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Summer Duperron Jun 2015
Some People Are hated ,
don't know what to do
don't know why others treat them that way
don't know how to treat themselves
the only words they can think...
I Can't,
the word they believe
in their mind,
in their heart
don't stop before you start
don't say you can't before you begin
because that way you'll never win
At The Game Of Life,
now give me the knife you stabbed me in the back with...
I'll cut the interlocking vines in the way of my path
more complicated but also more simple than grade 10 math
let your story unfold
take a different road
Twisting and winding
Have your story be told;
your memories shared
act and pretend
that all your superficial friends cared
but at the end of the day, did they.
Mine Did
in a world where quantity over quality existed,
especially with friends
I won not with quantity but with quality
I favored it
it had a different taste,
a different flavour
Not bitter but sweet
in a bitter-sweet world
but I can't choose one over the other
because you have your hardships
you have your happiness
and often they can be mixed together;
in a cocktail of heartbreak and new love
and the Idea you can always begin again,
or start where you left of.
Ember Evanescent Feb 2015
I want to text him

right now.
please, I'm not strong enough to stop myself...
Ember Evanescent Jan 2015
I want to write my emotions down in this poem,
But if I put my emotions into words
The screen would burst into flames
And I would burst into tears

I'm just so broken right now, and I just want to be happy. Why can't I just be happy
I just want to express how I feel but I can't. I have no words.
I just feel hollow.
Ember Evanescent Jan 2015
I can stop myself from texting him
That's a start
But if I don't want to think about him
That's a whole lot harder
But I can't listen to love songs
Or sad love songs
Or sad songs
Or angry songs
Or Ed Sheeran because he loves his music
Or the song Riptide by Vance Joy because he loves that song too
This music reminds me too much of him
I can't use the word lovely
Because that was my favorite word he used to call me
And he knew it, so he used it all the time
I can't even wear dresses and skirts anymore because he always liked girls wearing dresses and skirts
I can't read John Green because he actually liked his writing style
And I can't read ANY quotes from Neil Gaiman because he loved his writing
He of course, had to be a writer and a poet so it's hard to read love poetry without his name creeping into mind
I hate how I can't even finish the novel I was writing because I included some events based off of some of my favorite moments between us
I can't look at pictures of England because he really wanted to live in England one day
I can't look his exgirlfriend who he still cares for who goes to my school in the eye because just like he always did I will always compare myself to her and I can never measure up to even close to what she is
I can't text the words "haha" because he used that instead of lol all the time
I can't even talk about him to someone without feeling pathetic
He just wrecked everything
He ruined my favorite outfits, music, music artists, writing, books, countries, and even my novels that I had ideas I was just so excited for.
I just can't get him out of my mind
And the truth is
I don't like him anymore
I really don't
but I do miss him
and I admit that
I don't want to
but honestly, I do
So it is just easier... to forget
Although with all the things that lead me back to him
It's proving not to be easier
and I kind of don't want to forget
because he was the closest I ever came
To really liking a guy
Who liked me back
and just like the tense he used when he said goodbye to me
I say liked
*not like.
why does everything bring me back to his name
how do you get over a guy????
at least I have stopped texting him
it's just that I almost want to.
Almost. :(
how do you get over someone?
Madeysin Dec 2014
I cursed every tear that dripped from my blue forsaken eyes, rolled down my cheeks, to rest at my lips, the ones that never got to call you dad.
I don't know how much longer I can keep my head above the waves.
Ye Htun Zaw Sep 2014
i can't
when the day was over me
i can't
the life is not what i want
i can't
when the sun rises over me
i can't
i just wanna to breathe
incoming air as born
outgoing air as i die
i record my life
i will never great person
somebody know
but may not know everybody
just a little time of my life
i wanna help to the poor
i wanna to live for others..
let me try

— The End —