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devi Apr 2019
I wish i could just call you and
say: “Heyy, i know we haven’t
spoken in a while. But i would
love to just get in the car with
you and drive away from this
all. Hide in the woods, travel
with only some books. Buy
some groceries on the way,
cook some lovely dinners and
just enjoy each other’s
company for a few days. To
simply sit in silence together or
talk every minute or two. Me
not wanting anything from you
and you nothing more from me,
other than breathing together
while exchanging our energy.”
But I won’t, I stopped running away with people I should run from
devi May 2019
and when it falls
it drops down
losing all form of complexion
lost in boundless shapes
purely placed
in effortless waves

i see you
in perfection
devi May 2019
I'm build from the fire
that evens you with the ground

I rise
whenever you fall

don’t underestimate the power
of a builder

we can see a house
even if it’s broken down
devi Jun 2019
“I feel no more that I am
I was
or ever will be”

let it be your freedom
not your prison
free yourself
devi Sep 2019
I breathe in
and you fill my lungs
I exhale in love

Don’t you know?
(you are my air)
devi Jun 2021
I don’t attach,
I just melt right into you
devi Jun 2021
because we’re all nothing more than
a number, right?
are we more?

either way,
I suppose you act accordingly!
devi Sep 2021
I never try to be anything
Instead I am whatever I need to be
I accept what I perceive
What I see is what I know
What I sense is what I feel
What I think is the frame
The equation is me
And the solution is the truth
It’s absolute
I am absolute
It always wants to be free
Yogi Devi Pada Sep 2018
I had everything the world can give but not you,
I was lonely in my heart and no idea what to do,
I was a hero and martyr in front of others,
But hidding my saddness and weakness in many colours.

I've could have stand againt an army alone,
But crying in the night when everyone was gone,
I have no fear for anyone in this world,
But I pray the suffering I've had no one would ever unfold.

You filled my heart with that which was missing,
The first time we were kissing,
I've felt how your soul enters in mine,
Now I'm complete, Oh my Love! ; you made me so Divine.

Maybe everything will finish soon,
But meeting you is my greatest fortune,
Even thought everything might break apart,
Know that I'm greatefully eternal to you in my heart!

And if it doesn't , I swear to God,
I will make you a queen and people will scream your name loud,
I will give you everything that this world can have,
Even beyond and even my heart!
Yogi Devi Pada Sep 2018
I send people far away,
Not because I hate, but because I care about they,
Used people as I use an ashtray,
When they love me unconditionally, I betray,

I would like to apologise, but there is no way,
Deleting the suffering I've made to they,
But I pray, but I pray,
That God takes everything from me and gives to they!  

The more I send you away,
Know that I love you, and I pray for you everyday,
Please send everything you have bad inside of you to me,
Im a garbage collector and that was meant to be,

If you have a problem, give it to me,
Hate none, except me,
I pray that I will have this opportunity,
To take all the bad from your destiny.
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