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Aaron LaLux Jul 2016
Who is this H.P. Lovecraft,
was he even a poet,
this whole industry’s a bloodbath,
I’ve got four aces in my hand and I’m willing to show this,

to who’s pleasure do I owe this,
how can I be the greatest,
when they’ve got me battling ghost,
in this never ending matrix,

I ate the red pill and the blue pill,
maybe that’s why I’m so confused,
plus THT1 should be #1 for real,
but right now it’s sitting at #2,

I’m behind a dead man,
Mr. H.P. Lovecraft,
fck that,
fame is a deathtrap,

who is this H.P. Lovecraft,
not even alive some random published his book,
now he’s at #1 and I’m at #2 worldwide,
for real take a look!

I just published a new book,
take a moment to check it out,
all profits go to charity,
to prevents child abuse and ****** assault,

so not only are you getting an epic book of poetry,
but you're also supporting a good cause no doubt,
because I believe we can change this world for the better,
but we have no time to waste so let’s start now!

Here’s the link to the new book:
For real...
I’ll look out the window
Oh look! Its raining!
And I’ll want
To go dance in the rain
I’ll grow restless
And think
I need to get out!
And I’ll want
To go on a run
I’m cold
And I’ll think
I’m going to curl up in a big blanket,
With a book and
A cup of hot cocoa and extra marshmallows

And other times
I’ll be sad
Or in a,
I’m going to watch a sad movie
With ice cream
Just do it! Eat that ice cream!
Cry in that movie!

I’ll think

Sometimes I’ll want
To do some of these things

So I do
Pax Dec 2015
sometimes you have to stop imagining
and just do it!
Sometimes I need to be reminded about this. We tend to over-think, over analyze, over justified on something we got to do, one major hindrance in most of our choices are doubts the breeds our fears.
Invocation Oct 2015
She's strong and wise and sticky fingered
She's squishy and smart and colourful and fun
She's small and quick and shiny
And she's gonna find herself in
Being free
Spread ur wangs leetle gecker.
elixir Jul 2015
Everytime, every single time they ask me "why?".
Why dive into the ocean when you know it's too deep?
Why walk the path though you find it too steep?
Why kiss the fire if you knew you'd burn?
Why did you go if you knew you'd return?
Why leave the track and find yourself lost in a circle?
Why did you help them only to feel them trample?
Why trust while you know it tends to rust?
Why do you care while no one does?
Why go to war when you know you'll surely die?

I never knew the answer.
But, there's one thing I know for sure,
This curse of mine has no cure.
I only hope that it is for the better.
This is what happens when I've had too much coffee and one sleepless night.

— The End —