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Charlie Rose Apr 2021
I feel my old burns heal over again
The restlessness of withdrawals still here
Just one more cut to quiet thoughts within
Just one more burn to calm the constant fear
Just one more viewing to feel less alone
Though I have endless private tabs lined up
Just one more drink while I scroll through my phone
A new shopping spree to feel like enough
But my demons will never go away
I cut, drink, and ******* to drown it out
Who cares if I lose touch, I love the pain
I've already far outlived my planned day
My plans keep shattering, I've no set route
But I can't have you see me like that again
Mostly a venting piece bc I'm trying not to relapse into self harm and sometimes addiction kicks your *** really suddenly 60 days in.
Unpolished Ink Apr 2021
I have a face in the mirror
I know I am there
because I checked
so why do I cut myself
to feel less invisible
AbdullaJabr Apr 2021
Ergo this futile persistence
Clinging to worldly existence
Is like holding your breath,
Harming only your health.
In childish resistance
To the closing of distance.
Between death and yourself –
Stewie Apr 2021
I punish myself because I deserve it.
To feel pain is to feel alive.
Attracting the heartbreak.
A magnet for hurt.
What do you love?
A cut so small
Disguised as accidents.
Bruised thighs and getting high.
Tuesday night.
So high I can fly.
pandemoniac Mar 2021
stainless steel and skin
do make the worst of friends
the friction
the senses
survive and protect

will love always leave
is light simply a lie
steel blades
play god and death defy

electric is my mind
my heart is numb and small
just lave
Over walls cold and tall

am i just worth not
the love ; you're unaware.
hurt much
i'll go deeper so you care

my mind only filled
with endorphins happy red
of proof
of life; the raccoon fed

stainless steel and skin
do make the best of friends
the cuts and seams i penned
the journey of self harm - from the time you use it when you're sad, to the time it's your only source of happiness
MB Feb 2021
I’ve missed you sadness
I’ve been pushing you off
Keeping busy
But your tang
Your forbidden kisses
On my wrist-

The pain
Gets me so high
I miss feeling something
That Random Guy Feb 2021
scar(s) worth the pain
to not feel pain
a word that comes to mind

when i look at the marks

scattered below my wrist.


full stop.

there will be no more harm here.
the scars on my wrists paint a picture of pain
drawn in a time when i was clearly insane
i thought that my body was a canvas of self harm
my razor blade became the perfect tool for expression
red was my favourite colour back then
it was the colour of crimson red
the thought of it leaving my body by the litre gave me such a rush
until the day they found me bleeding to death and decided to lock me up
the scars on my wrist paint a picture of someone who did not feel good enough
the scars on my wrist paint a picture
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