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just like popcorn -

those soft, incredible clouds
appearing from what
once was

rock -

my thoughts are formed.

out of nowhere,
another pops into my mind,
joining it's fellow corns,

only to later

be consumed,
and discarded

by people who


- v.m
i was eating popcorn, then this happened.
I'm not allowed to keep doing this,
Pretending that you still exist with me,
You left me and I should be over it,
I know it's all my fault,
Except I just can't let go of all the time we spent,
Laughing and being best friends.
I still imagine that we're okay,
That we're still mates and you didn't go away.

When I think of the future,
I still fantasise that you might be in it,
When in reality you don't even care,
I doubt I own a second of your subconscious thoughts.
The only thing I ever get:
Is myself in the dark.

If you share your shadows,
You should expect those people,
To go away.
pk tunuri Jun 2018
To see more and more
Every time, I used to sit at the train door!!
I didn't capture this imagery before
So, I kept my eyes wide open to store!!

Well, I must agree
You'll get to see
Wide angled views for free
All that I can recapture is a tree
And, It never stops surprising me
Meanwhile, the people who come to ***

Will mistake me for a *******
Thinking that I'd jump off to make my life Departed!!
They'll try hard to get me safe Guarded
Finally, they'll close the door and have me Discarded!!
Poetic T Apr 2018
Hearts are broken
            with crumbled regret.

Words are neglected
             without our thoughts.

Were discarded, and our feelings crumpled.
emily Oct 2017
I was told from a young age that I wasn't good enough. More so implied, but regardless, that thought had been permanently etched in every section of my brain, so that I'd never forget it. I never did. I was manipulated, stepped on, and discarded to the point where even if i tried to, I couldn't forget it. Their words made me feel like an outsider in my own body. I wanted so badly to dig my nails do deeply into my skin that I would be able to rip my skin off and become a new person. I wanted to find the last fragments of myself that hadn't been destroyed but truth is, there wasn't any. I had been corrupted head to toe. Most people think words are harmless and just ricochet off the surface of their skin, and have no effect on them whatsoever. For me, their words went in every cell in me, stuck in every artery, and every single piece of tissue, and radiated through my bones and ruined me. They ruined me. I was ruined. They had stole this innocence I was had in me, and threw me in this endless abyss of self loathe and insecurity. I was once snow, still am, but before I was white snow. I was white snow in a sense that I was once pure and innocent as I fell from the sky. Once I touched the ground, my purity vanished, and I became my current state of gray snow. Gray snow is ruined my people, by society, it is stepped all over and overall corrupted to the point where nobody acknowledges it anymore. It isn't as interesting and beautiful as white snow, it's dull and useless. Nobody likes the dull gray snow, not even the gray snow itself.
Poetic T Jul 2017
I sent a telegraph to your heart,
but the wire was cut before my
thoughts reached you.

I sent a letter to collect on your
doorstep, but I never posted
enough emotion.

"Return to sender whispered
within its closed reflection.

I'm incomplete with out you next to me,
faded words remembered before you left.
Incomplete emotions are never heard,  
I wait on the porch for any word.

But my needing is versed as my tears
fall, never captured by you feelings.
I'm incomplete without you, needing
you more than breath, I'm all alone.
Flowing silver
plated guise
I Give you a flower
that will never die

Reflect unto me
an unfortunate tone
I give you a necklace
you only want the stone
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