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I am gonna say this the best I can, Man, I don't even know where to begin, On my face there is a grin, Yet I feel ate up with sin, I look in the mirror, I see broken, You can't see it when you look at me, That I feel lost  as can be, I write these stupid rhymes And I don't even like mine, On the inside I feel terror,
The thing is I'm so happy, But something in me is empty,
I finally have a good life, I am a proud wife,
Still not a dime in my name, But happy just the same,
My soul is soaked with rain,  Because my heart cries from pain, Then when no one is home, All day somedays I sit here, And I cry outloud and alone, There is so much I miss, And darker grows the abyss,
No need to mention all that I miss, Because I can't go back to reteieve any of this, People, name's, memories and could be's, I always carry them with me,
I can try to be bad with a frozen heart,
It don't work when I try to play the part,
I wished I could, I wished I was,
Was so bad without a care,
If I could then I wouldn't have to wish I was,
Because yeah then I would,
I don't know me,
I know what some other's see,
When I glady go down to my grave,
No one will shed any tears,
I doubt any of the one's I love will even be there,
I don't even see them now,
I pray God takes me soon somehow.
                                       -Ven Jencie Arnold
True, Too tired of going over it and over it again. If you have questions, I will answer
Thank you and God Bless
Sandoval Oct 2017
Under the October

Is where the sunset

took my heartbreak

Sandoval Aug 2017
Do not dim

your lights, then
ask me why

I love the dark
so much..

Sandoval Aug 2017
With Neruda, I fell in love with you.

It was so beautiful, I felt I had to close my eyes wide shut,

just to remember this was not a dream.

Then Hemingway came along, by then I was feeling a little lost in your eyes. Some days were good, some days were bad. Yet, I still held on.

But when I suddenly found myself with Bukowski on my nightstand.

Well, I knew then, baby, we were ******. He brought me back to reality, and I understood at that moment, that we were finally done.

Now I don't read any of them, they remind me too much of you..

To Drew.
Sandoval Jun 2017
Like the horizon hiding between the

sea and the sky,

near and distant all at once. To me,

that's what you are.

Sandoval Jun 2017
Winter dawns on me. The cold of the air, suffocates

my bones. I look outside and flowers are blooming in.

I'm slowly dying inside these four walls.

I love you, but as I watch you leave,

time slowly falls, and I drop to my knees.

Sandoval Jun 2017
I breathe him in, he breathes me out.

Its like i'm lost and cant be found.


— The End —