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No doubt.
The piece of gum
Naughtily stuck under a school desk

Instead of thrown in the dustbin
They say smoking's a disgusting habit
But gum is messy
Gets everywhere if you
Aren't careful

Nicotine gum?
The bane of smokers
They say it tastes

But gum
Either way
Comes in all varieties
Sugarfree I favour
Bad for the teeth
Otherwise -

Raspberry, strawberry, mint, spearmint
The never-ending flavours of life
On this planet
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
Boiling syrup sweetened by
the rose's water
Blushing pink, from strips to cubes
Dusted with icing sugar
Small, gently perfumed,
chewy, light
Seventeenth Epulaeryu! ^-^
I LOVE Turkish Delight, oh my gosh!
Mainly because of one of my favourite books, The Chronicles of Narnia, the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe! Classic!
It's because of both the book and film that I first tried it!
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
Finger-shaped from choux pastry
Dark-gold, crisp, hollow
Smooth vanilla pastry cream
Pale-yellow, so rich
Fresh chocolate ganache
gently spread
Sixteenth Epulaeryu! ^-^
Freshly made eclair are the best!
As much as I love to explore different flavours, nothing bests the classics!
Who's with me!
Lyn ***
Pete Leon Oct 2017
Carrot and coriander, why are you so pally?
With your 'c' sounding names and you both being edible,
Well I've got news for you boys,
I think you're absolutely terrible.

Carrot and coriander, why are you so pally?
Just because you both like soup and a little bit of season,
It doesn't mean you should be so close, it's not a good enough reason.

Carrot and coriander, why are you so pally?
You hang around in cardboard cartons, talking trash about other ingredients,
Well its just not acceptable boys, and I'm really not feelin' it.

Carrot and coriander, why are you so pally?
People think you're great, with your complementary flavours,
Well I'm sorry boys, think you're tasty? Do me a 'kin favour.
Aditi Kumar May 2016
Of that cold spring day when our hands froze
Clutching cones of your favorite strawberry ice cream

Of the following warm summer day when my favorite
Chocolate ice cream coated our tongues

Of that day we escaped our classes
And found ourselves held captive
By the soft cherry ice
With nuts on top

Of bubblegum sonnets, of almond praline declarations of love
Of fig and honey serenades
With soft coffee angels singing in the back
And cookie cream cherubs whispering in our ears.

Of the best first taste.

Of the worst last lick.
I will never forget the person who taught me to see life beyond just Nutella ice cream; to explore all the flavors of the world.

— The End —