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It's the weekend (Friday night). Lisa and I are hangin’, music’s playing, and we’re rummaging through my suitcase, for an outfit option, for me, tonight. Call it cliché, but we like going out - and getting ready to go out with a friend, beforehand, is one of the rituals of beauty culture.

Let’s get poetic!

If the sun is gonna shine
in an endless blue (climate-changed) sky,
if the temperature’s going to climb,
until eggs on sidewalks fry,
then it’s lighter, summer-wear time.

I made sure Lisa and I had two days, in Paris, to shop the Rue Saint-Honoré. ***** 5th avenue, the 1st arrondissement is la capitale of fashion - after all, it’s Coco Chanel's old haunt. Now, we have Armani, Chloe, Dior, Michael Kors, Hermès and Versace - just to name a few - I mean, gag a fashionista.
Looking for bargains? You’re in the wrong place.

If you’re down and thinking the world is turning to.. well, something bad, then you NEED some fashion, some beauty and some elegance. You don’t even need to buy anything - browsing is sumptuous.

The boutiques are sound-proofed - so the world won’t intrude - and thickly carpeted so even your steps are muffled - or marble floored, polished to a fractured brilliance under the lit spiderwebs of fallen-star-lights. And the fragrances - no cap - the very air is different - it smells like aged money - that was a joke - they take new money these days.

What’s important, in these palaces of style, are the whispered promises of unattainable beauty. Just browsing will up your game, because inspiration is everywhere, in sheens that put butterflies to shame, supima-cottons as soft as a sigh, and dresses that swirl like magic - and so many accessories.

Lisa and I are young and easily ignored. Sales staff in these boutiques wear a leotard of arrogance, that fits like skin - the arrogance of people talking down to lesser folk.

Lisa gasped when she saw a delicate, white ecru-cotton and silk-poplin mid-length shirt-dress by Dior. “Look at this,” she said softly, running her fingers along the delicate hem. I checked the tag, it read: €2770 ($3000).
At that moment, a salesgirl - who looked to be 25ish - stalked over with a "look but don't touch" vibe that implied we weren’t worthy to touch the merchandise - or maybe be there at all.

I bristled for Lisa, who’d withdrawn her hand as if burnt. I fished my phone from my clutch (it has a card-carry-case attached) and waved my black Centurion® Card (which can serve as a fu^k-you passport),
“Have you got this in a French-36?” I jibbed, obstreperously (of course I know Lisa’s size). If my return-rudeness stung the salesgirl, there was nothing she could do with it.

An older lady that I assumed was her supervisor joined us, all smooth smiles and low honey voice, “Hello ladies,” she said, as she glided around us like a wraith. “Go see (about the dress),” she told the young clerk, dismissively.

The original salesgirl gave us a brittle smile that came and went like an eye blink, “Oui,” she said, smartly, while spinning away like a top.
“Would you like a glass of wine or champagne?” The supervisor purred.
“Non, merci (No thank you),” I said, smiling curtly.
“We have it,” the original sales girl announced a moment later.
“We’ll take it,” I pronounced.
“NOo,” Lisa said, jerking as if electrically shocked.
I waved my hand, as if scattering dust, “My treat.”

Lisa insisted on trying it on. It fit like a dream and she looked like a supermodel (My dress needed tailoring - the bust taken in sigh). So, at least we know what she’s wearing tonight.
songs for this:
Glamor Girl by Louie Austen
Baby You’re a Superstar by NuDisco
Comme ci, comme ça by ZAZ  
Our cast:
Lisa, (roommate) 20, Manhattanite ‘glamor girl’ (who’d bristle at that description but it’s hundo-p true.) - my bff. A fellow (pre-med) molecular biophysics and biochemistry major.
From Merriam Webster’s “Word of the day’ list: Obstreperous: aggressively noisy.

no cap - for real
Michelle A Ford Aug 2020
We are about to go out
you need to get me ready
Complete the night
Lets keep us steady

I will be your secrets
Also your escape
I will hold for you a memory
Even a weapon you can take

Designed by Coach
He is arriving in a domestic?
Already my value
is decreasing this is hectic!

Don't forget the ******
that mini shots and tampons too
I can make them fall out on command to scare him off
If you want me  too!?

You look stunning in chu
glad his clutches have not released
I have one more night
to be clutched for peace.

Careful when setting me down
as they say
never put me on the ground or
money will fly away.

*** he is here
He had better at least be hot
Don't forget Snoop and the ***
In case we have to drop it like its hot!!!!
The thoughts of a handbag.......
Amanda Kay Burke May 2020
No fancy journals
Designer markers or pens
Number two pencil
I now write in pen actually but this was written back when I only used pencils
K Balachandran Jul 2018
sky, patchwork designer quilt,
invites the dull sun to rest;
keeps the rain clouds away!
The Trumpoet Feb 2017
How sad for you, Ivanka dear,
the world can be so mean.
You toil so hard both night and day
there at your sewing machine.

To bring the world such wondrous joy
of shoes and bags and fashion
but big, bad Nordstrom came along
and stomped upon your passion.

You seem kind and intelligent
but folks won't buy your stuff,
'cause you support your daddy
and of him, they've had enough.

Ivanka, we all understand
that you must love your dad.
But narcissistic greed and power
have driven him quite mad.

So please Ivanka, intervene.
Enable him no more.
Just let us know you disagree
and step back, we implore.

If you and Jared do what's right,
then you we will adore,
and you may find, your product line
will be back in the store!
You can also see this and my other Trump poems at:
Link to video of this poem:
Written February 12, 2017
He felt immersed in the thought of a woman cigarettes and designer clothes
But I'd rather feel immersed in the thought of the smell of cherry blossom perfume and a video game controller in her hands
Call me what you want
Just aspiring for something different
Everything feels like the same old archetype you see in English class
If you payed attention
I know some of us didn't
It's okay
I slept in mine
Because we hardly did anything in there
Talk about false advertisement
If you thought my life ****** before, you're sadly mistaken
Instead of entrenching ourselves with tons of books
We did a little work and took breaks in our work like Clay Aiken
Bouncing into something new only a few times
Now what i expected
I just wanted to be those happy kids in those school commercials
Was that so hard to ask for?
Literature and good friends
You don't even know the first thing of elation like i do when i put those two together.
All those designer clothes and bejeweled accessories
Aren't going to hide the black heart you carry*
You may be surrounded by wealth but wouldn't you rather have a friend more loving than gold?

— The End —