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How could you do this to me?
Just because i compliment you on your beauty
What the hell is wrong with that?
It's not as if I called you fat
Did the last 3+ years mean nothing to you?
Blocking me on ig and sc just ain't cool
Just a couple weeks ago you said I was always there for you
And now you go and pull this treating me like a ******* fool
Is this how you treat your best friends?
I pity the next guy that tries to befriend you.
You never deserved someone like me
Caring for you like a big brother would
You and I used to be tight; like my bud
Now you're just another woman that shattered my heart
But of course I doubt you even care
You got your boyfriend so what's the use of a best friend. Go ahead and kick me to the curb. I'll just shoot these phrases at you: Karma is a *****
What comes around goes around
You reap what you sow
About a dat ago I noticed my ex best friend if 3+ years blocked me a week ago because of a statement I made and it just hurt so much that I decided to write this poem to help me deal with the pain.
Michael-Angelo Aug 2015
Oceans couldn't keep me away from you, distances aren't reachable, I'll swim to you, love, street-fight or die trying, the stars and the infinite galaxies won't keep me from your love, it's the same old story, guy meets girl, but I am a fighter and a lover, I'll fight Bulls with no sword, I won't cheat, I'll use my hands, I'll run and ride wild horses to be by your side, I'll swim with sharks with no cage, fearless heart made with fiery stone, our love is deep, and I'll stop at nothing to die by your side, the same old story ... This story is endless, I'll conquer kingdoms, **** them with love to make you mine, till I crawl bare-***** ****** ravished to hold your hand and make you mine...
Just a little love poem for my current crush, hehe...!! ;)

— The End —