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Genduk Apr 2020
three classes to teach
5 hours a week
I forgot the due date again
is it this week or last week
if this one time I can pretend
a student with blushing cheeks
giggled so blatantly as if
the slides I made was some of childhood worth of joke
look! I won't give you a rotten apple I had
from my graduation day
I stucked my teeth there
I can feel the pain still
long from the first day my braces just got tighten
in high school, I put coins in my uniform
the grey skirt that got me wondered
how their pocket got stitched and mine didn't
my grey skirt was the one with a pocket each side
like an elephant floppy ears sticked out
I wonder and I lay down on my single bed
Genduk Apr 2020
to know the frangipani will again rose

not one, not two, not three, but more

to accept that the betel plant in my small ***

no longer battle its grow

the mint plant though

to have hope that it lasts long

we can’t leave this house yet

the street tree outside your study room

the warmth at noon still

let’s have laugh till  the rain fall

let’s have a cry on the third mercury retrograde

let them all be and do

and we two will be and do too
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
: Janet E Steele*

And what is the body? And what is a house?

The body is home to pain,
there was a mouth that held back a scream
there are wounds that show the face of blood

The body is home to the spirit of layover,
and there he felt at home, listening to the song
time, clock & heart rippled

And what is a house? And what is the body?

The house is an area where there is none
the shadow of the body, in a corner
gramophone placed & prayer sent to far.

Home is where you come back
from a small meeting, and there you are
happy, because you have time to say love.
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017

IT should have written your name, in that column.
Do I have to care about the name of the city and the airport?

It should have been the reason for my departure:
go home to meet you, for longing. "Repeat the word, completely
which can fit in empty space, on my ticket paper, "

I will say so, to the registrar.

2. Baggage

I WILL not give this to a haphazard officer.

My backpack will just hug me along the flight.
"It's an unfinished longing, longing to worry me.
There are many who are not caught. It's an incomplete longing, "
I will say so, when I get back to you.

I'm not going to let what is tightness scattered carelessly.

3. Waiting Room

I AM worried about you. The airport in this country is not fair.
There is never a good waiting room for pickup.

I'm worried about me. This heart's longing is also never fair.
There was never enough waiting time, for a moment to be patient.

4. Emergency Door*

WHY does the stewardess always, like telling anxiously?

I already know very well where and how to open
Four emergency exits, wear safety jackets, put up
And removing seat belts. I've been very anxious ever since
Bought the ticket I mentioned in stanza number one. Tickets are on
there I want to write my own name, flight date and time,
And the reasons why you so badly missed.
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
A pair of lovers is a pair of tongues that say the word alternately, the same word, which moves from mouth to mouth.

A pair of lovers is a pair of eyes that never tired of looking at each other, lyrics to each other, closing each other, in the light and dark.

A pair of lovers are two travelers searching each other, and steadfast wait until finally found each other.

A pair of lovers is a pair of names that ask each other for a place in memory, so as not lost in the loss.

A pair of lovers are a pair of farmers who rush to the fields do not wait for the rain to die, because love is a fertile morning.

A pair of lovers is a pair of eyes in the night, there is a beautiful dangling light, and there is hope that gee, rampant.

A pair of lovers are two lines on a gurindam, longing for revenge, mutual opening and closing, harassing, muffling.

A pair of lovers is a pair of longing hands, stalling to the empty, as if to rub a love on the forehead full of sweat.

A pair of lovers are a pair of hearts at a glance, bristling, as you imagine the longing will be very torture.

A pair of lovers is a pair of interconnected books, the first book, continues into the second book, and vice versa.

A pair of lovers is a pair of books that amaze each other on the cover, because it knows very well what is written on them.

A pair of lovers are two books, writing and reading each other, without ever interchanging the pages.
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
MORNING is the way the earth teaches me how to love you, what I seem to routinely do, but in fact never repeats the same.

Morning is the way the sun teaches me to be faithful to you. He was never silent but did not move from him. Thus, true love is a love that does not ask.

Morning is the way the dew tells me about sincerity, and it wants me to imitate. It will only be there for a moment. But on the leaves, the traces of the story remain legible.

Morning, earth, sun, and dew, are my way of doing things for you, that is finding myself in who is not me, as I got from my love for you.
Hasan Aspahani Jul 2017
TIME was not there. But there is. On the crease lines around my neck, for example. It's lined up like a ladder. I walked there, not knowing I was on the way up, or down the stairs.

It was not there. But there is. In fat bags hanging outside my gastric sac, for example. Slowly he lowered his head. Being so full of where I should not be.

It was not there. But there is. On the tangle of wrinkles on the back of my arm, for example. Also the shadow of the scars, whose pain had been long, so intimate. I accepted.

Also on the hair that has been clear, the color of the fishing line, and I am an anxious fish, wielding its own age - a sign that time exists - that drowns, subsides, and shrinks.

— The End —