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Kurt Carman Oct 2020
"I go to Nature to be soothed and healed and to have my senses put in order".
- John Burroughs

Part I

When the time was right, he does not hesitate to follow the path, “I've been waiting for this moment a very long time" he says.
Just himself, a Sage XP fly rod, a Golden Prince reel and a selection of March Browns and Slate Drakes. Its a special morning, Autumn 60s, overcast skies and lowlights.

The pathway bends past tall Sugar Maples, Old Stone fences, a Groundhog or two, trout lilies and mountain laurel. Its right here, that his fondest memories reside.
He had come at last to transcend the idea of coming back to the river for a greater purpose. A purpose that makes life worth living, a milestone, his own personal mark on this special place.
The sound of the river is in earshot now. A Chipping Sparrow sounds the alarm and all of Neversinks inhabitance are now on notice….human approaching.

As he reaches the river bank he's transported to a memory of his Granddad. The times when they fished this stretch of the river together.
His Grandfather told him about a time when fly fisherman and fly tiers honored Neversink and made it famous.

We always fished until it was dark. Granddad would light the lantern and we’d walk and talk all the way home. I often felt encouraged that just knowing the importance of this place, brought me luck.

Part II

"So by now, you're probably wondering who I am." "My name is Tom, Tom Murphy." "As a child, I came here each summer to spend time with my grandparents in the town of Roscoe, NY. When I graduated high school, I still came here from time to time whenever I had a college break as an Agronomy major at Cornell. I've always loved this place. It's always been near and dear to my heart."

The very next morning, Tom makes his way down the pathway to the river again. A nice steady Breeze was blowing through the trees, and that's when he heard it again. It's almost as if someone was speaking through the trees and wind. There it was again, this time calling out a whispering "tight lines." This was the very same voice that Tom heard as a child when his Grandfather took him to the river from the very first time.

A light rain began to fall, and Tom took cover under a large hemlock tree. Thunder sounded off in the distance, and everything in the forest was dead silent. As Tom peered across the river, he spotted movement in the adjacent Forest. A second later, a figure appeared on the bank of the river. An older man probably in his late sixties dressed in a top hat and coat, a split bamboo fly rod, and a German Shorthair Pointer by his side. Tom called out, " Good morning, sir. How are you?"
A spin off of my previous work called A RISE ON NEVERSINK.
Jonathan Moya Sep 2020

If there is wild moving water
there is a trout in it
waiting for the cast,

the whip of line in air
splashing a weigthless fly
on the mirror surface

luring the rainbow fish
to break the heavy air
for the angler’s fantasia.


The Rogue is flowing
with trophy size cutthroats,
chars and steelheads,

yet the angler only feels
the stillness, the endless  casting,
the motionless standing in place

until time is forgotten,
his scheduled life forgotten,
what needs to be done next forgotten

only the emotion is left,
the heart of spirit ferrules,
the casting, the rod

with its wheel seats
made of rosewood,
inscribe calligraphy

in golden ink, shiny agate
guides in bamboo,
its garnet threads and

extra fine brass wire
in a five weight
ideal for trout fishing,

the anglers long boots
planted firmly in the stream,
getting lost in the ineffable moment

until the closing
orange hues of autumn
are reeled in and stowed away.
Kewayne Wadley Sep 2020
She grabbed me by my collar
& told me come quick.
The view of the moon was
Perfect, especially from this close.
Our combustion, our compulsion
I felt small compared to her
Sailing in a small metal boat
She grabbed me by the collar
To stop me from falling
The only best thing I could've done.
Defying the laws of gravity
I'd never been this high up
Reluctant to play make believe.
Falling and bumping my head
On a star.
She hooked me with the lure
Of her eye
And like a fish I'd evaporate
From a blue and green possibility
Into a rocket lure;
& hurled off into an unknown
Eternity of stars.
Skipped across the sky
Until out of sight
Unpolished Ink Sep 2020
Old friends two bookends
Catching fish and memories
On a river bank
Poetic T Sep 2020
She ad this hobby fishing with
    A pole.
      No worms wanted

Dats a fact.

I played it cool rod in da pond,
  That became a pool.

  Waves splashing out.
     Rod didn't catch nything..

But the fish were swimming
    Deep now.  

And we just smiled,
       Who need bait

When the rod catches

    Her every time.
Zack Ripley May 2020
Going down, but it's not bad.
Going down to the river
to clear my head.
Simple things like skipping rocks
Or catching fish in the stream
Remind me that
even in times like these,
Life could still be a dream
Jtlbl May 2020
Swimming in circles hed eventually drown
In essance a king with a  crown
Waves broke anything he had ever planned
Sinking he needed land he need a hand
last breath
Feeling death
Feminine devinity smiled
Upon him life infinity
A mermaid in presence
A savour he saw no menace
Men lay dead around her See,-bed
Nothing mere about this man
perusue her oceans lengths where she led
His existence she would know "I am"
feel the words before he spoke them
Her voice a sirens call to home
A catch of a lifetime aim to net alone
A connection unspoken healed broken
Upon a thrown announced His Queen.
More valuable than the Oceans lost treasure and gold
A pure chance endeavor
Jypsys cards yester years for told
Do mermaid's tears givre live forever.
Gain was nothing ever wanted
Her tears to never see the ocean-floor.
A chance was the only thing form her he wanted granted
The sea was mysterious
He remained curious
She got away or so they say
I heard he never left that spot
Fishing endlessly
A Tamaltuious quest he lost
The sweet siren of her voice
The feeling of freshly layed snow within her eye's
Ice blue I wonder in time will she even remember September
His memory was fading it was May
2 hours from shore
To hand
She had changed everything
Without even touching his hand
One day the tide took him too
They say
hes at rest now with me his brother
his other
one in the same
one man 2 names
gratful for even that short window
for on those days the sunsn warmth
touched the deepest part of the sea bed
brought warmth if thats all hew can claim
Changed tides ppl forgot
he was different now hes not
Ocean shores guides
#mrquid #Johnnyquid #mermaind
2020 Mr quid
solfang Apr 2020
a big catch
that is worth it;
that's what you once said
when you attempted
to reel me in

yet I see there's
no longer a bait at
the end of your hook;
perhaps an easy catch
just wasn't thrilling
enough for you
suitors aplenty, yet they seem to disappear the moment I return their affection.
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