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Danica Dec 2019
How can I manage not to punch you in the face?  
When all you can do is to put me in disgrace
Roses are red Violet are blue
Move away you *****!  I'm not talking to you.

Yow *****!  Don't be a snitch!  Mind your own business you nasty witch.
Hey Big headed!  Don't you have friends?
Telling all the gossips?  Oh!  You're Insane.

Oh my!  Don't be so pure,  acting like innocent who the hell are you?
Oh geez! Are you Insecure?  Making yourself ensure? How can you be so sure?

Keep your **** together my little butterfly.
Time is so precious so try to be nice
Clock is ticking  pray for you life
Karma will be a bigger *****
Than I'll ever need to be.
Just trying to be cool
Alex Sidebottom Jan 2019
Sometimes I sit here and wonder if I was wrong
But I always ask myself did we even belong?
Because there are things in the past that I wish I could know
Like was it even worth it?
Did you ever love me?
Or was it just a show?

My heart was in tatters
You where a ******* ****
But none of that matters
You didn't want it to work

Now I'm left to pick up the pieces
Everything I had has gone
But now I know what peace is
Because I've finally moved on.
Aseel Jan 2019
My eyes are drowning And my soul is burned
How can I tell my heart to stop hurting for a ****?
Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2018
I wonder if I will ever understand
You destroyed everything good
You sit there and blame the world
Claiming you are "misunderstood"

You whine that no one gets you
Yet don't bother to explain
You won't let anybody in
You have zero right to complain

Do not say nobody has tried
To open doors to your mind
I personally wasted years knocking
Genuine thoughts I have yet to find

It is hard to accept what someone won't give
Even harder to listen to words they do not share
I tried but it is difficult to love
A person who's presence isn't actually there

You act like I am the one in the wrong
As if I would have jumped ship if you told the truth
My loyalty has proved to be enduring
Been dealing with the same ******* since our youth

It's unfair to make me feel guilty
For taking the course I thought was best
Know I'm sorry for hurting you
But I will not apologize for all the rest

You excel at playing victim
Done it so much you really believe
The universe is conspiring to get you
In denial of the fact you deceive  

My biggest frustration with your fake facade
Is the time you spend fooling yourself
I'm powerless to flip your tired ways
Expose flaws you forced to hide up on some shelf

Fairytale you began fearing is finished
The easiest failure to flee
Freedom pushes frantic fingers further from you
Life to you is but a fading foolish fantasy

Satisfied spinning us round and round
Still I followed your dizzy path
Sedated souls stumbling over obstacles
Sickening secrets revealed without a polygraph

Our twisted relationship takes the most room in my heart
The bitterest sweetest disappointment was you
Though fleeting, this beautiful love was rare
I just wish I knew reasons behind the pain you put me through
I guess I'll never really get it
Amanda Kay Burke Aug 2018
You used me and took
Everything you could until
There was nothing left
So many people confuse being used with being loved
Brent Kincaid Jul 2018
Dear Donald, wait. strike that.
You cattle rustler in a black hat,
You cheated and you lied to us
On just about a daily basis.
You made a list of promises
Of what you would do for us
But you did the exact opposite
Meaning not a single word of it.

Half of us settled on you to be
The man with enough responsibility
To make our country great but yet
There wasn’t much wrong with it.
We can’t say that today, can we?
You and your cabinet detest reality.
You make claims and even worse
Most of what you say is in reverse.

Now you’re off kidnapping kids
With no shame for what you did.
You steal babies and fly them away
And charge voters a thousand a day!
And if that wasn’t far enough off track
You charge parents to get them back.
Then you insist someone else is to blame.
Ugly man, why no sense of shame?

You have taken our country down.
You went from an political clown
To an arch criminal like we’ve never seen.
For decades you smiled in glossy magazines.
Now you’re applauding dictators and
Your cabinet is a robber baron’s band.
You deserve to be put into a prison
If any of our lawmakers had wisdom.

So, this is your Dear Donald letter
Bad motor scooter, and a worse go-getter,
Telling you a ferocious goodbye.
Take it as a fact, and don’t lie.
If there is a bit of integrity remaining,
We’ll **** on you and tell you it’s raining.
Andy Felix May 2018
You're just a **** and should be left alone
Its what you want anyways, people dont like your tone
Always on guard ready for a fight
Even when theres no need, your always right
You big *******, saying you wont answer stupid questions
When the answers are obvious thatll teach them a lesson
You have reasons you're so snappy
It makes people cry, nobodys happy
And when that happens you turn to stone
Cant deal with emotions leave them alone
Beacause people **** you off, or you're just a ****
Its your fault relationships never worked
You think you know whats best
But people never listen so save your breath
Push everyone away so they cant ask for ****
Afterall you give what you get
I wrote this about myself sarcastically. Its someone I dont want to be.
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