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IcySky Jul 2015
Its beauty unravels as in bursts in the night sky,
multiple colors unleashed and free,
exploding with awe.

Fire in the sky as some call it,
the rays of color and shape amaze,
as always I watch intensively.

I watch as the flowers spark,
as the blooms buzz,
and as the sparklers sizzle.

Amazed at the beauty and happiness
these small simple things bring,
to all who watch.

To be a part of such...
is much more than lighting a fuse,
it brings people closer.
Happy Fourth everyone!!!!!
i Jun 2014
the burning,
blinding sun is
slowly hiding
behind the
green mountains,
with a touch of
white snow,
and I admire the
monotony of the sun,
its energy to repeat
everything, day after day,
until it completely burns
and all its energy it's gone,
and has no more to continue,
so it does what's best for it -
it kills everybody, by
being a grenade and

— The End —