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Umi Mar 2018
One scarlet tear, makes it clear which drops from her cheek to the ground which burns away as acid, toxic, became lifeless in an instant
Emotions of any kind, are to ruin ones mind, ones soul from something more beautiful, clean and without any malicious intent,
Ruining what's best in us, corrupting inner peace with disturbance,
Free from bonds or feelings one would live alike the the moon; Elusive, with a cycle which turns and decides to recycles once again,
But what would be a life, free from the trouble of emotions, heartache
pain and agaony, happiness and glee with experiencess worth more than a soul could ask for, wish to be repeated, forming what is YOU,
Would it be a curse ? A blessing ? Would it be wise to purify onesself,
All these questions remain unanswered, as the world spirals it's transient, lifely joyful axis around our golden shining star, the sun,
Purity comes sinfree, cut from temptations of every meaningful term,
Then it would mean to give up anything, everything in solace, simply to remain free from an act or even a thought of unrighteousness,
Empathy would be lost in a purgatory of pure furies which knows no heart, or mercy for this matter, a life spend alone is an answer to this,
Oh servant, will you burn away like the flower in the heat of summer by achieving this purity you strive for just to call yourself better ?
After all, the joy of emotions is for all to experience
After all the love of light is for all to bear

~ Umi
Star BG Jan 2018
Sometimes, I have a grand idea.
A vision to write and share
with poet community and beyond.

But when self approaches screen,
finger freeze, as if in a frozen pond white.
As if letters stare back with eyes
that can’t see reason.

Moment drag as thoughts are stagnant
in a mind-like pool.
Words swimming helplessly whereby
all I could do is hope for a
preserver-like spark to rescue me.

The idea is lost in the whirlpool of thoughts
so I drift.
anxiously waiting for a new one to emerge.
For writers who have a block...
Not that I  as you see is at a loss for words LOL
Ma Cherie Sep 2017
Love can be so fleeting
like the brightly shining sun
to leave you feeling sorely burned sometimes
or relieved when days are finally done
times to leave you feeling empty or leave you feeling perfect- full
sometimes love is high so grand
sometimes there is a quiet lull
sometimes it's awful easy true
other times
it's like a stupid an
stubborn bull

either way
- we always seek it
elusive like a distant dream
we chase it an ever wander on
to seek a perfect shining gleem,
like the rays of the sweet
warm sunshine
to finally bask in the
lovely glowing beam

that's what love is I think.
Copyright Ma Cherie 2017 still having trouble but trying anyway to write that is having trouble with the system here
Ami Shae Aug 2017
Time hides from me anymore--
          I tried to invite it to stay
I've double locked the door
          so it won't get away--
but still, it eludes me
          and I keep wishing it would just come
and set me free...
           I'm beginning to feel
that time has no time
           for the likes of me.
Seems my time here is fewer and farther between...My life is in such chaos these days and I keep thinking I'll have time to come here to read, to write, but somehow time just keeps escaping my grasp! Someday I hope to spend more time here! Hope all of you are doing well and won't give up on me!
amabel Aug 2017
She pranced among the cerulean flowers,
Not a care in the world.
Her smile so bright,
It competed with the sunshine.
She looked back,
Only to see that he was not following.
She frowned, and ran back.
She tried to grab his hand but hers passed through his slicing through thin air.
He shook his head with sad eyes and turned away.
Now confused and frantic, she lunged for the red sleeve of his shirt.
She only felt air pass through her hand as she fell towards the ground covered in flowers.

She woke up to the dissonant ringing of her alarm clock, gasping for air with tears streaming down her cheeks.
Writing this to help me go to sleep
Ma Cherie Aug 2016
vigilant and amused
follow the elusive
sweet spot"

Cherie Nolan © 2016
Just rockin random?
Darkness comes down on the bucolic path
Draw what on the canvas!
Who will be your partner
When the craft will be departed from the dock

Lost the way in the midst of the way
In the flow of wandering of tune
Flying the handkerchief of memory
In the sky of the distinct shadow

'--' who roost into your Soul
Plowing the barren field of heart
Even Is '--' going afar today
Feeling the stars dropping on the desert

In what, what you find!
In the streams of lost tunes
'--' who stay there
Maybe '--' is a mount of distant

Why are you looking behind
At the time of departure
As the Sun of late afternoon
Only saying goodbye!!
@Musfiq us shaleheen
********* Please comment ************
Astraea Aug 2016
Creeping feeling of dread
Crawling its way up my spine
Tears uncontrollable
The dam of my eyes broken down
Time is of the essence
Time is key
Every chance I get I seize
To roll a dice against time
My control wavers
Badly needed
So desperately craving
A raw hollowness inside
I chance another gamble
Time slips my grasp
I withdraw my bet
Let's not push my luck
I plead silently with time
To give me what I want
I need this time
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