who believe and people who do not. Please don't take this as a strict, "This is what this church is." That would not be fair.
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