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Journey of Days Jul 2017
she threatened him
with a holiday
large pizza for one

David Hewitt & @journeyofdays
out of a fun and slightly weird conversation about life's trials, taking holidays and rating domestic skills, David said, "Imagine that on a headstone.

Here lies....blah blah blah...."

and we did imagine

so chisels in hand here are the headstones #1-#6 - a David Hewitt and @journeyofdays collaboration because life is too serious and you need some silliness in regular doses
Journey of Days Jul 2017
his cooking was ordinary
she chose to lie here

David Hewitt & @journeyofdays
out of a fun and slightly weird conversation about life's trials, taking holidays and rating domestic skills, David said, "Imagine that on a headstone.

Here lies....blah blah blah...."

and we did imagine

so chisels in hand here are the headstones #1-#6 - a David Hewitt and @journeyofdays collaboration because life is too serious and you need some silliness in regular doses
Journey of Days Jul 2017
he chose to lie here
she chose
a sandy beach

David Hewitt & @journeyofdays
out of a fun and slightly weird conversation about life's trials, taking holidays and rating domestic skills, David said, "Imagine that on a headstone.

Here lies....blah blah blah...."

and we did imagine

so chisels in hand here are the headstones #1-#6 - a David Hewitt and @journeyofdays collaboration because life is too serious and you need some silliness in regular doses
Journey of Days Jul 2017
no bodies lie here yet
they are still on holidays

David Hewitt & @journeyofdays
out of a fun and slightly weird conversation about life's trials, taking holidays and rating domestic skills, David said, "Imagine that on a headstone.

Here lies....blah blah blah...."

and we did imagine

so chisels in hand here are the headstones #1-#6 - a David Hewitt and @journeyofdays collaboration because life is too serious and you need some silliness in regular doses
MJ May 2016
Your heart is a daedal
You feel no worth in skin and bone
Your fingernails have carved your name
Into your headstone

As we sat in the shadows
Hand in hand, we walked the maze
Though my eyes had not adjusted,
This is where you spent your days.

So you knew every path and problem there,
With an intimacy I could not tell.
You led me through, though solemn,
Explaining every step as well.

Then one of your demons grabbed you,
As we reached the apogee.
You cried, and though it was darker still,
I could suddenly see.

I saw every tunnel differently
Than I had before,
And I realized why when you left the maze
your skin was always sore.

So I tried to take your demons
But as I tried, your skin would split.
And I realized your demons are part of you
As you are part of it.

And I feel I should be your deliverer,
But I don't know what to do.
How can I defeat your darkness
When your darkness is part of you?
oni Jul 2015
i realized
that every
in my
has your
into it,
that refuse
to be
Mark Parker Dec 2014
Dead running through a field.
I've already lost my wind.
My fate's been sealed,
and time's about to blend,
it's time you see midnight
for all it's about.
I hit the dark's height,
and my lights about to drought,
and I'll keep rolling until
the ground underneath
shows the soils riddled
with the signs of grief.
My ****** tears shed my vitality.
This is my never ending reality.
This head stone represents my finality.
B Nov 2014
We are not a number
Be it test or wage or scale
Ultimately it is only ourselves
That we can choose to fail

They're markings for others
And not indications of our worth
First of which we are given
At our time of birth

When, at last, comes the time
Our final, absolute rest
The second number we are given
At our time of death

We are not a number
Don't take life too fast
Its not about the dates
Its all about the dash

She knelt by the dark grey  marble headstone
once again on the anniversary
of the day she had happily buried her husband
six feet down in the ground
eight years since she had caused his demise
for a man she did despise!

As the widow gloated behind a false facade
the same figure watched
behind her the deceased husband stood
turning could not see him
thinking once again how good and thrilling
never a suspected killing!

No idea her good life would come to an end
as supernatural forces gathered
this time he followed her back to a plush car
the long dead husband was back
what had changed to allow him the power
to be back at this hour!

Angry sat next to the wife who murdered him
driven back to his own home
familiar items brought back good memories
from when he lived here
now a ghost haunting the house he loved
before down the stairs shoved!

Whether there is a heaven or a place called hell
he had prayed so very hard
from a dark pitiless limbo it changed to hope
now with a new man argued
started by the woman who had meant so much
now he would loath to touch!

****** to the floor berating of him was bored
scrambling to her feet ran
up those familiar stairs shouting more abuse
pursued by this enraged man
like a replay saw her violent death as she fell
her neck broken he could tell!

Instantly was at peace free no longer in turmoil
a tunnel so bright he could see
looking down at her lifeless body he passed on
but a faceless evil took her soul
engulfing it for that overdue journey to hell
righteousness had created this spell!

Jutsice it seems had at last been done!

The Foureyed Poet.
She thought it was the perfect ******! But justice was eventually done! The Foureyed Poet.
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