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Mystic Ink Plus Oct 2020
The whole world

Wake up

And witness
The starry night
With a rare beauty

A warm treat
Theme: Everything will be fine. You didn't choose this life, it chose you.
Dave Robertson Aug 2020
Rest as a remedy,
forced to stay put,
instead of filling my head and feet with
a million next steps
and very necessary jobs and concerns,
I have to sit

the normal distractions
I covet in the pell-mell of things,
box sets, deep cuts, long reads, levelling up,
lose lustre fast
I glaze-stare at the fictional tree line
ticks trickling to tocks

From deep below I hear the slow plod
thudded footfalls of ‘those’ thoughts,
sensing a weakness in the barricades,
heaving down the drawbridge
usually bound firm by chains of daily grind,
LED light show and the world’s digital caterwaul

My busted foot has robbed my nimbleness,
unable to glance, sidestep or dance aside,
our eyes catch and fix,
like the titans of the twilight
their inexorable, gargantuan tread reaches me

I put up a pathetic wrestle
before I am pinned by the weight
long past the three count
frantically tapping on the mat
my morse SOS growing weak

Please Doc,
just give me a dose of elixir so they’ll retreat
and my broken *** will ride
a frivolous winged horse
back to safe and anxious ground
audreyboren Jul 2020
it hurts to see you forget me
no actually im happy that you forget me
cause im the one who cause you pain
when you knew that you can't hold on to me
a n y m o r e
Miriam Nov 2020
Just hold on
It will be alright
Just stay strong
You can win this fight
Just keep going
Till the morning light
Just keep warm
I’ll hold you close tonight
Copyright © 2020 MiriamH
J J Jul 2020
He plays himself

With a mask like soaked clay

And faux tears on-command,

All you can do to cope with the hindsight

Is to say you were brave for sticking with it

When you weren't brave enough for the alternative,

Voice like a whisky-croak and words that

Ring of sweet nothings but really mean nothing at all.

Blood on the carpet. Never coming off

And never failing to remind you of what you did and didn't

do wrong.

You figured you'd make boredom into something

Less important but the meaning of any philosophy

Is dependant on the day and the weight of the past it carries--

**** it

Bassline stranded on the boderline, that is to say

Stuck and unfixable. That's part of growing, right?

Dealing with it and moving on, forming a character

From a tortuous pantomine; doing the impossible in

Ameliorating light strictly with the tools given to you

by the dark room you were raised in. Rise or sink.

It was out of your hands, your actions moving forward

Is all that has to matter now.

Just hold on until tomorrow.
Zack Ripley Jul 2020
Another day here.
Another day gone.
Another day wishing
I had somewhere I belonged.
Another day comes.
Another day goes.
Another day with nothing to show.
Another day begins.
Another day ends.
Another day with no new friends.
But in spite of it all,
I still hold on to hope
That someday, someone will help me
Be more like a river
And less like a wall
Title based on song by MacKenzie Phillips, featured in 90s Disney show called so weird.
Zack Ripley Feb 2020
I'm not here to tell you
how to live your life.
All I ask is that
you don't look at the knife
With admiration or longing.
Because there's so much coming
That you can't see.
So please hold on.
If not for you, for me.
Euphrosyne Mar 2020
The dreams of lovers are like good wine
They bring joy or also sorrow
Weakened by your absence ,
I am unhappy
Writing you a beautiful poem
is all that I can
Because nothing is for free in life

Hope is a plate far too quickly consumed
I am used to skipping the meal
A solitary thief is sad to eat
On our game so complicated
I can't succeed
Because nothing is for free in life,

Life,Never will they tell me
That the course of the stars:
it's not for me
Let me amaze you and take our flight
We can finally be happy

I want to be with you
through thick and thin
And the celebration
will finally begin,
Get the bottles; end the strife
I lay the table of my new life
I am glad about the idea of our fate
We both know that this isn't easy but,
I'm happy to be with you in this fight
A life of hiding and then finally free
The feast is on my way
Our life of hiding and
then finally will be free
The feast is on our way
Before the light comes there's dark that always brings challenges on us both but love always trust me always trust us to have the celebration what we wanted at last for our us. Hold on we'll celebrate soon.
Euphrosyne Mar 2020
Life goes on
Our own world
Keeps going on
Many opportunity
For I know
Will be beautifully
Evolving to be
meant to me,
Girl you are
Meant for me
We just need
To hold on
Life goes on
We don't need to
Move on
We just need to
Hold on
And if you are really meant
To be with me
Then, We will be,
For now
I will leave it
All to destiny
But I promise
Girl, in forever
You and I
Will be together
And so life goes on
Life goes on and so we are but don't move on just hold on do not give up we haven't started yet.
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