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I used to wake up and just watch you breathe,
I'd see your face and smile; we were in love.
It hurt me in a way that I would seethe
Every time I saw you and I've become
A monster who covers all of their scars,
A beast who twists your words so that they hurt,
A freak who thinks we're written in the stars,
When you say I'm beautiful, I avert

Because I'm scared of what I do not know,
Don't know if I can be happy at all,
But maybe life will live and let me grow,
But I'm scared that I'll only ever fall.
So when you leave I'll rip myself to shreds,
But things beyond repair may yet still mend.
This is my first try at a sonnet. I hope I did well. I appreciate feedback and comments! :)
The sun sank down at dawn
The finch returned to its nest
The crocus postponed all plans
And peace went back to her bed

The light might come tomorrow
The birds may return in song
The flowers can rise in the new Spring
And there's hope to be had erelong
Mixed feelings from watching the news.  Added the second stanza  a couple of days later. Theres always hope.
When it seems as though
The human coil is unravelling
And we have peaked
Our REM of creativity
And we seem awash
In half-baked positive negativity
And the whole world seems
To be drowning in self-induced sleep
While even the watchers
Seem to have both eyes closed...

Turn this thing around
And open bloodshot eyes.
Stop your own unravelling
And delve deeper into creativity.
Strengthen the bonds
Of your own exclusive and non-exclusive spheres.
Allow your peaceful world to dawn
Even though the outside world drowns
In its own exclusive and non-exclusive pool of fears.
©2018 Daniel Irwin Tucker

Salvaging and maintaining what we can in devastating storms of life, and to never stop growing and caring or trying to care for others who are in their own little worlds.

REM (rapid eye movement):
The phase of sleep in which most dreams occur. During rapid eye movement sleep, a person's brain activity, breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure increase, and the eyes move rapidly while closed.
Used as a metaphor in this poem.

"Watchers" in this poem does not refer to angels as in the biblical context. "watchers" generally refers to individuals who actively monitor or observe something, often with the intent to protect, detect changes, or report on specific activities.
Broken Pieces Feb 24
C is my first LOVE
The love that never leaves you
The person that you look for
In other people

C is the one that got away
The one that I ****** up
I ended things
Out of my own fear

C came back
And I’m so afraid
it’s gonna end again
With me running away

C is my love
But I don’t want
To mess things up
How do I do this
When my whole life
I’ve ran from love?
You dig a hole deeper than what gravity can hold down;
put your phone down – making those comments just to
ring the crowd up.

You’ll never fly any higher than an ostrich; but you play
their popular myth, when you bury your head in the dirt –
to cover up your face, with false scales of makeup making
up your worth.

Maybe as I missed the translation of when someone says,
“bed” to the word bird – to believe you rest in the nest
of your fears; never to leave that habitat, to soar above
the world.

Seems a habit not to face your fears –
sitting on your wings!
Tell me;

when does the suffering end, when does the weight lift up,
of waiting on unanswered prayers? Who else is out there to
place all the blame on, when your self-blamed self blames
you right back?  

who do you believe in less, firstly - God or yourself?
When facing all of the four walls, whose pinned up walls
stand much stronger? Who is fed firstly – an empty stomach,
or your poverty’s hunger?

For I am beginning to rest myself on canine sugars – a mutt
chasing after the sweetness of biting their own tail. Whereas
your daily bread seems to have gone a bit stale!

I’m not ready to die; but then again – I’m not so willing
to stay. And that makes for this to be… a scary prayer!
My biggest fear:

Is someone knowing all of my biggest fears,
just to use them all against me.

Blair Devine Feb 17
I don't regret meeting you,
I just wish that I had knew,
what distance from you would do.

Even after just one date,
absence forms when it gets late,
wishing I could feel your weight.

My dream placed you in my arms,
we kept ourselves safe from harm,
you had me lost in your charm.

I awoke from paradise,
to find the room cold as ice,
you might be my truest vice.

Wishing you were really here,
I find a truth you should hear,
you make my fears disappear.

I've said my words, time is scant,
I'll wrap up my little rant,
Happy Birthday Arthur Grant.
Even if it can only end in tragedy, every moment I've known you has been filled with love in a way I never thought possible. I can't remember life without you, and being with you feels more right than anything else I've ever felt. The time we had on the bench proved that no matter where we are, you are my home. I love you.
Archer Feb 13
You can stand up to your fears
By making them
Found love in a man’s clothes; the one who had
Love in his heart before that love stick in his pants

Man-made; a man made from complex emotions,
He’s just an emoji showing one shade of feeling
With a different one behind him

So few, do rarely wear their heart on their sleeve –
He does so well to cover up himself

                                              Naked men are so few!
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