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mjad Aug 2019
i just realized that tonight might be my last
to spend in bed with my obese cat
purring under my arm
because now im an adult
and my life will move on
no more crying too
or talking and cuddling
and holding in front of a mirror
so she can see her reflection
no more petting or kissing
or waiting to scoop up when i come home
because now im an adult
and my life has to move on
and im moving out
a kiss on my finger
one last cuddle by my face
as she walks on my keyboard
as i type  this
accidentally hitting space
the saddest of goodbyes
that i'll ever have to face
true story
Kristin Marie Nov 2018
I hate this feeling
This feeling I’m feeling is a feeling that’s not appealing
This feeling I’m feeling is way to unappealing I scream to god “why aren’t I healing?”
This feeling that’s revealing,
People see what I’ve been dealing with and It’s hard to express this feeling I’m feeling  better cover it up better start concealing it…
I can’t say a word though… to anyone about it …because if I do I’d cry,
I’m depressed and people ask me why I get high?
Because I feel college is getting dry
This isn’t what I expected, this is all a lie
The thoughts of me failing would only leave me mortified
Got me in my dorm thinking why should I even try?
Beating me up leaving me with this ugly black eye
And people got a nerve to ask me why I get high?
That’s why I get high
This is what college is about?
This is why I’d cry
Now a days I get so busy and overwhelmed I don’t even have time to admire the blue sky
I’m drained
This feeling I’m feeling make me lean to god more and more I pray I get some faith healing
Kneeling on my knees I pray for the answers I’ve been needing
The negative voices in my head are getting louder and louder
The words that my demon has been speaking can get a little much
I’m screaming I can’t bare to feel this feeling that I’m feeling
I’m stressed
But the cutie on the 8th floor got my back
Call him down for some ****** healing
After he’s gone I’m still left with this feeling that I’m feeling
I’m done
But I can’t be, people say have courage and I’m trying to
They say I’ll be right here for you
But this feeling I’m feeling is so unappealing I just don’t want to feel it anymore
This poem means so much to me. Because I'm in college, I often feel this feeling I describe in the poem almost everyday.  I often feel lost like what I'm doing isn't right and everything I'm doing is wrong. College is getting overwhelming for me and I needed to let what I've been feeling about it all out. I hope people can relate to this.
Jessica Jarvis Aug 2018
My room is looking emptier than it ever has before,
Got the clothes on my back; boxes are packed, sitting by the door.
Oh, how this is happening oh so soon feels like a dream,
But by the time the week is up, it’s me, my dorm, and the university.
Laura Jul 2018
Take me back to the night we met
When the day was hot
And the air was humid
The sky was crisp
And the clouds were nonexistent
Our skin spotted with sweat

My life was sprawled out in front of us both
My emotions were high
But you didn't care
You listened to it all
About my family
About my friends
About my random little trinkets
Things that meant nothing to you
And everything to me
You listened to it all

Take me back to that night
When we cleaned sticky **** off the wall
With Magic Erasers and Goo Gone
When we did nine loads of laundry
And you saw all the underwear I own
But you still didn't care

The air was silent
But we filled it with our voices
With laughter
With nervous excitement
Coming from the first date
Take me back to that night
When I first fell in love
In this dorm,
Where I first met you
I did'nt like you.
We were roommates,
It was weird 'cuz you're a guy
As time goes by,
We became close friends
But I did'nt realize,
I already fell for you

I wanted to confess,
But I was scared
I got nervous when you called me to meet up
What if you'll say "I have a girlfriend"
Negative thoughts came into my mind

I got to the place where you told me
I saw you, you waved at me
I asked you what is it about
You told me that there is this girl you fell inlove with
It broke my heart hearing those
You describe her and asked what to do
I told you to confess directly even if it hurts

"She is standing in front of me now"
Tears fell into my eyes
We kissed under the moonlight
Well, being under the same roof was'nt bad at all.
Sorry if it's bad. I'm not sure if it's a poem though but I just wanna share it. Hope you like it
trashcanpoetry Aug 2017
i fell in love with
the way you put your
pen to paper
so smooth, carelessly
and still so thoughtful

i fell in love with
the way you
looked at me when
you were around
your friends
it’s like im the only person there

i fell in love
when you ran to hug me
when the shooting was mid chaos
i was so afraid
but your arms were
radiating comfort

i fell out of love
when you brought
your girlfriend to the dorm
for the weekend
and she got all of
my attention

i fell out of love
because there was
never any love to give
for my freshman year love.
Lark Train May 2016
Whose pizza here, I do not know.
He's partying in the dorm below;
I do not think that he would mind
Me taking seven slices home.
Enjoy College, Class of 2016!
Taylor Ramey Dec 2015
Looking out the window,
The melancholy snow stops all.
The once bright city
left to die
smothered by the bitter cold
I crave the warmth
of a companion
someone to hold me.
It's never felt so cold
Remaining inside
Tomaz Dean Aug 2015
Wake up,wake up
It's Still dark,still dark
Wake up,wake up
Keep dreaming and keep snoring
For somehow the feeling was gone,
Four Friend is wake up,
Doing same thing,same thing
everyday in the morning,
left  the soul,left it
just a body that going to class
Wake up,wake up
but Already wake up
Souls is still sleeping at bedrooms
1 Sept
Mel Harcum Mar 2015
Some part of you is like the moon
softly glowing beside me on my too-small bed,
and the monumental loneliness you wear as a halo
must be a trick of the eye despite keeping me awake,
hunched over a folder of unedited poems at 2:45AM.
I wonder what the moon dreams of when the sun
tucks it into bed at dawn as your eyelids flutter
and your breathing hitches for a moment
before you roll over, face the wall,
parting clouds with a small sigh.
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