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jia Mar 2021
maybe if you didn't give any hint
like that time you liked my new tint
and when you gave me my favorite mint
i just wish you didn't

maybe if you treated others the same
like how it's only me that can tame
your only light and burning flame
so that's how it became

maybe if you were careful
and kind of less of a fool
a little more truthful
just thinking, it's wishful

maybe if i wasn't naive
for like a child, i believed
that you would not leave
however, i was deceived
cas Mar 2020
stories are made for enchantment
our hearts are even meant
we hold hands
staring at each others eyes
and there's a spark
the hints of lies
Elizabeth Zenk Jul 2018
Dropping subtle hints.
Little clues.
Scattered like breadcrumbs.
Feeding you the leftovers of my sorrow.
Starlight Jul 2018
The body sneers in hatred,
Girl, she is always hurting it,
Pulling it this way and that,
Cutting hair off like limbs,
Scratching marks into the functional skin,
Leaving the stomach empty for the cold to get in,
Pinching skin and chewing lips,
Girl makes the body look like a circus act,
A crudely drawn picture littered with cuts,
Face splotched with make up,
Girl is beautiful, the body can tell,
But Girl lies to herself,
And refuses to believe the truth in front of her,
Blandly pasted on her skin like a brand,
BEAUTIFUL, even the body can read it,
Scowling as the walls rumble in starvation,
Skin itches from melted candle wax,
And eyes burn from staring at the sun.

The sun is not as beautiful as Girl,
The body does not understand why she stares so long,
The only reason can be stupidity,
And Girl is not stupid,
No matter how many times she says she is,
The body knows the truth,
Sees the intelligence behind her eyes,
Curled despair around her wrists,
Trailing up her shoulders and through her hair,
Like searching hands,
The body can feel the phantom hands,
Scratching like pins on the skin,
Drawing blood with the ghostly presence,
The body does not remember the hands,
The body had healed from it.

Only Girl remembered,
And knew her reasoning,
For the flat torso and scratched skin.
I wrote this for a friend who can never seem to think she is beautiful.
He wanted you to captivate his body
I want you to captivate my mind
There's a contacting difference
I think you'll pick up on it
Hopefully you do
I want you to get my hints when they need to be discovered
Jodey Ross Sep 2014
The suspense is killing me,
making me itch!

Thinking of what it could be,
I think I'm going mad!

Just one little word,
that's all I need!

Just one little word!

Give me a hint,
I need it *please!
My girlfriend has a surprise for me this weekend and won't give me a hint and I don't go to school with anyone that she told what it was and it is killing me!
Anon Jul 2014
In every kiss and breath and word
Is laced
A question.
Stitched carefully, delicately in.

Do you always love me?
(Every second, minute, hour?)

How long will you stay?
(Stay forever, janu,
But go if you're going.)

When will your ripe passion for me return?
(Not for my body, but for my heart,
My love.)

Never is there an answer.

Because its true.

Janu is short for jaaneman meaning lover in Hindi :)
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