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brandon nagley Feb 2016

Happy birthday
To thee, dearest
Friend. Mayest
This remembrance of birth
Be another year for thou
To thinkest of none end's;
But a brighter tommorrow.


Resteth gal sarah,
Put away all of
Thine sorrow's,
Didst thou not
Knoweth; there's
A God who breaketh
The alshshayatin
Who cometh against


Thou art not alone,
As me and mine Jane
Art alway's there to
Be, a friend in need.
Growing seed's, to
Help-another grow.


Mayest the morrow
Be for thou, as white
As snow; mayest the
Seraphim, who surround's
Thy worries and protects
Thy home, showeth
Thee the light above thine tear's.
Smile mine friend, a friend is here.
Mayest thy sight be clear, and thy crown
Be uplifted and flared. As the world's glare
Hast betrayed thine eye's. Observeth upward
Wherein paradise lies; as thou wilt hath wing's one day
O' laureate of poetry's net. O' brilliant friend; of Jane and mine.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Thepoet(Sarah Ahmed) birthday dedication.

Sorry Sarah day late on b day dedication... But a happy wonderful birthday from me a friend if you ever need one there as you have always been there for me and Jane and have always been a major blessing to me and Jane!!! May the heavens open to you, and may you overcome your battles you face in this world...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY poetic friend !!!!
Mayest- means may...
Resteth- means rest.
Gal- young lady
alshshayatin- demons in Arabic.
Morrow- next day in archaic tongue.
Crown means head....
Seraphim- highest angels in gods kingdom.
Flared- burn with sudden intensity.
Wherein means- in which.
The world's glare betrayed thy or your eyes. Means this Sarah. The world and the wicked of the world ( demonic beings, bad people, and worldly things have tried to blind you. Though truth lies in god and in the heavens...
laureate means-
a person who is honored with an award for outstanding creative or intellectual achievement
elijah Nov 2015
You stupid sonofabitch.
I hope you burn less than you did when you were here,
and that maybe you finally caught up with the monster you were chasing.
We still drink to you
on days like this,
Glasses raised to the day you showed up,
Broken bottle on the back porch to forget the day you left.
Oh, and pay your mother a visit sometime, she misses you so.
She's been saving lives in your name for years now,
but the kids are still dropping like flies.
Tell her it's okay,
that she's done her part.

I guess I just miss you.
That heart of gold is still the talk of the town, but I remember the black fingers wrapped around it much better,
And I want you to know that I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I didn't save you.
So tonight I'll drink
Not to the ashes on the mantel or the flowers on the grave.
But to you.
Happy birthday, Matt.
Wherever you are.
Not much of a poem, but my old friend Matt would've turned 22 the other day.
Unfortunately a ****** overdose took him at 19.

Don't wait until it's too late to help the ones you love.
You wont celebrate,
you fear growing old,
having to bring a young lady home,
when you have to become a husband,
and soon a father,
you fear losing your youth.
Two years from now you will be 21

you just turned 19
i shall still remind you that it is your birthday.
Best wish with love i send out to you,
you fear growing old,
but may God increase your days on earth.
Your fear of growing old surely you will soon overcome,
when you now realise that you are just one year older now.

To Thamsanqa P Samente
My twin sister,
but from a dfferent womp,
i never dare to call her "Cousin".
Today she finally turned 16.
Ohh Boy! Am i so happy,
but i forgot to wish her
a happy birthday.
To busy too know,
school confusing as hell,
but i know her bitterness towards
me will be sweet once again,
for she has a forgiving heart (i just pray she does)

her sweet 16
my day so tiring.
Hope i am forgiven
Happy Birthday Little sis...
Notes (optional)

— The End —