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Arcassin B Nov 2020
By Arcassin B

Call my phone ,I messed you up,

you say your sorry,
then we make up , forget our pasts,
and then start all over,
again we fall,
I know we've been through it all,
things you say leave me appalled,
in this life you only get one so lets not stall,
if you could bare  it all,
love is a complicated thing that only two young people can possess,
I was thinking it would be forever until said you can not stress,
You were so special to me in every way that no one could compare,
don't let me leave , but you just did, but I'm not sad at all ,
thats what you want me to be,
running and fighting a distant memory,
chasing the only thing that let me go,
pinching myself , man this isn't a dream,
you're a lot of stuff your heart won't show.

©abpoetry2020 ©arcassinburnham2020
Bhill Oct 2020
the reactions we've had to this year's differences are a predicament
they will have an effect for year's to come
friendships lost because of opinions
opinions established by the social dependencies we retain
the dumbing down of real news
as we come to the end, be one to pause and reflect
look back and determine where you fit in, in this spectacle

Brian Hill - 2020 # 292
mark soltero Oct 2020
echos of ageless souls ring aloud
they yearn to tell
the meaning of our pairing
something beyond the lust
of my gaze
past the sense of intoxicating vulnerability
why do they allow the wandering serpent to roam babylon
absent of knowledge of what’s to come
can he relinquish all inhibition
to reach the realms of nirvana
or will he implode like the the morningstar
Jay Sep 2020
I touch concrete on my knees-
Wounds, hot flesh, a familiar sting.

I bleed to scab,
Pick and itch more.

"All is fair in love and war."
Ces Sep 2020
The tiny red ant scampers
In a forest of greenish mold
Its bristly legs carrying
Biological modules:
A head with pincers
An imperceptible thorax
A swelling abdomen.

It has nothing but a laborious drive
A pheromone-induced servility
For the queen: the lazy, bloated tyrant!
The sole purpose being
The laying of eggs.

The noble red ant
Moves on to scavenge
Blind and dumb

To the ruthless cycle
Of its existence.
Brooke Olthouse Sep 2020
I ******* miss you
Wish I could kiss you
I'm furiously mad at you
Tried to be good for you
Feel ******* sad without you
Nothing but bad to me
Should have minded myself
Instead I blinded myself
When the weather changes
and it's finally September
I feel in love.
When the breeze is cool
everything is better
I feel in love.
When I can wear a beret or
don a favorite coat
I feel in love.
& when I sit down and read
something that you wrote
I feel in love.
Dumb and ignorant are not synonyms. Dumb, well, means dumb, but ignorant means uneducated. Dumb people will vote for Criminal Trump. Ignorant people may vote for Criminal Trump. Educated people, people who know the principles of democracy, will likely vote for Biden, not because he is brilliant, but because he is decent. Our nation was built on slavery and genocide. Blacks and the autochthonous were the victims. The progeny of slavery is racism. Racism permeates America. Criminal Trump, a vitriolic racist (redundant, but for good reason) himself, as was his father, will sell his rotten soul to garner four more years in the Oval Office rather than in a prison cell. Dumb, dumber, and dumbest, right? Criminal Trump wouldn't mind a little plagiarism, would he? He is functionally illiterate. Dumb as a rock. So we come full circle:  simply, there are more dumb people and uneducated people than reasonably intelligent people in America. But it doesn't take too much intelligence to mark a ballot or to wave the Stars and Stripes or to hate others whose skin is a slightly different shade than yours.

Copyright 2020 Tod Howard Hawks
A graduate of Andoc=ver and Columbia College, Columbia University, Tod Howard Hawks has been a poet, an essayist, a novelist, and a human-rights advocate his entire adult life.
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