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Arturo Hernandez Mar 2016
I saw your neck line.

I felt a wind
Being blown to my chest,

We were in a crowd when
We were the only ones there;

The earth stood still
and for a moment I thought
I could hear my own breath.
They usually told me to grow up,
to stop running in the streets,
stop giving out childish antics,
quit watching cartoons
and start acting responsible,
start being like a lady,
to open my eyes and take interest
in what adults or teens like to read.

Maybe I still don't want to let go of my childish self
cause it has been a long time since I've enjoyed myself.
I like fantasies that have a different twist, children who are out of the ordinary, stories that come from another land.
They never cease to excite me and make me think that this thing called reality is just a part of a dream, that my real world exists somewhere in another realm or in another portal where in even though you are already having a nightmare it still seems like a dream.
They might've long grown up but I don't think I will any time soon.

This kid inside me is wild and still wants me to imagine wide as if there ain't no boundaries.

*I believe that the only way out of reality is through a fantasy.
Cheyenne Brown Mar 2014
People are opinionated.
People are selfish.
People are obstinate.
People are argumentative.
People are lazy.
People are destructive.
People are creative.
People are beautiful.
People are determined.
People are complex.
People are unique.
People are amazing.
i Nov 2014
you're harsh
and harmful,
causing a havoc
out of my life.

you're strong
and demanding,
distrubing my already
****** up mind.

you're insane
and possesive,
crashing and breaking
my heart into pieces.

you're gorgeous
and aggressive,
piercing through
my jumbled mind.

you're simple
and fascinating,
completely destroying
my body with yours.

                                    *but baby, you're all mine,
                                              still only mine.

— The End —