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Sadie May 10
You admire pieces of me
Soft and beautiful
For the pleasure they can give you
You condemn my capability
Practicality and spirituality
You claim I can’t have it both ways
I can’t indulge my senses and hold power the same
Divine femininity has become synonymous with delusion
In a modern world that will never love me
I am aligned with the moon
I am in tune
With the rhythm of the waves
And the passage of days
You don’t know what I feel
How it is to exist in a world not built for you
Every living soul
Assigning your worth for what you can’t control
All of mankind is built on the principle
That my body was built for your enjoyment
That my life belongs to whatever man finds beauty in my eyes
And peace in my silence
Of course I turn to the tides and the trees and the breeze
To find comfort in their embrace
When you can’t hold me
You mock me for connecting to something bigger than my body
Loving Mother Nature more than the woman that brought
Me into this world
Yet you reduce my strength to beauty
Tell me I am too weak and small and simple minded
To understand a world you built
Out of fear of me
My divine femininity
Trojan Mar 2023
I stared once at this box
With a golden pink sign
"Femininity" it said

And yet the box was black
A sealed and hidden front
Pry it open? T'was quite hard

I know that this Pandororos' box
Holds some treasure at the top
I dread however, all the rot below

I think often of this box
All the treasure near its top
Creativity, care and justice

Pandororos - all the gifts at the top
And I still dread, what hides just below that top
Blood and tears, bits of flesh
All the rot below the top
August, 2022
Francie Lynch Mar 2023
I believe in her.
Not in supplication or prayer,
But because she cares
About every countless hair,
Every fallen sparrow
And unopened flower.
I believe
In her power,
Her daily miracles.
She cries wet tears,
Her heart beats blood,
Her hands open and close
Around **** or rose.
She's no ****** deity;
She's not ascended beyond reach.
Not an image of pity,
Craddling a bruised and ****** body
(Though she would).
She is flesh and thought.
I believe
Because she is.
I S A A C Jan 2022
it is your birthday today, the first man to show me
there are layers to masculinity and femininity
and each layer you kissed
today I am led to reminisce
funnily enough, I still dream about you
you were the only healthy thing I ever liked
you were the only man who ever did me right
You washed me clean of my trauma and make me shine like pearls
I dreamt you met my momma and you kissed my curls
but you are happy now and I am too
maybe in the next life
I hope I can find someone like you
K Jul 2021
False gods have to ask to be worshipped,
You never had to.
Maybe it’s proof or maybe you were asking in the way you cried,
Gentle and feminine even at your lowest.
You’ll say you never wanted the offerings but isn’t acceptance a kind of encouragement?
I knelt before you and prayed that I’d find the strength to put my hands around your throat and finally end it but I never found the strength.
I wanted to love you, I swear I did, but the harder I tried the louder I cheered for your undoing.
When it came I wasn’t ready.
I knew my idols were false but I wasn’t ready for the fire.
Now I make my idols my friends, for if they weren’t, I’d have them dead.
Pink Palace, I’ll protect from the white fish
Satisfaction is sometimes a slippery *****.

Pink Palace, the wettest and darkest cave
Never exposed to sunshine
Hopefully never exposed to unwanted prey.

Pink Palace, fingers, toys, members
No need to feel guilt, girl, for being human.

Pink Palace, no matter what they say
“Shield... security” or “Expose... enjoy”
It’s my choice what I do with you
My Pink Palace.
A relationship I haven’t yet fully comprehend and understand. An object I’m proud to have
Jessica Duru Jan 2021
❀ Cultivated as an ideal of womanhood,
❀ Ferocious and brave she stands.
❀ She is beautiful, that we know,
❀ Courageous, not concealed.
❀ When she walks, the people adore;
❀ In honour of her beauty, the trees bow.
❀ Song of praises are raised in her name;
❀ How tender, how sweet,
❀ How loving she is!
❀ Her skin no different from the sun,
❀ Diamond and gold no matching sight to it.
❀ She is ever-glowing;
❀ An egg to be treated with care;
❀ Never to be hurt,
❀ But to always be loved!
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