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Tori Danielik Oct 2019
The words I say might trigger
Heavy, lead-coated feelings
Taste of bitter copper
Straining of the soul

Nothing will be good
When I utter honesty
And dust is swept off of skeletons
Hidden by- guess who?

Quiet could blanket
But what’s the fun in leaving things be?
What’s the point without my finger
Extended in your direction

Be careful with your next choices
In my mind circles the knowledge
Of your ***** little secrets
Wrapped up in craft-grade twine
an0nym0us Sep 2019
When I see you,
I see grief.
When we hear you,
We hear pain.

When you're around,
Her tears won't leave;
When you're around,
We wish you leave.
When you tell me stories,
I remember my sorrow;
When you tell us stories,
We remember your strikes.

When you tell me you love me,
I feel unsafe;
When you tell us you love us,
We feel your wrath.

You said you wish us success,
But you always brought us down.
You said you'll do anything for us,
But only done everything for yourself.

When you said you'll always be here,
You would always leave us behind.

You've caused us harm
You've caused us pain
You've bought us down

And still refuse to see.
In your hands we suffered
A curse we'll always carry.
A B Faniki Jul 2019
Some superiors know how to hold a grudge,
That only death could pry them away from it;
Some colleague are inexperience in every aspect
Of their work, but well verse in treachery and groveling;

Some customers know how to transfer their aggression
And run out of patience at the sight of frown;
So we overwork nonentity most remove our crown
And put a barrier against these office hurricane for protection;

We most tell ourselves little-lies everyday that we're strong,
For this little make belief is our safety at work;
Like we hope for heaven we hope today won't
be as bad as tomorrow and our joy to be long
I wrotw these poem after experiencing these things in my place of work. I hope you enjoy it © A B Faniki 7/28/2019. This qork is ark of my WIP bannal yell soo all copy right are reserved
c May 2019
I have a rock
With my name on it
And one for my father
And one for my brother
And one for each of the boys
Who broke me

They are grudges I carry with me
Heavy in my pockets
One step away  
From the cement blocks
Tied to my feet

Someday I will throw these grudges
As far as my body will allow
In hopes that they land in water
Less shallow
Than the names on the rocks
GaryFairy Feb 2019
constricted by an ophidian
i slither away, just to live
is this where new life begins?
is this where i shed my skin?

bitten by fangs of chagrin
where to win is to never forgive
hiss with this abyss within
i'm living in a pit of sin

with my vision wearing thin
venom is a gift to give
i slip beneath the rocks again
this is where i shed my skin
I am happy to say that a musical artist has featured my poem at the beginning of their video. I had pretty much given up on writing, and she breathed new life into me. Her name is Razakel and she is also a poet. She is breaking through, and considered by many as the queen of her genre. Watch the video and give us some love. She has a cool sound, and is better than most modern music. I now love this website. (i still hate most poetry) I never got much support at this site, so do not let that bring you down. They pay for popularity here and it is all an illusion. This will be ignored because poets are a jealous and envious bunch. I actually posted this last night, and lost followers, and was blocked by someone who i thought was a true friend. You don't need their approval. All you need is to show your own voice and the will to stand alone...then you will find true hearts. I hope this inspires you to keep writing and never ever compromise. Also, never take advice from anyone. lol
sushii Jan 2019
I wonder if you'll read my poetry one day, and reminisce upon all the good times we could have had. I's pointless to hold a grudge. Life would be simpler if I just moved on without anger. However, I do confess, I want to know one last thing--did you ever understand what I meant?
an0nym0us Dec 2018
Great Anger,
Filled with danger,
As deadly as a Dagger,
A fearsome killer...

Don't let them snap...
You'll fall to a deadly trap!
It can't be solved by a simple tap,
Always watch your back!
an0nym0us Dec 2018
My skull is breaking...
Must Control, don't loose
My sanity, I can't loose
My skull is breaking...

I'm ill...
My eyes are darkening
My reasoning is fading
I'm ill...

My hands are itchy...
I can feel it, bloodlust
I want to ****, absolute lust
My hands are itchy...

If I ****, forgive me...
It wasn't my doing
It was her, I'm vanishing
If I ****, forgive me...
Another day of my life with Hyperacusis
an0nym0us Nov 2018
I'm at my limit
Struggling to keep it
I can't speak loud
Somebody, help me out.

Help me, please?
I just want peace...
I can't afford to loose,
Please, do not abuse.

I hear it whisper...
Luring me to unleash her
Her words are so sweet,
But I must stay on my feet.

Don't force her out!!
Or, I'll black out...
It will be messy...
I'm afraid, help me.
my life with hyperacusis...
an0nym0us Nov 2018
I am a child, but never a kid.
Under the shadows, always been hid.
I wish to live as a kid...
But they've always forbid.

Wounds and scars
A life behind bars
Tears and plea are for weak,
Mouth always been stiched.

Hands, feet, and neck are chained,
To the Honors, expectations I've gained.
With all the light that shined,
They've gone completely blind.

They need me to be the best...
But never hope me the best...
Always asking for answers,
But always left unheard.

Why can't I be free? Like them...
Why am I forbid to feel as much joy?Similar to them...
I was never rebellious...
But never precious.
why does my siblings always treat me this way??
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