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Ember Evanescent Nov 2014
Dear Pamela Rae

You are such a kind and magnificent soul.

You poetry is deeply moving.

You are a deeply moving person and poet.

You words make my day all the time and you are truly inspiring.

I have selected some of my favorite lines from your poetry and
responded to them.

Take my smile,
dear Universe
so that I might know pain
-Pamela Rae

What an extraordinary thought! Beautifully written and insightful.

I have a room
where I keep
so many memories
-Pamela Rae

It is a powerful feeling to imagine the waves of recollections washing over you as you step into a room that hold memories. Unique idea and gives physicality to otherwise intangible echoes of the past.

My heart stopped.
I thought I had
lost you.
-Pamela Rae

The dread and terror that vibrate within this phrase is so impactful you can just imagine the feeling of your pounding heart suddenly coming to a halt. To be unable to function due to shock so exquisitely contrasts numbness and anguish.

All she needs
Is to escape into life.
-Pamela Rae

Magnificent concept. To find refuge in living. Your mind works in a wonderful way.

Without Questions
there would be
no answers.
-Pamela Rae

True and lovely. Wise words. Simple and brilliant.

You keep telling me
About the mistakes I've made,
The things I've done
As if speaking of them
Will change what took place
Nothing can change
The past, nothing can erase
The hurt, the pain, the sadness—
-Pamela Rae

Such aching heartbreak grips these poetic words in such a real way. Emotions made out of syllables. I can feel the agony crawling across my skin like early winter frost on a window pane. Enchanting yet haunting.

Stop being so scared, my friend--
it's going to be okay.
-Pamela Rae

Words of encouragement are such a rare find in poetry. You come across as such a supportive person for this and I genuinely believe you are.

Dear Pamela Rae,
Your comments on my poetry and your messages always make me smile.
You have a way with words that is unlike anyone else’s.
You don’t bend them to your will the way a puppet master manipulates strings, you softly mold them like clay, gently and kindly the way your soul works in this world: Gently and Kindly.
I see so much beauty in your work and in you.
I see such unprecedented elegance and I want you to know, you are Starlight.
I can’t think of a metaphor to do your brilliance justice, but Starlight is as close as I can get.
You shine through darkness, your kind words pierce particularly my own dark days and provide delicate brightness to trace the path to smiling again.
You seem like a strong and phenomenal, inspiring person and poet.
I want to thank you for your kindness.
If you were a tiny crystal in a beach of powdery white sand, you would be precious enough to be worth searching through every grain of it to find you.
Rare and priceless.
In my eyes, you are Crystal Starlight. :)
Thank you for being amazing you.

It has made a difference in my life.

Love Ember
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
Hope is a funny thing, you know. People have the power give it and to take it away. It's so easily crushed and easily stolen. Since I came to this site, I have loved your poems. Today, you made me feel wanted, special. Like somebody could care. And I want you to feel the same. I want to find you.
Liz and Lilacs
I'm awkward and you're really nice and words don't explain anything
Patrick N Nov 2014
Following Ember Evanescent's Dear Blank Challenge (­ep-it-going-hellopoetry-dear-blank-challenge-secret-santa-poems-e­xcept-not-secret-and-not-santa-random-actpoem-of-kindness-strange­r-poetry-appreciation/)...  here is my appreciation of your work written down.

Worley's words make one think,
Often times simple thoughts expressed in a beautiful figurative tone,
Imagery delivered succinctly, accurately, yet holding onto aesthetics
A voice is felt, and appears consistently
Not perfect, nothing is,
His poetry is uniquely his
Some of my favourite lines of yours:
-With silent tears, she begs forgiveness, from one she has never wronged.
-The sun pursues my agony
-I imagine what it's like on the other side. Their taunts supply my mind with amazing dreams. Ambitions grand and humble ripen.

I find you-
                     (   extraordinary
desolate )


Your poems are-
                   (   poignant
stunning )


"I still want
her blackness,
to taste her magic,
to kiss
the devil inside her."

This is poetry I dream of. This is what is inside of me that you have words to make beautiful. This is extraordinary.
I hope you realize that.

I believe that each of us must do three things.

We must explore.
We must find home.
And we must make the world a more beautiful place.

This is the hardest thing to do.
Yet you make it look easy.

Keep writing.
chimaera Nov 2014
in this intangible world
i wander

(wording daringly
a make believe voice
trying the allure of poetry)

and come across
depicted landscapes
heartfulled universes

in this intangible world
i wander

in the ending day
i look for
this velvet red
with a deeply lasting
bouquet of life exhortation

in your poetry

as in the portuguese red wine you like

and i seat back
wrapped in this
sense of fulfilment

smiling at a giant
kneeling to a child
with dawn syndrome

a constructeur of love
abdicating judgement and prejudgement

crying alone for anger drainage
finding plenitude in a woman with his height
escalating an iced mountain
travelling ages in the winged tree
that waves by the window
considering far in the height
the ways of the worlderly life

in this intangible world
i wander
with your poetry echoing
and wondered i understand
how a heart grows humanity
and it feels like crying
to believe
in the tangibility of love
I do not mean to disrespect the challenge but, in its spirit, i intend to also express gratitude for the fulfilling poetry written by those we follow in a regular way. This is my humble way to express it to a poet i admire in so different levels.
Do visit his page:
Some Person Nov 2014
You can't be strong all the time;
Sometimes it's okay to be weak

But I have a feeling
if you use less energy
trying to be strong,
you'll find you're already
stronger than you realize

And sometimes
strength isn't the answer
your small, soft hands
are exactly what's needed
by someone in pain

Maybe you're good enough
just as you are
Please check out Melodie's writing here - highly recommended!
Sydney Ann Nov 2014
I wish that I knew you
Better than I do
For your words like to catch me
Through and through

I read what you write
Late into the night
Until my numb feet
Put up a fight

Thanks for the shivers
Thanks for the dreams
Thanks for the poems
That induce mental screams

I'd like to say more
But I'm out of rhymes
Just please remember
Your heart has touched mine
calion Nov 2014
a poets sin may be the words they create,
but when you said poetry isn't pretty
you forgot about your own.
and in violet,
you have truly succeeded
in speaking the language.
your words are concise in a way that mine will never be.
but you are amazing.
Sound Of Rain Nov 2014
I've followed you for such a long time,
your play with words are what bring me back to Hello Poetry every once in a while,
And today, when I sat scrolling through your work,
I just couldn't stop.
Oh no. Couldn't stop but I tried,
And I felt like a creep so I stopped halfway or so,
and I just wanted to let you know that when I read
what you wrote, it made me smile.
Your work is beautiful and I truly believe you have magical powers
for when your fingertips touch the keyboard, I am sure golden sparks fly
and work their magic,
for what you write is simple, yet incredible,
touching and relate-able
and most importantly, I feel,
so very powerful.
I've been so stressed about tomorrow,
            that I forgot to live today.

I repeat, so very powerful.
And your words inspire me,
And make me feel such strong emotions,
and although I don’t know you,
you make me wish I had someone willing to write for me,
and I hope you no longer have to feel the heartache and sadness you sometimes write about
and that you are able to smile.
But if you find yourself stuck someday and find no reason to smile,
remember that your words have moved me, and made me smile,
which in itself is a reason for you to smile,
for being able to move a stranger through your words is quite a great reason for happiness.
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