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Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2020
I want the same medicine force-fed to us to be jammed down your perfectly healthy throat for once
See how you like the taste
Sarah Flynn Nov 2020
I’ve learned that it’s okay
to love you from a distance.

I don’t let you
get close to me anymore,

but that doesn’t mean
I’ve stopped loving you.
Bhill Sep 2020
be astonished by the capable, healthy eyes looking at you
stop hiding behind the facts
facts, that caring is crucial for survival
we must find a way back to caring and supportive actions
what happened to us....?

Brian Hill - 2020 # 255
Riley OHalloran Jul 2020
Love is water:
life-saving in its clarity,
drowning in its obsession,
home in its depths,
terrifying in its unknowns,
refreshing in its cool and heat,
pausing in its ice,
steeping in its boil,
relaxing in its tranquility,
overwhelming in its tidal waves.
Renée Brookes Jun 2020
A radiant smile.
She carries through the rainfall.
The best medicine.
I woke up in a world I don't know

For years after my trauma I have taught myself that love is not forced space between
Is not refusing to visit
Is not a message of "I'm avoiding you because I love you"
I slowly learned affection is comfortable, hugs and kisses are small signals that life is okay

Today I woke in a world where that is no longer true
I woke to a world where love means distance
Caring means avoidance
"I love you"s can be measured by the miles you refuse to travel

Today I woke up in a world where my love language has turned war-like
Though I never thought of myself as violent
A hug breaks government mandated barriers
A kiss is now biological warfare

Today I woke up to a world where my love has been labeled terroristic
While my abuse has been labeled loving
I wrote this when the first case of Covid-19 hit my state, while waiting for the conference call to tell us if we were sacrificial or safe.
V C Vaughn Feb 2020
Free to Love
Where do I to start, in March 2019 I started a journey.
I wanted to be open to what life had to offer.
I wanted to be healthy.
But the biggest change I wanted to make was to be authentic.
I wanted to speak my truth I wanted to be known for myself.
Not as a wife, mother, teacher, counselor all around fix it women.
Although I am those things I’m so much more.

I’ve spent so much time trying to be what everyone needed,
I’d lost myself.
So, I set out to find me……I never expected to find love.
I’ve found true love the kind that won’t break your heart.
The kind that is not dependent others,
I’ve   learned   to   love   myself.
I have spent my life tapping that feeling down, fearing it was unattainable, unsustainable, unrealistic, unreasonable and disappointing.

I learned at a young age love is painful.
So, to avoid pain I closed and locked that door.
The only love I embraced was the love for my children.
Falling in love with me has opened a whole new world.
I feel as if I’ve been set free.
Free to write, to be brave, to be emotional, to be spiritual, to explore. Free to experience the world.  Free to embrace my wild.

But the freedom I hold closest to my heart is the freedom to love.
Not just myself, but others.
For the first time I’m truly open to love.
That wild, amazing, magical, wonderous, awe inspiring, feeling of love.
I can honestly look at myself and say well done.
And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Raven Woodfort May 2020
Munching on a bowl
of leftover coleslaw;
My jaws feel like they're chewing
12 gumballs all at once.
The slaw from my mouth keeps falling
back to the bowl;
The serving spoon's (heaped)
too large for my mouth.

It's too white to be green and
too orange to be purple,
But (for my tummy)
this bowl of coleslaw
is more yummy than bread.

It feels good to feel good,
good to be healthy.
My food tastes of words
and this poem is crunchy.
JuneForever Apr 2020
All I want is for you to be free, healthy and whole.
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