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Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
Do we need to forbear (abstain)
from doing particular activities
to optimise our joy and happiness?
For example:
Do we need to forbear
from overeating
to prevent obesity and diabetes
and optimise our health, joy and happiness?
Do we need to forbear
from overindulging in alcohol
to prevent brain-damage and liver-damage
and optimise our health, joy and happiness?

What other activities
should we forbear from
to optimise our joy and happiness?
Jesse stillwater Jan 2019
There's a sharp frosty switchback that never sees the sun in winter
  skies of blue. The frost heave cut-bank rocks tumble down to the
side of the road,  in the ice shard mottled ditch lay frozen stiff

Tall Sitka spruce marbled gray shadows mat the sparsely traveled
  corridor, paved with potholes, where the roads have no names
Sometimes listening quietly to the bare stillness, there are
  rhetorical questions heard in the silent reverie's say:

                        "Have you ever been afraid?"

The tree-line gaps above the jagged gray stone ravine, disappearing
  down the rugged mountain shade, falling into the pillow-top fog bank blanketing the canyon's murmurs below — headed towards the ocean

Crystalline spring waters gurgle up roadside — out of nowhere,
  where tired boots stand in reverent contemplation as it all sings out  harmoniously to the trees in the key of silence;   it was there
  in a gust of restless forbearance heard the frozen peacefulness  say:

                         "Have you ever felt alone?"

Gathering a deep breath of marbled gray shadows, silence bears
  a loud holler's scorn — echoing back and forth down canyon walls,
with the spirit of a voice a multitude strong,  evanescent
                             as winter's outgoing tide.

                      January 2019 — Jesse Stillwater
winter thoughts mused by an understanding poet friend's words
Qazawat Zirak Oct 2018
Hey, You ! The Unspoken Wolf
Let Me...
Erupt Your Booming Silence
Expunge Your Fiery Pain...

Only, the Wise Can See
I heard...
Have Silence, or Complain
Have Exact Same Address...

It's in Your Truthful Nature
I Know...
To Conceal Dismaying Agony
To Accept Undone Faults...

When You Look Through Truly
I See...
Everything is Right There
Every Answer Becomes Clear...

When You Work By Realizations
I Regret...
That You Get Underestimated
That Asserts 'for Granted'...

I Pray that One Day
Some one...
Rectifies Your Searing Pain
Reforms You in Totality...

Let me Tell You This !
I Conclude...
Heart can Survive Breaks
Mind, is But Brittle...

Being an Unspoken Wolf Myself
I Express...
My Feelings to God
The Almighty, The Praiseworthy !
For all the people out there bearing pain in silence ! You have Lion's Heart !
an eve
is nigh
this lore
feature a
tie of
humor hell-
bent when
datelines were
luxury liners
that pack
in heat
and whether
all escapes
were finally
harbingers of
passage in
diaper cake
When time would hail the smoke
Simon Monahan Nov 2017
O Fortitude! Strength of the wav’ring heart!
Steadfastness summoned when the blood runs cold!
When allies flee and none will take our part,
Where honor and friendship are cheaply sold,
Thine aid divine makes the trembling soul bold!
When terror would invade our feeble frame,
Thy subtle power puts the foe to shame!

O Fortitude! O encouraging voice!
When darkness attempts to blot out the sun,
And slav’ry’s law to deprive us of choice,
You brace the nerves of the poor frightened one,
Reminding that the vict’ry can be won:
If to perseverance we should hold fast,
We shall the adversaries all outlast!

O Fortitude! Come, and run in our veins,
Fire our tepidity and make us brave!
As long ages pass, ‘tis thee who remains,
Long suff’ring Patience, who never shall cave!
Come, Resolution, from all weakness save -
Where the frail man falls, and in despair lies,
You reach out your hand, and bid him to rise!

— The End —