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Kiritodragneel Apr 2021
"She's the perfect girl" he screamed,
Describing her as the funniest to be seen,
But does he know what the heart hides?
Does he know the art of disguise?
Each day the sun sets,
she's the same broken girl
Who goes home to rest,
"The day surely has been a tough test" she moans imprisoned in painful thoughts,
She has the loudest voice in school,
Alas, at nights she screams and cries without a single sound,
Hugging her tear- Stained teddy bear,
She picks her best friends call without a care,
Voice as happy as ever,
she makes a joke,
Behold, she's alone again, imprisoned in her own hell again,
She remembers each night how the world ripped her soul,
Now her heart isn't a whole, even after several years
She's the same broken girl who cries silent tears
Jason Apr 2021
She ripped my heart from my chest, dashed it upon the ground,

and asked, "How can you be so heartless?"
© 03/01/21 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved
Àŧùl Mar 2021
Unread. I am a poem,
Read me. I deserve your time,
Heartless. Drop-in your heart for me.

Thirsty. Rain your love,
Feed me. I love your reviews,
Artless. All my words are so truthful.

Story. I am an unforgettable saga,
Narrate me. Retell me to your family,
Fearless. I become proud forevermore.
My HP Poem #1918
©Atul Kaushal
Jason Apr 2021
She grabbed me by the heart, pulled me close,

and said, "You don't have a heart."
© 03/01/21 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved
How time is merciless !
How minutes are matchless!
How distance is terrible  !
How  You is  horrible !
How time is merciless !
How  You is heartless !
#It's not poetry
it's a feeling
^^ :(
GQ James Dec 2020
You put your trust in the one you think you can trust,
Then it turns out you can't trust em,
That trust is more lethal than them bullets in a gun,
You can run from them bullets,
You feel them bullets harder than a heart attack,
They both can **** you,
The question is which is more fatal.

If that bullet hits you inside your heart,
You're pretty much dead,
You're heart is the most fatal,
Without your heart you can't live,
Nothing compares to a broken heart,
The ones you love the most hurt you the most,
It's less painful not to care.

All that pain made me cold,
The only thing I care about is family,
My mama more than anyone,
Heartless what I've become,
I can't feel nothing,
My EMOTIONS have been faded.
At least if you are heartless
You can never be heart broken
GQ James Dec 2020
Silence my words,
Cut my ties away from it all,
Walk away from you,
Close my eyes,
Close my mouth,
Close my ears,
Lock up my heart.

I can't hear you,
I can't see you,
I can't trust you,
Loving you died long ago,
Letting you go.

I feels no ways,
I'm not mad,
I'm content with my choice,
At some point you're just over it,
I'm silent.
Mitch Prax Nov 2020
You are a heartless
creature and I will always
be afraid of you

6:59 PM
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