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Sydney Lambeth Nov 2019
The injured king comes to his feet, bewildered that he's been healed. His baby sister, one who is destined not to fight, saved his life. But not by herself, no. Behind her, with proud eyes, are not only his other siblings, but the mighty High King of all of Narnia. The lion who told the siblings they were special.

The lion, a great and honorable beast, came at the most opportune time. When the army needed his help the most, when there was almost no hope left, he came.

Around the children and the great lion, the army of Narnia breaks into cheers, happy to know that the long winter is over. The witch, who was as pale as snow itself, was no more. Her presence all but banished to a dark and forbidden place.

As soon as the battle was won, the army was made clean from their battle scars, the children were rewarded with a gift. As long as they lived; they would be the kings and queens of this wild, yet beautiful land.
Narnia is a special place, especially for a mega nerd like me. I've never wanted to go to Hogwarts, I've always wanted to go to Narnia. The medieval/ middle ages have always fascinated me. (It also doesn't help that I had... okay, have, a major crush on Peter!)
Sydney Lambeth Nov 2019
With your sword raised high and body ready for battle, how could I not follow you? A spirited leader, in such a young boy. His every decision backed by the ever present lord of the realm.

But we are scared, even with such brave leaders. Against a mighty foe we will face. A powerful witch; as pale as snow and as cunning as a fox. Her mighty powers put fear in the depths of many and few have the courage to stand against her.

The brave young leader; his wild, blonde hair whipping in the wind... he is not afraid. He is willing to fight for those he loves and even fight for those he has never met. Anger, sadness, determination is set in his eyes. We will not lose, he says, for evil cannot reign forever.

With brave howls and saddened screams, we run towards our enemies, knowing full-well some of us will not make it back alive. But to know that we have fought a fair fight to protect those we love, is worth the price.
One of my favorite childhood movie series. Instead of wanting to go to Hogwarts, I wanted to go to Narnia. The books and movies hold a special place in my heart.
Christina O Oct 2019
If I had followed Peter,
I would have never grown up,
and my child like imagination would have stayed intact.
If I had read all the books like Belle,
I could have seen the beauty and wonder long before I missed out.
I wouldn’t have been so quick to judge.
If I could have had the courage to do what I long to do,
maybe Merida could have helped me through.
And if I had been a little more me,
and a lot less of what the world wanted,
then maybe I could embrace the uniqueness inside of me that Lilo never had a problem with.
Maybe I would have chased my dreams.
But who knows.
The future is still there,
and as long as tomorrow comes,
there is hope.
And I’ll try to embrace that.
coulorfulSmoke Sep 2019
Remember Red,                                            
originality is not Remembered or Respected in Regards to art.

i’ll Reward you,
when you stick yourself in the photocopier.
kerri Aug 2019
Oh Peter;
I swore I would never grow up - fly to Neverland with you;
Now I'm 17;
I wish I kept my promise;

Oh Peter;
Children don't hate themselves as much as I;
Children don't get excited to drift off to sleep;
Children don't wonder whether tomorrow is their last;

Oh Peter;
Can you tell me when it all went wrong - when I stopped believing;
Perhaps Captain Hook was behind it;
I miss you, Peter;
Written around 2014.
Guy Furniture Jun 2019
I think about you every single day.
From the moment we first met,
To this moment today.

You simply amaze,
My heart is ablaze;
I fell for you in all sorts of ways.

Now here I am, missing you today,
As I sit here in silence, my heart feels astray.

And as the day comes to an end,
The thought of you drifts into my mind.
I lay back to relax,
After all, dreaming of you helps me unwind.

As I close my eyes,
The thought of us drifts through my head.
We're going places,
Full speed ahead.

You take my hand,
We're running through a prairie.
And before I know it,
We're surrounded by fairies.

To our left, there's a pirate,
Who's missing a hand?
"Look, flying above us!
It's Peter Pan!"

So Neverland is where you've decided to take me.
Where we never grow old, stay young, and fly freely.

Well, now it's my turn,
Take my hand and count down from three.
I'll give you a hint,
We'll be deep beneath the sea.

As you open your eyes you gasp!
We're right beside a whale.
I point down,
"Look, you've got a tail!

Come, follow me,
Through the deep blue sea.
I'll introduce you to my friends,
And of course, Chef Louis."

We swim down through a city,
To a palace, we are let in,
Where we meet Ariel, Flounder,
Sebastian, and of course,
King Triton.

A throwback to our childhood,
At least for me,
"I know you love water,
So let loose
Swim free"

After a while,
You give me a kiss,
"What was that for?" I ask
"It's for all of this"

You smile and say
"Even though this is great,
It's my turn now,
And I cannot wait."

You take my hand,
As we swim towards the sky.
"This time will be different,
It'll be just you and I."

"Where are we going?"
I begin to ask.
"You'll see soon enough,
Now put on this mask..."

"I feel so distant,
It's silent, are we far?"
You slide off my mask,
"Look at all those beautiful stars."

I stand there in awe,
Then look back to your face.
"Dear, wh-where are we?"
"You dingus, we're in space."

All around there are stars passing by.
To our right,
To our left,
Low and high.

"Dear, this is wonderful,
I love space!"
"I know," you say.
"It's an amazing place."

I hold your hands,
This dream has been so fine.
I lean towards you,
And feel your lips press up against mine.

As I open my eyes,
I'm back in my bed.

And missing you,
That's back in my head.
Madison Apr 2019
Save your happy endings for Disney
Arden Apr 2019
I just realized that peter pan is actually an angel
And neverland is heaven
Those kids didn’t age because they were dead
I wish I didn’t age

I try to put my mental health before education
But then it affects my education which effects  
My mental health which effects my
Educ- you get it

Do you realize we are the kids our parents
Warned us about

I am an overly emotional
Distant private person
Who has the tendency to overshare at any moment
And I don’t know what the **** that means
But I'm going with it

This poem doesn’t really have a meaning
But I think that might be the meaning
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