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aurora kastanias May 2017
Seclusion leads to wonder
Forgetting the sound of my voice,
As speaking loses purpose
And observation becomes my only drive.

A square with benches surrounded by trees
Pebbles clattering as kids would climb on
The mighty statue of an ancient judge.
A spot I made my own.

Random people passing by, few
Take shelter from chaos and heat,
Absorbed in their own minds
A frantic world seemingly leading to madness.

A ***** smelly sashaying woman seats on a bench,
Places her ******* garbage bags next to her
While rambling incomprehensible words of anger.
‘That’s where solitude leads you!’ I presumptuously think.

A slender tall middle-age man, just as ***** and smelly,
Comes up to her shouting she does not care enough
About him. She refuses to talk and walks away.
‘No matter who you are, feelings are always the same!’

A man in his sixties and a young sunny girl
Take their place on the bench, chatting away.
He narrates experiences she enchantedly absorbs,
‘A beautiful father and daughter scene’ I naively assume.

As they smile tenderly, his hand swiftly glides under her skirt,
She approaches him to kiss his ears and neck.
Such warmth, delicacy and joy heat my heart
Wondering what the judge might have to say.

As I take notes of my observations I raise my eyes,
A lonely loud sobbing kid is now sat on the bench.
His mother crossly approaches to scold him,
‘Another disrespectful brat’ I shamefully determine.

Once he finishes beating his feet on the ground
He looks up at the lady seeking an embrace. He gets consolation
For losing a toy, his departed father had carved a little while ago.
‘We all miss our father at some point.’

Those benches have been my parlour for many years,
Random people passing by, absorbed in their own minds
A frantic world seemingly leading to madness,
Until the day I realised I was one of them.

All these people populate my being,
They are the reason why I sense and live
In harmonic peace, feeling the inevitable unity
With a universe inhabited by such extraordinary yet

Fragile creatures.
Nerve Oct 2016
I kept it to myself after you
Heard about the suicide of Lou
Making fun of him was all I used to do
I felt bad about myself & needed someone new
So I told some kid to step off
Remembered his name was Phillip and he had a nasty cough
recognized years ago he hadn't been so soft
but it didn't matter so I left the loft
Decided to put the ***** side on freeze
But never actually gotta chance to seize
see right after that tease
He never showed again you see
Gossip traveled over that he had disease
Convinced Everything I said turned lethal
Low esteem so I popped a pill
My parents made me work a lil
Never moved out of my parents until
They found me getting a refill
I blanked forward staring at the windowsill
Perhaps my brain was always ill
They said that I'm unacceptable
If I worked more they let me stay till
I was clean and could pay my own bills
Fast forward-
The story goes onward
in my head I always knew I had killed
Some pathetic actions made my heart filled
Learning the hard way's proof you did some evil.
(This was fictional)
Ryan Cheng Mar 2016
A cocoon of mundanity
Built on concrete
The fossils of butterflies past

Driven by Benjamin
The cycle goes
Fermented hopes and dreams
Within a membrane of glass

But on the ground
Is where you'll see
All caterpillars may have the chance
To fly free
aniket nikhade Jul 2015
Again and again
All over again
The same thing gets repeated again.

Agreed upon the fact that a mistakes have happened
As of now, not only in the past, but also in the present
Often it happens that when something is going on in the mind, one finds something similar to it in front of him, just before his own eyes
Possibly an intution or just a coincidence
Well, the same is true with regards to a mistake

A mistake is a mistake that tends to remain a mistake unless and until an effort is not made to learn from the mistake.
Always make sure that the same mistake is not repeated again.

It is always easy to make any mistake,
Making a careless mistake itself takes the least amount of efforts
Equally important is to make sure that the mistake that has been made is understood at the first instance itself.
The required lessons are learnt from the mistake that has been made
Correcting the mistake is definitely important,
Equally important is to keep in mind the fact that the same kind of mistake is not repeated again.

Before getting ready for executing a task look at yourself
In the mirror, look at yourself and while doing so you will come across a series of different thoughts.
Also you will find so many questions that are going on in your mind
Never mind to the doubts that have been raised over and over again
A bit of anxiety proves to be good and helpful before the start of any particular task.

What happens afterwards
What follows later is not as important as important is the fact that you know what you are going to do while executing a task.

Be yourself
Be what you are
Give your best in whatever you do
Always be positive in your mind, think positively.

No matter what happens in life, never think of giving up on anything in life
since failure is the first step to success

A mistake or two can happen, but then that must not dampen the spirit of moving ahead and getting things done
Experience counts
Experience matters
Over a period of time experience is gained
Step by step learn from each mistake
Experience will get enriched over a period of time.

Experience can never be gauged on the basis of one failure
More in particular,
The time when it comes to decide upon the future course of action
Many things are decided on the basis of prior experience then
So better not gauge the level of experience on the basis of one bad experience
On the basis of one failure.

When a mistake happens
Whether it's small or big
Nature of mistake all of a sudden does not become the criteria,
However it's important,
Never shy away from the fact that you have made a mistake
Accept your mistake
Also keep in mind
Many more number of ways will always be there to avoid the same kind of mistake.
Primarily because attitude matters a lot when it comes to winning or losing.

So always be sure that like the rest of the other individuals even you are not perfect
You can and you are bound to make a mistake, but then be firm that you learn from the same

After all winning and losing has remained a part of the game since ages.
Scientists have discoverd
the same flexibiliy in thoughts
that leads to creativity;
can also lead in some individuals
to mental illness.
Rhianecdote Feb 2015
I can go it alone you see.
I'm a lone wolf breed
From a caring and sharing creed
But I'm not yours and you're not mine
Cause ownership and possession is greed
Insecurity it feeds.
Don't wanna be dependent on
Just wanna rest in the knowing
I can depend upon
You and you upon me
Cause that's when you and I
Are strongest you see.
Separate entities choosing to support
The structure of "WE"
I think this is where a lot of us go wrong in our relationships. I believe and hope for myself any way that it will be based on Two Individuals choosing to be together out of love not feeling unable to be without eachother out of fear.
This, my friends, is an anthem –
For the ones who feel small; the introverts,
The ones who believe in things so much
They can feel it in their bones, yet at the end
Of the day refuse to believe in themselves.
You are all beautiful.
I don’t mean that in the socially-constructed,
Warped, narrow-minded sense of the word.
You are beautiful for your raw, honest souls
Your unique individuality, and the love
For every living thing you pour outward
In a radial, sunshine-spritzing way –
Promise me you won’t forget to love yourselves in return.
Yes, you, the ones who believe in second chances,
Big droplets of rain, the first snowfall of winter,
And the rejuvenating cycle of leaves.
The ones who believe in the sound
Of typewriter keys and songbirds
And the beauty of stars after a long day.
If all other things deserve the greatest joy
We call happiness, then so, my dear,
Beautiful soul-friends, deserve all the happiness
This great big world can contain.
Claire Oct 2014
Monkey See, Monkey Do
People See, People Do
Society Does, People Do

We are the puppets of society
We are the ones being fed by their lies
We are the ones being washed in their waters of the tamed
We are the ones being forced to accept, and to not question
We are their most prized possession that they cannot run without

To be seen as perfect
no flaws, no edges, no imperfections
If not, we must change,
we must evolve to their ideal standard
To be like their models
with their photoshop bodies and their fake smiles
To be what they force us to be

To act, and not think
To use our fist and tongue
but never our brain
To do with out hesitation
To speak without a thought
To never becoming an original
but always a carbon copy

We are their soldiers
but never their hero
To be saved
but never to save the day
To be the killers for society
but never to be killed

We are puppets
With society holding the strings
We are their model copies
that can never become an individual
To be their ideal image
But to never be ourselves

This poem was part of an essay I wrote regarding my opinions on the society that we live in, and how it negatively affects us as individuals.
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