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Pauline Morris Mar 2016
Crawled inside a whisky bottle
For I am no aristotle

This is my hiding spot for awail
There is no need for 911 to be dialed

I'm only trying to drown my misery
Surly that is plain to see

Please don't shake me out
I need my whisky stout

Let me stay In here for now
I'll find my own way out.....some how
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
Weak is my will
Missing is my skill
Aim not straight enough to ****

I'm a wounded animal with a dangerous bite
No where to hide I must fight
Backed into a corner, what a sight

Better watch out I've gone feral, I've gone madd
I've lost what little sanity I had
To the marrow, to the core, my souls gone bad

Talking to a God that's gone MIA
He never listened anyway
That why I stoped, now I never pray

Been driven over the edge with all the pain
Now agony is what reigns
I'm tired of this ****** up game

I'm sick of a life that fosters
Only Demons in my roster
With my mask, I feel like an impostor

So this skin I'm gonna slice right through
I'll pay my dues
I'll leave a blood stained hue

Then I'll slink back from where I came
Heaven or Hell it's all the same
They both play the same vicious game
Cat Fiske Jan 2016
I hate feeling like a pest and a mess,
I hate feeling like I bother you to death,
For I want to know why you can't trust me,
but I must trust you,
please help me,
when I am trying to open my sealed and closed,
heart and soul,
for you, why can you not even speak a word to me
besides mute sounds, that's all that ever will come out,
I am trying to let my voices spiral out for you,
but yours still hid in the back floor of the closet in fear,
never seeing an inch of light for so many years,
please trust me,
and let me trust you,
if you want this to work,  
you have to agree that you can rely on me too.
trust me
We knew it wasn’t over
Because our eyes
Always found
Before they hid
In the cinderblock
Across the room.
scar Jun 2015
The road is bare
The path is steep
The wood is thick and vast

The midnight air
Which haunts your sleep;
The moon is rising fast.

All through the night
Strange creatures dance
And cast in you their spell

In their dark light
You lie entranced
In woods you once knew well.

You visit her
You know she's wise,
You know she'll set you free.

And undeterred
Beneath her eyes
Regard: her pain you see.

She reaches out
Her hand takes yours
Her head turns to the north

From round about
Voices implore
They plead, they babble forth.

You're scared, and yet
You know her way
In harshness she is kind

You don't regret
The light of day
That you have left behind.

You join her in
Her secret place
She loves you, yet says no

You can't begin
You cannot trace
The path no man can go.

For in her den
Such secrets lie
That she just has to keep

For all such men
Who come to try
This river runs too deep.

And so she hides
Herself away
From you and from the world

Does not confide,
For there's no way
To own this gypsy girl.
scar Jun 2015
In the middle of the city stands a building
Made of glass, though you can't see inside
Like the sunglasses worn by the people on the street,
Who in their dark brown shaded world hide.

At the bottom of the garden is a frog pond,
But you can't see the bottom for the mud
Like the people bleeding from internal ruptures:
Needing healing, though you can't see the blood.

In the centre of the woodland is an oak tree
Covered up with the climbing ivy green
Like the girl who sits behind you each and every morning,
Hid behind her black-clothed metal music sheen.

Hanging in your living room there's a picture
That you don't see until you step away
Like the boy who lies on his bedroom floor sobbing,
But is the life and soul of the party in the day.

In this cataclysmic lifetime twists a labyrinth
You won't see til you use your other eye
Which sees more than the self put forward by others,
But looks beyond it; looks them in the I.
Josie Patterson Feb 2015
eyelids coated in glitter
       you dont see the world like we do
upper lip, flowers sprouting
       to cover the rot
earbuds playing melodies in the key of C
       playlist of wonder

i see why you do the things you do
cover the stained bedsheets with cotton blankets
No one wants a troubled girl
Cause All she knows is trouble girl

So we're toss out with the trash
Scratch that
We are the trash
We are the girls that society puts on blast
Cause no one wants a girl with a past
No one wants a girl with baggage
We're told to pack it up and put it in the cellar
Or basement, or attic, Or whatever
No one really cares where we put it as long as we don't bring it to the next house
As long as it remains hiddens from our next spouse
We're suppose to
Hide our scars and patch our wounds
Lose weight, stay well groomed  
Nip it tuck it, have good hair
Flaws and baggage remain over there
Back straight, heads up
Smile big, Lips plumped
And mostly, overAll
Cause this could be our one big flaw
We're suppose to
Keep past pain, emotions and drama in
Cause we don't want to lose our men  
Pretend like nothing is wrong, stay strong
Take a shot, ride it out
Cry alone
Huh? Nothings wrong
No one wants a troubled girl
All she knows is trouble girl
Inspired by troubled boy by kid cudi
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